IRTS News Bulletin Archive

Click on the date to see the file:

14-Jul-2024   News from the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Mayo Repeater is Back on Air — Bere Island Activation for IOTA — Worked All Ireland Opportunity — June Edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter — IRTS Contests Update — Items for Inclusion in the Next Radio News

07-Jul-2024   News from the IRTS — National Short Wave Listeners Club AGM — EI0HQ in the IARU HF Championship — IP1X Team Active from Gallinara Island — RSGB 3.5MHz Club Championship Contest — Satellite News — Visiting Japanese Amateur Radio Operator — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

30-Jun-2024   Silent Key William (Billy) Power EI8HR — EI0IRTS Summer Holidays — The 100th anniversary of the first amateur radio activity from the city of Lviv — IRTS Contests Updates — FT8 Activity on 2m — Alexanderson Day is today, Sunday June 30th — Perseids Meteor Shower — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

23-Jun-2024   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Collective Communication Active from Bere Island — Update from the IRTS Contest Manager — SAQ celebrates 100 years on Alexanderson Day, June 30th — RSGB 3.5MHz Club Championship Contest — Propagation Forecast — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

16-Jun-2024   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — The 51st AGM of North Dublin Radio Club — Collective Communication Update — May Edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter — Radio Rally Update — Contests — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

09-Jun-2024   Open Call for Dublin Maker 2024 — Shannon Basin Radio Club Meeting on June 21st — Collective Communication Update — SAQ celebrates 100 years on Alexanderson Day, June 30th, 2024. — ARRL Confirm Network Attack — Contest Updates — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

02-Jun-2024   Join EI3CC at the Oscars (Orbiting Satellites Carrying Amateur Radio) — North Dublin Radio Club AGM — Shannon Basin Radio Club Meeting on June 21st — APRS Thursday — VHF Digital Activity on June 5th — Propagation Update — Logbook of the World is still offline — 2024 IARU Region 1 50 MHz CW/SSB Contest — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

26-May-2024   Welcome to 26 New Operators — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — IARU Monitoring System Region 1 Newsletter — IRTS CW Field Day — North Dublin Radio Club AGM — Cyberattack takes Logbook of the World offline — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

19-May-2024   Silent Key James Lappin EI2JY — News from the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Collective Communication Active for RNLI SOS Week — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Galway Radio Experimenters Club's Museum Evening — EI0IRTS Northeast News Service Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

12-May-2024   News from the IRTS — North Dublin Radio Club AGM — Contest Update — Solar Activity — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

05-May-2024   Silent Keys : John Reddington EI8AJ, Frank Cox EI3CT, and Leo McHugh EI8BR — International Marconi Day celebrated at Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mills on the Air and 145 Alive with Collective Communication EI3CC — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society AGM — North Dublin Radio Club AGM — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — 145 Alive takes place next weekend — East Leinster Amateur Radio Club Field Day — AMSAT Italia Enters into Ownership of IO-117 GreenCube Satellite — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

28-Apr-2024   News from the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Radio Scouting Ireland and Shannon Basin Radio Club team up for Camp North East — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Mills on the Air with Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rally Reminders — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

21-Apr-2024   Silent Key James Cullinan EI4DT — IRTS Examination Board Update — Update from the IRTS Contest Manager — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Thanks from Shannon Basin Radio Club — UKIECC Contests Update — Rally Reminders — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

14-Apr-2024   IRTS Examination Board Update — IRTS 2m/70cm Counties Contest Update — EI0MAR Award Station for International Marconi Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC : Special Event Station — Spanish Radio Amateur Authorisation for the 8 Meter Band — March Edition of the IARU Monitoring System Region 1 Newsletter — World Amateur Radio Day — Trans Equatorial Propagation Observed Between Africa and Europe — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

07-Apr-2024   News from the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC : Special Event Station — 150th Anniversary of Marconi — Galway Radio Experimenters Club Update — EIDX Group Returns Home from Lesotho — Maritime Radio Day 2024 — Rally Reminders — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

31-Mar-2024   IRTS Examination Board Announcement — IRTS 2m and 70cm Counties Contest — Maritime Radio Day 2024 — World Amateur Radio Day — 145 Alive Event on Saturday 11th May 2024 — UKEICC 80m Contest — IRTS QSL Bureau — Rally Reminders — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

24-Mar-2024   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Shannon Basin Radio Club Net Update — IRTS QSL Bureau — 7P8EI DXpedition to Lesotho — Upcoming Rally Dates — Contest Calendar Update — Digital Amateur Television Returning to the International Space Station — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

17-Mar-2024   News from the IRTS — 7P8EI DXpedition to Lesotho — IRTS AGM Weekend Updates — 145 Alive Event on Saturday 11th May 2024 — February Edition of the IARU Monitoring System Region 1 Newsletter — Contest Updates — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

10-Mar-2024   News from the IRTS — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Update from Collective Communication — 145 Alive Event on Saturday 11th May 2024 — Upcoming Rally Dates — Contest Updates — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

03-Mar-2024   Silent Key Christopher (Christy) Connolly EI4AB — IRTS Updates — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — Upcoming Rally Dates — Contest Updates — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

25-Feb-2024   IRTS Updates — Soldering Workshop in Tog Hackerspace — Maritime Radio Day 2024 — UK and Ireland Contest Club — Upcoming Rally Dates — Strongest Flare of the Current Solar Cycle — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

18-Feb-2024   IRTS Updates — EI0MAR is QRV Again — Update from Collective Communication — Rally Updates — RSGB 3.5MHz CW Club Championship Contest — IARU Monitoring System Region 1 January Newsletter — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

11-Feb-2024   Silent Keys Howie Freeman EI4JHB and Paddy Geoghegan EI5HS — News from the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — NSWLC Annual Dinner and the Launch of the IRTS Study Guide in Ennis — Updates from the Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — 437MHz from the Moon — AMSAT Italia Update Regarding the Greencube Satellite — Items for Inclusion in Next Week s Radio News

04-Feb-2024   Silent Keys Rudi Dorrepaal EI4HJB and John Lynch EI4KV — News from the IRTS — The 4th Edition of the IRTS HAREC Amateur Radio Station Licence Study Guide Is Ready — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally Next Week — Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society Rally — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

28-Jan-2024   IRTS Updates — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — EDIX Group Announce a DXpedition to Lesotho — IRTS AGM Weekend Update — EI25HEAL On the Air — Upcoming Contests — Rally Dates for your Diary — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

21-Jan-2024   145 Alive Event Next Week — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — IRTS AGM Weekend Update — New SOTA Mountain goat — Winter Field Day is Coming — Rally Dates for your Diary — Upcoming CW Contests — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

14-Jan-2024   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Updates — IRTS AGM Weekend and Shannon Basin Radio Club Rally Update — IARU Monitoring System Region 1 December Newsletter — Upcoming Contests — Eirpak Packet Radio Network in the Midlands — Shortwave Listening : Numbers Stations — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

07-Jan-2024   Silent Key : Pat Tuohy EI5FXB — IRTS Updates — A Happy New Year to all from Collective Communication! — Shannon Basin Radio Club SSB DX Nets Have Restarted — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — LEARC Radio Rally — Meteor Scatter Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

17-Dec-2023   Silent Key : Pat Kielthy EI6GR — IRTS Update — South Dublin Radio Club Update — Kells Radio Club Seeking Equipment — Shannon Basin Radio Club Nets Christmas Break — IARU Region 1 Monitoring System November Newsletter — The First 80m Contests of 2024 — Items for Inclusion in the Next Radio News

10-Dec-2023   News from the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Radio Scouting Ireland Update — Shannon Basin Radio Club Update Regarding the 2024 IRTS AGM Weekend — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

03-Dec-2023   Next IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS News Team Christmas Break — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party — North Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party — Santa on the Airwaves — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM — Engineers Ireland Guest Lecture by IRTS President Enda Broderick EI2II — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

26-Nov-2023   Next IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS News Team Christmas Break — December YOTA Month — Shannon Basin Radio Club Announce Special Hotel Rates for the 2024 IRTS AGM Weekend — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Society Annual Rally — Kells Radio Club Update — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party — North Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party — Contest Calendar Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

19-Nov-2023   HAREC Class Golf Has Started — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Santa is coming to Shannon Basin Radio Club — October edition of the IARU Monitoring System Region 1 Newsletter — Upcoming CW Contests — DXpeditions To Listen Out For — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

12-Nov-2023   Congrats To the Newly Licenced Operators — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Shannon Basin Radio Club Hosting the IRTS AGM Weekend 2024 — Software Defined Radio Talk Hosted by South Dublin Radio Club — North Dublin Radio Club Celebrating 50 Years — IrishFest 2024 : A Reminder to Clubs and Stations — Ireland’s First Satellite — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

05-Nov-2023   Silent Key : Paul Barnett EI7JM — IRTS AGM Weekend 2024 — South Dublin Radio Club Discuss Software Defined Radio — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Update — Irish Hour Net — RSGB 1.8MHz Club Calls Contest — Marquesas Islands and Chatham Island DXpeditions — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

29-Oct-2023   IRTS Officers Required — Seeking HF News Readers — EI0IRTS New Weekly News Bulletin — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — North Dublin Radio Club Celebrating 50 Years — Build Your Own Satellite Ground Station — IRTS 2m and 70cm Autumn Counties Contest Results Published — SSTV from the International Space Station — Upcoming UKEICC 80m Contest — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

22-Oct-2023   IRTS Insurance Officer Required — EI0IRTS New Weekly News Bulletin — IRTS Youth Officer Required — The National Maritime Museum of Ireland Special Event Station — Upcoming South Dublin Radio Club Talk — Collective Communication Update — Shannon Basin Top Band SSB Net Returns — World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station to air on UN-Day — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

15-Oct-2023   Reminder about the next HAREC Exams — IRTS Insurance Officer Required — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — North Dublin Radio Club Celebrating 50 Years — Radio Scouting Ireland : EI0RSI : Jamboree on the Air 2023 — Collective Communication Update — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club’s SOTA Event — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group Meeting — September’s Edition of the IARU Monitoring System Newsletter — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

08-Oct-2023   Silent Key : Jim Moore EI3V — Seeking HF News Readers — Monthly EI News — Congrats to the EI1ISS Team — Update from the Cork Radio Club — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

01-Oct-2023   Silent Key Bob Williams EI7AF — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Update — Irish Schools Contact With The International Space Station This Week — Calling Clubs and Stations for IrishFest 2024 — IRTS 2m/70cm Counties Contest Log Submission Deadline — Upcoming Contests — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

24-Sep-2023   IRTS Examination Board Announce the Dates of The Next HAREC Exams — National Short Wave Listeners Club Update — 145 Alive Event next Saturday — Southern Ireland Repeater Group Update — Collective Communication Update — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club AGM Update — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meetings Resume — South Dublin Radio Club News — Shannon Basin Radio Club 80m SSB Net Reminder — Items for Inclusion in Next Week's Radio News

17-Sep-2023   Silent Keys : David Maxwell EI9GBB and Tony Clifford EI9HK — IRTS Contest Updates — The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club UK/EI DX SSB Contest — Reminding Interested Clubs and Volunteers about the 145 Alive Event — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — August Edition of the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter — Collective Communication Update — Return of the Shannon Basin Radio Club 80m Net — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

10-Sep-2023   Dublin Maker Event Success — Seeking Interested Clubs and Volunteers for an Irish-based 145 Alive Event — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Shannon Basin Radio Club and the Railways on the Air Weekend — Draconids Meteor Shower — GreenCube AMSAT Survey — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

03-Sep-2023   IRTS Call for Expressions of Interest — Calling all Constructors — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Shannon Basin Radio Club active for the Railways on the Air Weekend — Collective Communication Update — RSGB Autumn Contest Series Resumes — FISTS CW Club Active On The 30m Band This Month — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

27-Aug-2023   IRTS SSB Field Day — Amateur Radio Exhibits at Dublin Maker — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Cork Radio Club Update — Galway Radio Club Trip to Inishbofin — North Dublin Radio Club 50th Anniversary — Propagation Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

20-Aug-2023   IRTS SSB Field Day — Southern Ireland Repeater Group EI2SIRG — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Collective Communication Update — Shannon Basin Radio Club Meeting — Calling All Constructors — AMSAT-UK 2023 Colloquium — IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

13-Aug-2023   Silent Key : Alan Adams EI5HY — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group activating Hook Lighthouse — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group Meeting — Collective Communications at the Steam Rally — Kerry Amateur Radio Group active for the International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — Meteor Scatter Update — Tropospheric Ducting Forecast — Ghosts in the Air Glow : An Ionospheric Transmission Art Project — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

23-Jul-2023   Galway Radio Club support the Joyce County Challenge — Update from IRTS Contest Manager Mark EI6JK — Collective Communications at the National Steam Rally — Eirpak Packet Radio Network in the Midlands — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC Meeting Reminder — Tropospheric Ducting Forecast — Solar Activity Update — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

16-Jul-2023   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Activation of Gallinara Island during IOTA 2023 — IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Newsletter — International CW Council Activities — Data Mode Activities This Week — Update from IRTS Contest Manager Mark EI6JK — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

09-Jul-2023   Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Update — Nervous Novices CW Net — VHF/UHF Field Day — Contests and Events — APRS Thursday — Meteor Scatter — Sunspot Count Hits a 21 Year High — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

02-Jul-2023   Silent Key : Thomas Hurley EI0DD — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC’s Sponsor A SWL Initiative Update — SOTA Ireland-EI/GI SOTA Activity Weekend on 7-9th July — Collection Communication at the Irish National Steam Rally — European Space Agency AMSAT Challenge — Contests and Events — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

25-Jun-2023   North Dublin Radio Club is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Collective Communication — CW Field Day Results — Contest and Events — Solar Cycle 25 Update — New AMSAT-UK Award — Ofcom UK planning to updating their amateur radio licensing framework — HF Newsreaders Urgently Required — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

18-Jun-2023   Tom McNamara EI8DD Silent Key — EI7FR/WB2EZM Silent Key — HF Newsreaders Urgently Required — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — IARU Monitoring System Newsletter — Contests & Events — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

11-Jun-2023   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Bangor & District Amateur Radio Society Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Galway Radio Experimenters Club EI4GRC — Collective Communication — Contests — Automatic Packet Reporting System Activity — Shannon Basin Radio Club Packet Radio Construction Project — 2m Tropospheric Outlook — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

04-Jun-2023   IRTS Committee — Italian Fidenza Radio Club Special Event Station — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — Welcome To New Licensees — TinyGS Station Workshop in Cork — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Collective Communications — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Contests — Items for Inclusion in Next Week’s Radio News

28-May-2023   IRTS Committee — National Shortwave Listeners Club — Contest News — ComReg New Amateur Station Guidelines 09/45 R5 — TinyGS Station Workshop in Cork — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Collective Communications : Amateur Radio Direction Finding — LimerickClare 2m Repeater back on air — HF Newsreaders Required — EI0HQ in IARU HF Championships — Deadline for printed news

21-May-2023   Silent Key : George Mc Clarey EI6S — Committee Meeting Postponed — Mills on the Air — National Shortwave Listeners Club — Collective Communications ARDF — Contest News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — EI0HQ in IARU HF Championships — HF Newsreaders Required — — Outdoor Operating — Deadline for printed news

14-May-2023   Silent Keys : Paddy Doran EI2CJ and Jim Hall EI9GLB — Thanks to Stefan EI4KU — Youth Camp in Hungary — Committee Meeting Next Saturday — Contest News — Collective Communications — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — HF Newsreaders Required — Deadline for printed news

07-May-2023   News from the IRTS — HAREC Class Foxtrot is Over! — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Contests — Photovoltaics — Venus on 47GHz — The Propagation Horoscope

30-Apr-2023   Tom Clarke EI6EH Silent Key — IRTS AGM — South Dublin Radio Club — EI0SWL — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — HamCamp at Friedrichshafen — Orbital News — High Altitude Balloon — The Propagation Horoscope

23-Apr-2023   IRTS Awards For The Year 2022 — HAREC Examination — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Contests — HF Activities — The Propagation Horoscope

16-Apr-2023   News from the IRTS — IRTS AGM and Rally — NSWLC Report — IRTS.GROUPS.IO — KARG Monthly Meeting — TARG AGM — SDR AGM — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — YOTA activity — International Marconi Day — The Propagation Horoscope

09-Apr-2023   News from the IRTS — 2023 IRTS AGM Weekend — EI2WRC at the SBRC Rally — EI3CC News — Message from the IARU — HAM and JAM — Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

02-Apr-2023   News from the IRTS — SBRC IRTS AGM Weekend update — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Longwave 252 — World Amateur Radio Day — Contacting the International Space Station — VHF Propagation Beacon — The Propagation Horoscope

26-Mar-2023   Summer Time — The NN-CW Net — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — EI-DX travels to Antigua — New Regulations for Austrian Hams — Contests — Longwave Radio phased out in Iceland — IARU-MS — Sheep Worrier — ISS news — The Propagation Horoscope

19-Mar-2023   News from the IRTS — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — RNLI SOS Week — 2023 HAMChallenge — Contesting — EI-DX travels to Antigua — The Propagation Horoscope

12-Mar-2023   HAREC Exam date — YOTA Camp in Spain — St Patricks Day Activities — IMD at the Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth — HAM & JAM! : Bringing Amateur Radio, STEM enthusiasts & educators together! — Locator Square IO37DO — ARDC Grant for FreeDV — The Propagation Horoscope

05-Mar-2023   IRTS AGM Weekend 2023 Update — Galway Radio Experimenters Club EI4GRC — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — St Patrick's Day Award — Nervous Novices CW Net on 80m — EIFF and POTA News — Updated 160m Bandplan Listing — The Propagation Horoscope

26-Feb-2023   News from the IRTS — IRTS Examination Board Announcement — NSWLC Report February 2023 — IRTS AGM Weekend 2023 Update — Lagan Valley ARS Rally — CQ WPX RTTY — IRTS QSL Card service — DX News — Nervous Novices CW Net on 80m

19-Feb-2023   SOTA Goats — Lagan Valley ARS Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally 2023 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC AGM — The Propagation Horoscope

12-Feb-2023   Earthquake in Syria and Turkey — News from the IRTS — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club AGM andRally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Galway Radio Experimenters Club EI4GRC — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — YOTA Camp 2023 — Radio Scouting Ireland — Nicolaus Copernicus — St Patrick's Day Award — ARRL Contest — The Propagation Horoscope

05-Feb-2023   News from the IRTS — Radio Scouting Ireland — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club andRally 2023 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — YOTA in Hungary — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally — Soldering Workshop — Ham EXPO — Contest Calender — The Propagation Horoscope

29-Jan-2023   Ivan Elliott EI7IKB SK — Resignation of the President of the IRTS — NSWLC Report January 2023 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Collective Communications — Skywave ARC — UKEICC 80m — Orbital News — The Propagation Horoscope

22-Jan-2023   Silent Keys — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally 2023 — SWL wins Young Scientists of the Year — The AM Rally — ARISS — WRTC — HF Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

15-Jan-2023   Tony Bluett EI6ES Silent Key — Jim Bartlett EI2BB Silent Key — Reopening of Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum — News from the IRTS — Scouts join IRTS — NSWLC Annual Dinner — LCARC Rally 2023 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Lagan Vally ARS Rally — HF Activities — IARU Monitoring System — The Propagation Horoscope

08-Jan-2023   News from the IRTS — IRTS Youth — News from GI — 80 Years Vasteras Radio Klub — The 5 MHz Newsletter — ITU WRC-23 Booklet — 4m band in HB — DX NEWS — Topband WAB Contest — The Propagation Horoscope

18-Dec-2022   IRTS Contests — YOTA — Shannon Basin Radio Club Ei2SBC — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group Ei2WRC — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group Ei7T — Cas-5A OSCAR-118 — SAQ Grimeton on VLF — The Propagation Horoscope

11-Dec-2022   Cork Silent Keys EI7HO and EI3IY — IRTS News Readers Required — South Dublin Radio Club — North Dublin Radio Club — Collective Communication — Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum. — EI5LA to compete in WRTC 2023 — Contesting — Amateur Radio Mission to the Moon not lost — 2200m Band — The Propagation Horoscope

04-Dec-2022   Silent Key, Les Booth — The New HAREC Guide — News from the IRTS — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — South Dublin Radio Club — IRTS News Readers Required — Contesting — The Propagation Horoscope

27-Nov-2022   Silent Key, Des Burke EI5FG — Silent Key, Frank Mason EI6EVB — News from the IRTS — News from the Clubs — HF Activities — Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

20-Nov-2022   Club Reports from NSWLC, SEARG, LCARC and SBRC — December YOTA — CWops Award — HF Activities — IARU-MS — The Propagation Horoscope

13-Nov-2022   Local News — Galway Radio Experimenters Club AGM — HF Activities — The Propagation Horoscope

06-Nov-2022   Club News — Contesting — OPDX Editor Retires — Orbital News — The Propagation Horoscope

30-Oct-2022   IRTS AGM 2023 — EI4GRC AGM 2022 — Limavady Rally — Southgate Amateur Radio News — UKEICC — OH2A is ready for use — Orbital News — The Propagation Horoscope

23-Oct-2022   Club News — Contesting — AMSAT News — ARRL Handbook — SK Memorial — The Propagation Horoscope

16-Oct-2022   Harec Exams — JOTA 2022 — Contests — Space Snippets — The Propagation Horoscope

09-Oct-2022   Club News — Scout Jamboree On The Air — Comoros Islands DXpedition — WAG Contest — Celebrating 100 Years of the BBC — Mullaghanish 70cm repeater off-air — The Propagation Horoscope

02-Oct-2022   Club News — News from the ITU and IARU — Contesting — Comoros Islands — Orbital News — The Propagation Horoscope

25-Sep-2022   Club News — Contesting — New RSGB EMF Calculator — The Propagation Horoscope

18-Sep-2022   Club News — HF Activities — AM Broadcast Recordings — IARU Monitoring System — The Propagation Horoscope

11-Sep-2022   Club News — Counties Contest — 5MHz — New License Class in Germany — RTTY Intruder — The Propagation Horoscope

04-Sep-2022   Club News — UK Amateur Radio License — Contests — Hamradio in Space — The Propagation Horoscope

28-Aug-2022   Club News — Icelandic Hamradio Anniversary — Special Call-signs — Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

21-Aug-2022   International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — Club News — Contests and Competitions — IARUMS Report — AMSAT News — 10 GHZ Tropo — The Propagation Horoscope

14-Aug-2022   YOTA — Special Call-Sign — HAREC — Isle of Man — 100 years of RTTY — Contests — Hamchallenge — Belgium Amateur Radio and Computer Rally — PREDICT Version 2.3.0 released — The Propagation Horoscope

07-Aug-2022   Club News — Visiting Ham — YOTA in Croatia — ISTRA Contest Meeting — Lighthouse on the Air — New Band Allocations in Canada — 2024 Olympic Games — AMSAT News — The Propagation Horoscope

31-Jul-2022   Islands on the Air weekend — Isle of Man — Poldhu ARC Open Day — LoTW — Orbital News — The Slow Demise of Longwave Broadcasting — The Propagation Horoscope

24-Jul-2022   New Radio HAMS — Festival of Fun — Club News — YOTA in Croatia — ARRL Contests — Islands on the Air — The End of Paper Logs in Brazil? — EME Reflections — The Propagation Horoscope

17-Jul-2022   South Dublin Radio Club — IARUMS June Newsletter — IARU HF Championship — Contests — Activations — The Propagation Horoscope

10-Jul-2022   New Outgoing-QSL Manager — YOTA in Croatia — New WSJT-X Version — WRC 2023 — Contest News — DX News — Antarctica Project — The Propagation Horoscope

03-Jul-2022   IRTS Radio News — Galway Radio Experimenters Club EI4GRC — Champions — Harec Exams — Carribean Emergency Networks activated — Region 1 News — On The Air — The Propagation Horoscope

26-Jun-2022   EI3BK SK — 2022 IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — No Transmission at Grimeston — Repeaters in Norway and Switzerland — EUHFC 2022 Contest canceled — Voyager 1 & 2 — AMPR-Hamnet — The Propagation Horoscope

19-Jun-2022   Irish Language Net — 2022 IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — Amsat News — IARU Monitoring System — GQRP Convention — Around Europe — HF Activities — The Propagation Horoscope

12-Jun-2022   Irish Language — GQRP Convention — YL Meeting in Finland — 6m Military Use — Ten Seconds for Amateur Radio — HAMChallenge 2022 Finalists — Contests & Activities — Call for Volunteers — The Propagation Horoscope

05-Jun-2022   EI90IRTS — IRTS Radio News Bulletin Readers — Public Libraries — The Weinheim VHF Conference — EQSL — 1944 Normandy Landing — Contests — Space News — Amateur Radio on the BBC — The Propagation Horoscope

29-May-2022   EI90IRTS — Club News — National SWL Club — Publications Library Update — Golden Globe Race — Contests — IRTS News Readers — The Propagation Horoscope

22-May-2022   Club News — WPX CW Contest — Activities on HF — IARUMS — Space Telecoms — The Propagation Horoscope

15-May-2022   IRTS Committee — South Dublin Radio Club — ARDC — 252kHz — On the Air — Contests — Electromagnetic Field Festival — The Propagation Horoscope

08-May-2022   Morse Testing Resumed — IRTS Study Guide — Shannon Basin Radio Club news — Amelia Earhart — Contests — IARU Region-1 Competition — IOTA DX — Amsat News — Aircraft Altimeter Retrofits — Man Over Board — The Propagation Horoscope

01-May-2022   Club News — YOTA and YHOTA — EI0MAR — HF Activities and Contests

24-Apr-2022   Anthony Magliocco, EI6DL SK — HAREC Exam date announced — QSL for Ukraine — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Equipment Wanted — Ham Radio Art Project — IARU Bandwatch — LightCube — 40MHz — New GB2RS News Service — The Propagation Horoscope — HAREC Exam dates and times

17-Apr-2022   Clare Dixon, EI7CW SK — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — World Amateur Radio Day — Marconi Day — Contests — County Meath Scouts and Kilternan Scouts — Balbriggan Mini Maker Day — The Propagation Horoscope

10-Apr-2022   IRTS AGM — World Amateur Radio Day — The Irish Net — 40 MHz use in the UK — Amsat AO7 — The Propagation Horoscope

03-Apr-2022   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — DXCC Programme Activity — Homebrew SDR Transceiver — UKEICC 80m Contest — SWL News — WSPR Beacon in Antarctica — New Operating Modes — The Propagation Horoscope

27-Mar-2022   Update on the Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — CEPT Membership Suspension of Russia and Belarus — Azores Seismic Activity — News from around Europe — The Propagation Horoscope

20-Mar-2022   Ye Olde Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Engineers Ireland Presentation — Newsletters — Helgoland — Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

13-Mar-2022   New IRTS Contest Manager — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group EI2WRC — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — St. Patrick’s Day Activities — AMSAT receives grant from ARDC — The Propagation Horoscope

06-Mar-2022   IRTS Launch New Group Email Service — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — MH370 — Ukraine — DX News — RSGB funding for a 50MHz Beacon — The Propagation Horoscope

27-Feb-2022   Silent Keys — Club News — Soldering Workshop in Tog Hackerspace — Amateur Radio prohibited in Ukraine — Contests — The 5MHz Newsletter — A Chess-Playing Ham Radio Satellite — The Propagation Horoscope

20-Feb-2022   IRTS Commmittee Nominations. — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI0MAR Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio in Howth. — Contests — J643 — Potential Amateur Interference to Satellite Navigation System — The Propagation Horoscope

13-Feb-2022   Club News — St. Patricks Day — Postal Stamp Collection — ARISS News — Digital Voice Mode on HF — On The Air — The Propagation Horoscope

06-Feb-2022   Club News — Nordic HF Conference — Radcom Plus & Basic — HF Activities — Iceland WEB-SDR — Orbital News — Healthy Hams — The Propagation Horoscope

30-Jan-2022   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 80m AM Winter Contest — A Pirate on HF — ARDC Grants — Activations and Callsigns — Amsat News — The Propagation Horoscope

23-Jan-2022   Paddy 'Pat' Touhy, EI4DC, Silent Key — St. Patrick’s Day Weekend Flora & Fauna Activity Event — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DARC Webserver Intrusion — Reverse Beacons — QSL Museeum — TF3IRA Repair Job — Bandwatch — Space News — Calls & Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

16-Jan-2022   Radio News service celebrates 53rd year — National Short Wave Listeners Club — On The Bands — Quick Fix — TAPR WSPR — Orbital News — RSGB Contests — Broadcasters — EZNEC — The Propagation Horoscope

09-Jan-2022   Silent Keys — IRTS Constitution Review — The Slow Morse Club — On The Air — News from Spain — Orbital Radio — Contests and Awards — Drive-By QSL — SolarEdge and Growatt RFI — The Propagation Horoscope

02-Jan-2022   Comreg Negotiations — Ham Radio on the Moon — Royal Belgian Amateur Radio Union — Irish 20m Net — Amsat News — Czech Radio 270 kHz QRT — The Propagation Horoscope

19-Dec-2021   IRTS Committee — South Dublin Radio Club SSTV Live Demo Video — ARISS SSTV — GI-QRP Convention — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Grimeton 17.2 kHz — The Propagation Horoscope

12-Dec-2021   WSJT-X core developer goes SK — To all members of the IRTS — Club News — Competitions & Trophies — Orbital Debris — The Propagation Horoscope

05-Dec-2021   Shannon Basin Radio Club — Hungarian Initiative — Amsat-HB — Hoovers and Handhelds — OnAir — Contesting — The Master Clock — The Propagation Horoscope

28-Nov-2021   Truskmore Back On Air — East Leinster Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — December YOTA Month — Dwingeloo Radio Telescope — Shortwave & Contesting — SSTV from the ISS — The Propagation Horoscope

21-Nov-2021   New Transceiver at EI0MAR — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IARU presents award to Don, G3BJ — Reading Material for long Winter Nights — Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, DARC Honorary Member — Hams in Space — Contesting — The DX Window — The Propagation Horoscope

14-Nov-2021   HAREC Exam — Club Reports — Contest News — The DX Window — The Propagation Horoscope

07-Nov-2021   PAR Grant for the Howth Martello Radio Group — LCARC Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contest News — DX News — General News — The Propagation Horoscope

31-Oct-2021   Club News — Upcoming Contests — AM SWL — New WSJT-X Version — DX News — Ariss News — The Propagation Horoscope

24-Oct-2021   Club News — Contest News — AMSAT News — United Nations Day — DX News — F5LEN Webcluster — Forward to the Past — AM Radio — The Propagation Horoscope

17-Oct-2021   Region 1 IARU General Conference — ComReg Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2022-2024 — North Dublin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally — NSWL Club Get Together and Dinner — Publications Library Update — RSGB Convention videos online — IRTS Contest Today — UK EI Contest — DX News — Oscar 9 — The Propagation Horoscope

10-Oct-2021   Silent Key : John Hickey EI3BF — ComReg Proposed Strategy for Managing the Radio Spectrum 2022-2024 — HAREC Examination Results — JOTI & JOTA — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Contest News — NSWL Club Get Together and Dinner — UK EI Contest Club News — International Contest News

03-Oct-2021   Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club Rally — Child Protection Policy — Congratulations — JOTI & JOTA — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Repeater Interferences — DX News — Ham Radio in Laos — IARU Bandplan Overhaul — Oscar7 Distance Record — No News from Mars — The Propagation Horoscope

26-Sep-2021   Keep Emergency Frequencies Clear — Repeater Interferences — New Comittee Members — SSB Field Day results — Contest Logs needed — Upcoming Contests — Railways and Balloons — DX News — The Propagation Horoscope

19-Sep-2021   Home Computing Pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair Dies Aged 81 — IRTS Exam Update — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — IOTA Contest Results — Contests — JOTA-JOTI looking for helpers — CQ All North Dublin Radio Club Members and visitors. — Communications via Laser over 5km — DX News — The Propagation Horoscope

12-Sep-2021   A Message to the Examination Candidates — Award of IARU Region 1 Medals announced — Hot Air Balloon — Amsat and ARISS news — Revised copy of the Digital Operating Manual — On the Air — The Propagation Horoscope

05-Sep-2021   SDR Live Stream — On the HF Bands — Weinheim VHF Days — Another Carrington Event Likely — Electricity From Sweat — The Propagation Horoscope

29-Aug-2021   Paddy Devine, Ei9FY, Silent Key — Upcoming Contests — A Call to Sell — EMC and The Neighbours — Three Amsat Reports — Backyards On The Air — Spotting Errors with DIGI modes — The 5MHz Newsletter — Pandemic Life Line — On the Air — The Propagation Horoscope

22-Aug-2021   SDR Radio Net livestreamed on YouTube — DX Féile 2021 — Contest Updates — RTE on Long Wave 252 kHz back On Air — On the HF bands — The Progagation Horoscope — News From The News Team

15-Aug-2021   International Lighthouse Weekend — Icelandic WEB-SDR — The search for Flight MH370 — No more VP8 licences — Scavenging electricity from waste heat — On the HF Bands — The Propagation Horoscope

08-Aug-2021   Sean Ward Ei8EK Silent Key — HAREC Exam date announced — Shopping for ham radio equipment in Switzerland gets more complicated — Club news — EI6JK is the leading EI operator in WRTC Standings — DX spot — Contesting — The Propagation Horoscope — Repetition of the Harec Exam Announcement

01-Aug-2021   EJ1E Bere Island — Caribbean Jamming — SSTV from the International Space Station — RFI from water — Some club news — With Lower VHF across the Atlantic — DX News — Contests — The Propagation Horoscope

25-Jul-2021   Irish Radio Transmitters Society Statement — Transatlantic Cable Anniversary — Deadline for EI News — Contest Results — AO-109 Satellite Ready for Use — QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo — News Broadcast on 4 Metre Band — On the Air Next Week

18-Jul-2021   Brendan Quest 2 Metre Trans-Atlantic Attempt — EI0HQ in IARU Contest — The Woodpecker becomes a national heritage site — Islands On The Air Contest — Email Address Problems — Slow Morse Club EI1SMC — QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo August 14/15 — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — Mines On The Air (MOTA) — DX News

11-Jul-2021   Silent Key : Henry Cassidy EI7KU — IRTS Committee Meeting July 17th — YOTA Contest — National Short Wave Listeners Club — The RV Braveheart For Sale — OH2BH Book now available online for free. — Slow Morse Club EI1SMC 17th to the 25th July — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — On the Air next week

04-Jul-2021   Silent Key : IARU Region 1 Vice President Faisal Alajmi, 9K2RR — South Dublin Radio Club in the "Dublin Maker" STEM Promotion Festival — ARRL's DXCC Listings — Slovenian 30 Years of Independence Award — YOTA Contest — Galway Digital Radio Group — Cork VHF Group Weekly Nets — On the Air next week

27-Jun-2021   Kevin Kilduff EI3C : Silent Key — Summer Edition of Echo Ireland — IRTS CW and VHF/UHF Field Day — IRTS News Broadcasts Continue on 4 metres — EI2DKH Transatlantic Beacon Update — EI News Deadline. — New VAT Rules for imports from July 1st. — Cork VHF Group Weekly Nets — On the Air next week

20-Jun-2021   Paddy Maher (Pádraig Ó Meachair) EI7GK, Silent Key — HAREC Examination — Fast Scan TV from the International Space Station — IARU News — IRTS News Broadcast on 4 metres — EI1SMC Slow Morse Club Operation — Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event on-line next weekend — On the Air next week

13-Jun-2021   HAREC Examination — IRTS 40 Metre News — IRTS Committee Meeting June 19th — Shortwave Listener Award : The Ian Morris Memorial Trophy — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 2022 Hamvention News — 5MHz Authorised in Kyrgyzstan — On the Air next week

06-Jun-2021   IRTS Examination Board Update on Holding of HAREC Examination — IRTS AGM 2022 — Mid-Ulster Tuesday Talks — 5P2UEFA Special Event station — IARU Continues working towards WRTC 2023 — Aluminium-Ion Battery Development — 3000km Sporadic-E opening on 144 MHz from the Azores to Germany on 3rd June 2021 — On the Air next week

30-May-2021   IRTS Contest News — Linking La Crosse, Wisconsin and Ireland via Amateur Radio — CW Field Day — Contest University and Hamvention Forums 2021 now on YouTube — First Mauritius Satellite — National Shortwave Listeners Club — Amateur Radio on the International Space Station — On the Air next week

23-May-2021   EI9IZ Silent Key — IRTS Committee 2021/22 — IRTS Annual General Meeting 2022 — CW Field Day — IRTS Publications — New 40 MHz propagation beacon now operational from the West of Ireland — HAREC Training Nearing an End — On the Air next week

16-May-2021   40 Metre News Broadcasts — Radio Amateur Examination Closing Date — EIØHQ in the 2021 IARU HF Championship — YOTA Contest — IRTS News Resumes on the Galway DMR Network — Direct QSLing to cost more from May 27th — EI2DKH 144MHz two-way Trans-Atlantic Beacon operated by EI8JK, Tony Baldwin — GB0AEL to Commemorate Trans-Atlantic Flight — On the Air next week — 5MHz Newsletter

09-May-2021   IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS/IARU Survey — EIØHQ in the 2021 IARU HF Championship — Howth Martello Tower on Air for International Marconi Day — EI9HQ on Worked All Ireland and Flora & Fauna Activities — IRTS Contest News — On the Air next week

02-May-2021   IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS/IARU Survey — EIØHQ in the 2021 IARU HF Championship — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Incoming QSL Bureau — WRTC 2022 Postponed to 2023 — UKEICC 80m CW Contest on Wednesday last April 28th : Results — On the Air next week

25-Apr-2021   IRTS Annual General Meeting — EI News — IRTS Contest News — Shannon Basin Club Nets — UKEICC 80m CW Contest on Wednesday Next April 28th — On the Air next week — Wanted: DX Editor for Echo Ireland — Visalia DX Convention 2021

18-Apr-2021   IRTS Annual General Meeting — IARU Monitoring System — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Club Nets — KARG participate as official award station in IMD 2021 — On the Air next week — Wanted: DX Editor for Echo Ireland — Contest University — EI2DKH Trans-Atlantic Beacon on 144 MHz

11-Apr-2021   April 18th World Amateur Radio Day — IRTS Annual General Meeting — National Shortwave Listeners Club. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contest News — YOTA — On the Air next week — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — VO1FN 144 MHz Trans-Atlantic monitoring station

04-Apr-2021   Silent Key : Fr. Harry Houlihan EI3EN — IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS Contest News — New National Shortwave Listeners Club. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The 5 MHz Newsletter Spring 2021 — On the Air next week — QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo — IARU Looks to the Future

28-Mar-2021   IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS Contests — RTÉ to cease radio transmission on DAB network — New Radio News Broadcast on the 4 Metre Band — UKEICC 80 Metres CW Contest — On the Air next week — Finland 100 year Award — IARU and Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles

21-Mar-2021   IRTS Counties Contest — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Shannon Basin Radion Club AGM — St. Patrick’s Day Activity — New Radio News Broadcast on the 4 Metre Band — Columbia Module on the ISS. — On the Air next week — QSO Today Virtual Ham EXPO

14-Mar-2021   Michael Forde EI6AJB Silent Key — HAREC Training Courses — IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS Contest News — IARU Receives Gift of Domain — New Multi-mode Digital Gateway, EI2PMD, Portmarnock, North Dublin — UKEICC Monthly 80m Contests — On the Air next week — St. Patrick’s Day Activity — Kerry Group Mark 102nd Anniversary of First East/West Telephony Trans-Atlantic Transmission

07-Mar-2021   Peter Grant EI4HX Silent Key — HAREC Training Courses — IRTS Annual General Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group News Bulletins — IARU Monitoring System — Help for CW Beginners — International Space Station Schools QSO — On the Air next week — Cork Radio Club Weekly Zoom meetings

28-Feb-2021   IRTS Training Courses — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Request for nominations for IRTS Awards. — Elon Musk’s SpaceX will double Starlink's satellite internet speeds in 2021 — Mayo Lock Down Net — On the Air next week

21-Feb-2021   IRTS Training Courses — New Additions to the IRTS Publications Library — Request for nominations for IRTS Awards. — IRTS Committee meeting — Mayo Lock Down Net — On the Air next week — Youth Working group of IARU Region 1

14-Feb-2021   Shannon Basin Radio Club — Request for nominations for IRTS Awards. — French National Society, REF, announce growth in licence holders. — World Radio Day — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — March QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo — On the Air next week — EI Nets

07-Feb-2021   Silent Key EI6CB — SDRC Tuesday Night Lecture on Ham Radio Logging — Request for nominations for IRTS Awards. — French UVSQ-SAT launched on January 24th. — UKEI Contest Club 80m Evening Contests — Finnish Amateur Radio League SRAL celebrate 100 years. — On the Air next week — SEARG News Broadcast Record

31-Jan-2021   Request for nominations for IRTS Awards. — Phoenix Rally Postponed — UKEICC Granted EI5G Club Call — The Friedrichshafen Ham Radio event to go ahead — Radio Problems on the International Space Station — Review of VHF/UHF Field Day Rules — Special Event Call OVØJUTLANDIA — On the Air next week

24-Jan-2021   New Yaesu C4FM Digital Gateway for North Dublin area. — SSTV Transmission from the International Space Station — The Peanut App for Android and Windows — Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) 90th Anniversary Awards — The UK and Ireland Contest Club : UKEICC — WSJT-X version 2.4.0 has a new digital protocol called Q65 — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — On the Air next week — EI Nets

17-Jan-2021   IRTS 80 Metre Contest Results — IRTS Publications Library — Dayton Hamvention 2021 Cancelled — The CW Operators Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — On the Air next week — 2021 QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo

10-Jan-2021   Silent Key, EI5FI — Contest News — South Dublin Radio Club Zoom Lectures — Russian Districts Award — Radio Imports — On the Air next week — Cork Activity

03-Jan-2021   Happy New Year — Good News for Christmas for Austrian Amateurs. — Elettra : The Miracle Ship Award — Southern Ireland Repeater Group : DMR repeater for Cork City — YOTA Success in December — On the Air next week — The ARRL DX Century Club

20-Dec-2020   The 5 MHz Newsletter by Paul Gaskell G4MWO — Contest University on Zoom — IARU Participating in the CEPT Project Team SE40 — Videos Available from QRP Virtual Convention — Christmas Greetings from the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — On the Air next week — Last Bulletin of the Year

13-Dec-2020   International Space Station Contact with Athlone School — EI YOTA Success — Christmas Greetings from the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Winter Edition of Echo Ireland — Club Representatives at IRTS Committee meetings — First Voice Transmission — On the Air next week — EI Nets

06-Dec-2020   International Space Station Contact with Athlone School — YOTA Activity Month. — Croatia on 40MHz Band — IARU Conference 2020 Report Available — December GEO Newsletter available for free download — Arecibo Radio Telescope Damaged Beyond Repair — Solar Update — On the Air next week

29-Nov-2020   YOTA Activity Month. — IRTS HAREC Classes — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Mayo Christmas Countdown Net — Solar Cycle 25 Could Be Best Ever — SETI Lecture in Cork — Shannon Basin Radio Club Nets — On the Air next week —

22-Nov-2020   SpaceX Dragon Capsule Resilience Ferries Four Radio Amateurs to the ISS. — HAREC Examination Classes on Zoom — IRTS Publications — Volunteers Needed for Propagation Research Project — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club Talks — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — On the Air next week — Cork and Kerry Activity on Zoom.

15-Nov-2020   Silent Key John Devoldere ON4UN — HAREC Examination Classes on Zoom — IRTS Club Insurance — South Dublin Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club Talks — On the Air next week — The Leonids Meteor Shower peaks on Tuesday next

08-Nov-2020   HAREC Examination Classes on Zoom — IRTS Club Insurance — Echo Ireland Electronic Download — Joe Ryan’s presentation on Colonel Dennis EI2B at SDR now on YouTube. — EIRSAT-1 — Galway Radio Club — UKEI Contest Club 80m Results — On the Air next week — International Space Station Celebrates 20th Anniversary

01-Nov-2020   HAREC Examination Students Meeting on Zoom — IRTS Contest Results — South Dublin Radio Club continues its Tuesday Night Lecture Series via Zoom. — The International Beacon Project — Galway Lecture on NVIS — Nominations Open for Golden Antenna Award — On the Air next week

25-Oct-2020   Mayo VHF Group Covid Lockdown Net — Monthly IRTS EI News — South Dublin Radio Club Tuesday Presentation on EIRSAT-1. — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — IRTS Committee Meeting on Zoom — IARU Conference 2020 — New Zealand Amateurs Lose 5MHz Band — IRTS Contest News — On the Air next week

18-Oct-2020   EIDX Group Summer Challenge Results — IRTS Contest News — South Dublin Radio Club Tuesday Presentation. — Special Event Callsign OZ100MILL — International Amateur Radio Union Conference — The Reverse Beacon Network — On the Air next week — EI Nets

11-Oct-2020   Silent Key Dominic Curtin EI9JS — IARU Virtual General Conference 11th to 16th October — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — Scouting Annual JOTA/JOTI — IRTS Contest News — Limerick Clare Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — On the Air next week

04-Oct-2020   Silent Key : Andy Early EI4ERB — IRTS Contest News — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — Scouting Annual JOTA/JOTI — DXCC Activity — IRTS Appoint New Youth Officer — AMSAT-UK Satellite Colloquium — On the Air next week

27-Sep-2020   Silent Key : Bishop Michael Cleary C53M — South Dublin Radio Club (EI2SDR) Online Lecture on September 29th — ITU Regulations — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — Monthly IRTS EI News — RF Pollution from Electric Car Chargers — Galway Analogue 4 Metre Gateway — On the Air next week

20-Sep-2020   New IRTS Examination Board — Echo Ireland Autumn Edition — Long Service to the Society — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Counties Contests — On the Air next week — IARU Region 1 Virtual General Conference

13-Sep-2020   Counties Contests — The EI DX Group 4th Annual DX Féile is cancelled. — Shannon Basin Radio Club launch new 2 metre Repeater — European SOTA Activity Day on September 19th — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture — Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) — Southern Ireland Repeater Group New DMR Repeater in Cork City — Cork VHF Group Weekly Nets — On the Air next week — Cork Radio Club Weekly Online Meetings

06-Sep-2020   Silent Key : William (Billy) Dalton GI0VLE/GI7FRQ — RSGB Islands On The Air Contest Results 2020 — Trans-Atlantic opening on 144 MHz between the Canary Islands and the Caribbean — European SOTA Activity Day on September 19th — IRTS Contest News — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Southern Ireland Repeater Group Upgrade EI7WDR In Waterford City — On the Air next week

30-Aug-2020   HAREC Exam and New Licensees — Ireland’s Youngest Radio Amateur EI8KW — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — East Leinster Amateur Radio Club — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Teamspeak Available for Radio Clubs — East Cork Group EI7M — On the Air next week — G-QRP Club Convention

23-Aug-2020   Silent Key : Michael Clarke EI3IG — HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review — IRTS Contest News — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday night lecture — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — EIDX Group Summer Challenge — The United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club — IRTS Committee Meeting on August 29th — On the Air this week — Radio Officers Association Contest Team

16-Aug-2020   Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday night lecture by Laurie Margolis G3UML — G-QRP Club Convention — International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend — QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo 2020 — On the air this week — Logbook of the World (LOTW)

09-Aug-2020   EI2FG & EA8CXN set new Region 1 1296MHz Tropo record. — World Amateur Radio Contesting Association: EI Rankings — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday night lecture on IRTS Contests — Congratulations to Ana EA7KMA on HAREC Success — International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend — Morse Testing — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — On the Air this week — Rotary Club members who are also Radio Amateurs wanted

02-Aug-2020   Licence Exam — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday night lecture The History and Appreciation of Morse — IARU Monitoring System — The Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum in Howth — Hams aid Air Ambulance en route to Easter Island. — ComReg Response to the consultation on management of radio interference complaints — On the air this week

26-Jul-2020   IRTS Committee News — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Cork HAREC Exam Closing date — IRTS Contest News — Monthly EI News E-Magazine — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture by RSGB President M0OBW — New Spanish Satellites to be launched by SpaceX in December — The Perseid Meteor Shower — Amateur Radio Roundtable Balloon on 4th lap of the earth.

19-Jul-2020   Silent Key EI2DUB. — IRTS Construction Award Winners for 2020 — Cork HAREC Exam Closing date — EI0HQ in IARU HF World Championship — IOTA Contest — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture on EMC — Galway Digital Radio Network Zoom Presentation — Galway Digital Radio Network — On the Air this week — Happy 90th Birthday to Leo McHugh EI8BR

12-Jul-2020   IRTS Contest Award Winners for 2020 — Dublin HAREC Exam Closing date — Irish Amateur Radio Examination Resource Pages and Blog — On the Air this week — Galway Digital Radio Group Presentation on Zoom — European SOTA Activity Day September 19th — Limerick Clare Radio Club — Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture on Raspberry P1 — International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2020

05-Jul-2020   IRTS Award Winners for Service to the Society or to Amateur Radio 2020 — IRTS News Broadcasts for the Galway Area — Callbooks Online — 11 Year-old Passes Morse Test — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The International Amateur Radio Union — EI News Archive on The IRTS Website — VHF Contest (for Sunday news only)

28-Jun-2020   VHF/UHF Contest Next Weekend — Echo Ireland Summer Edition — EI News — Licence Exams — Islands on the Air Contest 2020 — Kerry Amateur Radio Group 80m net — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — IARU HF Championships — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club Lectures on Zoom. — Irish EI1KNH VHF beacon on 60 MHz now uses FT8

21-Jun-2020   Death Notice — VHF/UHF Contest — Licence Exams — ISS — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Galway Digital Radio Group — EIDXG Summer Challenge

14-Jun-2020   VHF/UHF Contest — ISS — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Galway Digital Radio Group — EIDXG Summer Challenge

07-Jun-2020   From the QSL Inward Manager — Licence Exam — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Case Amateur Radio Club — EIDXG Summer Challenge

31-May-2020   Silent Key — Contest Results — 2m Lockdown Contest Results — EIDXG Summer Challenge

24-May-2020   Silent Key — Shannon Basic Radio Club Nets — GACW (Grupo Argentino de CW) — IOTA Contest — 50 MHz allocation in Germany

17-May-2020   Shannon Basic Radio Club Nets — Eight Meter Beacon Update — Enhanced 50 MHz allocation in Germany — 2020 IOTA Contest — Special callsign II2EMCA to commemorate EMILIO CAIMI — IARU 95th Anniversary Award — 5MHz Newsletter

10-May-2020   Contest Today — Eight Meter update — Shannon Basic Radio Club Nets — Enhanced 50 MHz allocation in Germany — NASA TV and Cygnus Departure — IOTA Contest 2020 — Special callsign II2EMCA to commemorate EMILIO CAIMI — IARU 95th Anniversary Award — 5MHz Newsletter

03-May-2020   Silent Key : Peter Henshaw EI5JE — IOTA Contest 2020 — Bank Holiday Monday Contest — Contest Logs — Reception Reports — Special callsign II2EMCA to commemorate EMILIO CAIMI — Shannon Basic Radio Club Nets — 5MHz Newsletter

26-Apr-2020   IRTS Counties Contest — Bank Holiday Monday Contest — Reception Reports — Significant Digital Voice Growth — Friedrichshafen — Shannon Basic Radio Club Nets — 5MHz Newsletter

19-Apr-2020   Silent Key — 5 and 8 meter — Shannon Basic Radio Club Nets — Bank Holiday Monday Contest — 5MHz Newsletter

12-Apr-2020   Silent Key — Contest Results — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Echo Ireland — IRTS QSL Buro — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI2PAR club meetings — North Dublin Radio Club EI0NDR — South Dublin Radio Club

05-Apr-2020   Amateur Station Licence Exam — Echo Ireland — IRTS QSL Buro — IRTS Contest News Update — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI2PAR club meetings — North Dublin Radio Club EI0NDR — South Dublin Radio Club

29-Mar-2020   Amateur Station Licence Exam — IRTS Contest News Update — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EI2PAR club meetings — North Dublin Radio Club EI0NDR — South Dublin Radio Club

22-Mar-2020   Silent Key — Silent Key — IRTS Counties Contest — North Dublin Radio Club EI0NDR — EI2PAR club meetings — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — TU2R Expedition Postponed

15-Mar-2020   Licence Exam — Evening Counties Contest — IRTS AGM 2020 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — EI2PAR club meetings — South Dublin Radio Club — Turn the Bands Green — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News

08-Mar-2020   Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Lough Erne Rally — EIDX Group — 2020 activation of GB0GLS — Gilnahirk Listening Station — Turn the Bands Green — 60m for Senegal — DX News

01-Mar-2020   Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — EIDX Group — — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM — DX News

23-Feb-2020   Silent Key — email addresses — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EIDX Group — DX News

16-Feb-2020 email addresses — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — EIDX Group — DX News

09-Feb-2020 email addresses — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Nominations — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EIDX Group — DX News

02-Feb-2020   Silent Key — Nominations — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EIDX Group — DX News

26-Jan-2020   Nominations — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Polish Award — EIDX Group — 5MHz in New Zealand — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

19-Jan-2020   Contest Results — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

12-Jan-2020   Silent Key : EI4EK — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

05-Jan-2020   Silent Key : EI3GV — Silent Key : EI6AI — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

29-Dec-2019   New Year's Day Contest — EI1KNH — ARISS SSTV Transmissions — Phoenix Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

22-Dec-2019   Happy Christmas — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IECRO Ireland — Phoenix Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

15-Dec-2019   Amateur Station Licence Exam — Cork Radio Club — Phoenix Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — December is YOTA month — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

08-Dec-2019   Amateur Station Licence Exam — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Rally — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — December is YOTA month — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

01-Dec-2019   Willie Long EI6AI — Phoenix Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — December is YOTA month — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

24-Nov-2019   More countries in Europe, Africa & the Middle East gain access to 50 MHz — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

17-Nov-2019   Silent Key Richard Wilson EI9CC — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

10-Nov-2019   Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Newsreaders Database — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

03-Nov-2019   Contest Results — Galway Digital Radio Group — Portugal 5 MHz — Newsreaders Database — Shannon Basin Radio Club — AREN Training and Social weekend — 5MHz Newsletter — DX News

27-Oct-2019   Contest Results — Licence Exam — Portugal 5 MHz — Newsreaders Database — SWL Update : Radio Caroline Maintenance — AREN Training and Social weekend — Radio Luxembourg — Galway Digital Radio Group — DX News

20-Oct-2019   Silent Key — Newsreaders Database — Amateur Station Licence Exam — DX News

13-Oct-2019   Silent Key — Contest Today — Amateur Station Licence Examination — International JOTA Weekend — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group October Meeting Report — Cork Radio Club — DX News

06-Oct-2019   Counties Contests — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — DX Féile 2019 — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — International JOTA Weekend — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

29-Sep-2019   Silent Keys — IRTS Contests — IOTA Contest Results — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

22-Sep-2019   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Galway Digital Radio Group — DX News

15-Sep-2019   Silent Keys — Counties Contests — Cork Radio Club — Galway Digital Radio Group — DX News

08-Sep-2019   Contests — Galway Digital Radio Group — DX News

01-Sep-2019   Contests — Galway Digital Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — DX News

25-Aug-2019   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Amateur Station Licence Examination — UKEICC DX — DX News

18-Aug-2019   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Australian 2.5 Millimeter Band Activity — DX News

11-Aug-2019   Silent Key — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — DX News

04-Aug-2019   Kerry Amateur Radio Group — September Contest — Future Space-Related Operations — DX News

28-Jul-2019   Contest News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — ISS SSTV — 144 : 146 MHz Band Threat — DX News

21-Jul-2019   Silent Key — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Frequency Allocation for Digital Voice Personal Hotspots — 144 : 146 MHz Band Threat — DX News

14-Jul-2019   Threat to the 144 : 146 MHz Band — Digital Voice Personal Hotspot Frequency Allocation — Galway Digital Radio Network — The “Dublin Maker” Festival — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

07-Jul-2019   Echo Ireland — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Spot the EI 6m Beacon — Clonmellon Classes — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — DX News

30-Jun-2019   Echo Ireland — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — Clonmellon Classes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — EI 6m Beacon — Spanish National Society for Radio Amateurs — DX News

23-Jun-2019   Contest News — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Clare Amateur Radio Club — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — Atlantic spanned on two metres — Clonmellon Classes — DX News

16-Jun-2019   Silent Key — International Space Station — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Latest 40 MHz News — DX News

09-Jun-2019   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Alcock & Brown Centenary — Important: 13 June 2019 : 50 MHz — Cricket World Cup Awards — 40 MHz Activity — Kuwait Arrives on 60m — DX News

02-Jun-2019   QSO Party next Saturday — South Dublin Radio Club — SEARG — Alcock & Brown Centenary — Activity Needed, 13 June 2019 : 50 MHz — DX News

26-May-2019   Contest News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Alcock & Brown Centenary — 13 June 2019 : 50 MHz Activity Needed — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — 18th & 19th April 2020 : IRTS 88th AGM — DX News

19-May-2019   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — 50 MHz Activity Needed : 13 June 2019 — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — South Dublin Radio Club — 88th IRTS AGM Hosted by SEARG — DX News

12-May-2019   Contest Results — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

05-May-2019   Contest Today — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Lough Erne Radio Rally — DX News

28-Apr-2019   Contest Next Sunday — Radio Experiments by Colonel Dennis EI2B — SDR AGM — SEARG — DX News

21-Apr-2019   Silent Key — Counties Contests — Licence Exam — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Howth Martello Radio Group — Museum Ships Weekend — DX News

14-Apr-2019   Easter Monday Contests — Amateur Station Exam — AGM 2019 — Museum Ships Weekend — Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio — DX News

07-Apr-2019   Silent Keys : EI3JX and EI7AHB — Contest News — Limerick Radio Club — IRTS AGM : Shannon Basin Radio Club — AGM CW Assessment — IECRO Ireland, May Bank Holiday — 2019 Marconi Day — DX News

31-Mar-2019   Counties Contest — Shannon Basin Radio Club : IRTS AGM — AGM CW Assessment — IECRO Ireland, May Bank Holiday — 2019 Marconi Day — DX News

24-Mar-2019   Want to Become a Licensed Operator? — Echo Ireland Members Ad — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — International Marconi Day 2019 — 2019 IRTS AGM — CW Assessment at the AGM — DX News

17-Mar-2019   George Dobbs G3RJV Silent Key — Evening Counties Contest — Amateur Station Licence Exam — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Marconi Day 2019 — Limerick Radio Club — IRTS AGM 2019 — AGM CW Assessment — DX News

10-Mar-2019   Echo Ireland — Evening Counties Contest — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — A Date for the Diary — Incorrect Phone Number : Assessment for CW — DX News

03-Mar-2019   Silent Key — Incorrect Phone Number : Assessment for CW — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

24-Feb-2019   IRTS Awards Committee — Assessment for CW — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

17-Feb-2019   IRTS Committee — IRTS Awards — Cork Radio Club — Assessment for CW — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — DX News

10-Feb-2019   Silent Keys — Licence Exam — IRTS Awards — Last Year Prize Winners — IRTS Committee — 2 Meter News Reader — Assessment for CW — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

03-Feb-2019   Next Licence Exam — IRTS Committee — 2 Meter News Reader — Shannon Basin Radio Club — IRTS Committee meetings — Assessment for CW — Limerick Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Inis Meáin Activation — DX News

27-Jan-2019   IRTS Committee — Dates and Venues for next IRTS Committee meetings — Celebrating 50 Years of Radio News Bulletins — Assessment for CW — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — DX News

20-Jan-2019   Contest Results — KARG Annual General Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — CW Tests — DX News

13-Jan-2019   Counties Contest — Special 80M News Bulletin on Sunday 20th January — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — CW Tests — EIDX Group — Midlands License Examination Training — SD Contest Logging Software — DX News

06-Jan-2019   Special 80M News Bulletin on Sunday 20th January — CW Tests — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EIDX Group — Limerick Radio Club — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — Contest Logging Software by EI5DI — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News

30-Dec-2018   New Year's Day Contest — Happy New Year — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

23-Dec-2018   Happy Christmas — Counties Contest — CHANGE of DATE for Next IRTS Committee Meeting — YOTA — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — EI100MCV, Last Chance to Operate — DX News

16-Dec-2018   CHANGE of DATE for Next IRTS Committee Meeting — YOTA — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — EI100MCV, Last Chance to Operate — DX News

09-Dec-2018   Echo Ireland — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — IECRO Ireland Radio Club — EI100MCV, Last Chance to Operate — Catch a Net — DX News

02-Dec-2018   Echo Ireland — Contest News — Last Chance to Operate EI100MCV — Digital Radio Lecture — Radio Classes in the Midlands — ARRL 10M Contest — FM and DV — DX News

25-Nov-2018   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Digital Radio Lecture — Radio Classes in the Midlands — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DV Radio Net — Additional QRZ Information — The Continuing Fun of FUNcube — ARRL 10M Contest — DX News

18-Nov-2018   Silent Key : William Boles EI1DK — Digital Voice Net — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IECRO Radio Club — DX News

11-Nov-2018   Evening Counties Contest — IRTS News Team — Shannon Basin Club — EI2TAG Limerick 2 Metre Repeater — IECRO Radio Club — November Exam — DMR Talk — Irish DMR Connected to Echolink — DX News

04-Nov-2018   Contest News — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick 2 Metre Repeater — Limerick Radio Club November Meeting — Irish DMR Connected to Echolink — Personal Low Power 40 MHz 8 Meter Beacon — DX News

28-Oct-2018   What's my WAI Square? — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — 100th birthday celebrations in Latvia — 8 Meter Band Operation — DX News

21-Oct-2018   Contest Logs — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Latvia`s 100th birthday — DX News

14-Oct-2018   Silent Key A.D. Patterson (Barney) GI3KYP / EI4BC — Contest Today — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) — EchoLink now connected to Irish DMR Network — Shannon Basin Radio Club — ON4EI is Returning — DX News

07-Oct-2018   Contest News — DMR Irish Counties Net — Shannon Basin Radio Club — RMS Leinster — JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) — Limerick Radio Club — ON4EI is Returning — Phoenix Rally 2019 — DX News

30-Sep-2018   Contest Results — Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) — Phoenix Rally 2019 — IECRO Radio Club — IOTA Contest Results — DX News

23-Sep-2018   Silent Key : Seán Nolan EI7CD — Contest Results — IOTA Contest Results — Cork Radio Club — IECRO Radio Club — DMR Net Monday, 24th of September — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — “ENIGMA RELOADED" 2018 — M5 prefix makes an appearance again — LCFE Course HL050 — DX News

16-Sep-2018   Counties Contest — UKEICC Contest — November HAREC Licence Examination — EI8JK works Japan on 70cms Moonbounce — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IECRO Radio Club — LCFE Course HL050 — Loop Head Stats — DX News

09-Sep-2018   Counties Contest — Echo Ireland — November HAREC Licence Examination — IRTS AGM — Spectrum Strategy 2019-2021 — Skywave Amateur Radio Club — DX News

02-Sep-2018   Contest News — November HAREC Licence Examination — IRTS AGM — Limerick Radio Club — IRTS Committee meeting — 60 Meter Band — Skywave Amateur Radio Club — IECRO Radio Club — DX News

26-Aug-2018   Contests — Next Licence Exam — IRTS Committee meeting — IRTS AGM Weekend 2019 — Hurricane ‘Lane’ — WRTC "Most QSOs Listing" — Limerick HAREC Course — DX News

19-Aug-2018   South Dublin Radio Club — International Space Station — IRTS Committee meetings — Are you an operator of FT8? — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick HAREC Course — IECRO Radio Club — DX News

12-Aug-2018   Silent Keys — IRTS Committee meetings — International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Cromwell Point Lighthouse — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — M.R.E.N Lighthouse activation 2018 — New 144 MHz DX record — Limerick HAREC Course — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

05-Aug-2018   Silent Key — Limerick HAREC Course — South Dublin Radio Club — International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

29-Jul-2018   Silent Key — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend — Limerick Radio Club — IECRO Radio Club — 88 MHz Trans-Atlantic signals heard in Ireland — Howth Martello Radio Group — DX News

22-Jul-2018   Silent Key — IOTA Contest — World Radiosport Team Championship — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — International Convention of CW Operators — IECRO Radio Club — DX News

15-Jul-2018   IARU HF Championship — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Kingstown Regatta 120th Anniversary — IECRO Radio Club — 19th World ARDF Championships — DX News

08-Jul-2018   Silent Keys — IARU HF Championship — Kingstown Regatta 120th Anniversary — 19th World ARDF Championships — EIDX Group — Danish Headquarters Award — EI8GQB : EI7T Next Activation — DX News

01-Jul-2018   Silent Key — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — China Soon on 60m — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EIDX Group — Danish Headquarters Award — DX News

24-Jun-2018   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IECRO Radio Club — Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Radio — EIDX Group — DX News

17-Jun-2018   Museums on the air — IRTS Meeting — Echo Ireland : Summer 2018 — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EIDX Group — DX News

10-Jun-2018   Silent Keys — Echo Ireland : Summer 2018 — Next three IRTS Meetings — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Hungry is back on 60 meters — Howth Martello Radio Group — IECRO Radio Club : EI0IPN — EIDX Group — DX News

03-Jun-2018   Upcoming IRTS Meetings — Shannon Basin Radio Club — 100 kHz for South Africa on 60m — Howth Martello Radio Group — IECRO Radio Club : EI0IPN — EIDX Group — DX News

27-May-2018   Contest News — Comments Sought by Sub-Committee — IRTS Meetings — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EIDX — DX News

20-May-2018   Spectrum News — Data Protection Changes — Call for Radio Club Representatives — Printable Version of the IRTS Course Guide — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

13-May-2018   Rally Today — Radio Club Representatives — Important Notification from Comreg — Good news, Additional Frequencies — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Printable Version of the IRTS Course Guide — IECRO Radio Club — DX News

06-May-2018   ComReg Licensing — Additional Frequencies — Contest Today — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Course Guide Printable Version — IECRO Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

29-Apr-2018   ComReg Licensing — Additional Frequencies — Counties Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Wild Atlantic Way — 5 MHz Newsletter — DX News

22-Apr-2018   Contest Results — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

15-Apr-2018   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Amateur Station Licence Examination — International Space Station — International Marconi Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Howth Martello Radio Group — DX News

08-Apr-2018   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Limerick Radio Club — International Marconi Day 2018 — EI100MCV : OPERATORS REQUIRED — DX News

01-Apr-2018   Counties Contests — Amateur Station Licence Examination — International Marconi Day 2018 — IRTS Annual General Meeting — EI-DX Group — IECRO Ireland Radio Club : EI0IPN — EI100MCV : OPERATORS REQUIRED — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

25-Mar-2018   UKEICC Contests — Licence Examination Report — Limerick Radio Club — IRTS Annual General Meeting — EI-DX Group — EI100MCV OPERATORS REQUIRED — EI8GQB — DX News

18-Mar-2018   Licence Examination Report — Outgoing QSL Cards — IRTS Annual General Meeting — North Cork Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — EI100MCV : OPERATORS REQUIRED — CQ WPX SSB : EI8GQB — DX News

11-Mar-2018   Contest Results — Echo Ireland — IRTS Annual General Meeting — North Cork Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — EI100MCV : OPERATORS REQUIRED — Limerick Radio Club — EI8GQB — DX News

04-Mar-2018   Silent Key : Aidan Murphy EI5HW — Passing of Betsy Croly — Echo Ireland — IRTS Annual General Meeting — EI100MCV : OPERATORS REQUIRED — North Cork Radio Group — Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Wexford Wireless Club — DX News

25-Feb-2018   Last Year Prize Winners — IRTS Annual General Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio — Wexford Wireless Club — Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club — DX News

18-Feb-2018   Counties Contest — Last Year Prize Winners — Echo Ireland Club Reports — South Dublin Radio Club — IRTS Awards — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

11-Feb-2018   Evening Counties Contest — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — IRTS Awards — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

04-Feb-2018   Silent Key EI6AG — IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS Awards — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Morse Tests — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — MREN — DX News

28-Jan-2018   IRTS Awards — QSL Outwards Manager — Morse Tests — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI100MCV — St Patrick's Day — New DXCC Entity — MREN — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — AREN — EI QRP and Homebrew Group — DX News

21-Jan-2018   Contest Results — QSL Outwards Manager — Morse Tests — St Patrick's Day — Wild Atlantic Way — SOTA — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — AREN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI QRP and Homebrew Group — Cork Radio Club — DX News

14-Jan-2018   80 Meters Counties Contest — QSL Outwards Manager — Morse Tests — Wild Atlantic Way — SOTA — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — AREN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — DX News

07-Jan-2018   80 Meters Counties Contest — Morse Tests — Wild Atlantic Way — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Wexford Wireless Club — DX News

31-Dec-2017   Contest Tomorrow — Morse Testing in Athlone — Wild Atlantic Way — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Sinking of the Royal Mail Ship Leinster Remembered — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Wexford Wireless Club — DX News — Happy New Year from the IRTS

24-Dec-2017   Counties Contest — Wild Atlantic Way — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — EI5ØAOM Remembers the Tuskar Rock Air Tragedy — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Wexford Wireless Club — DX News — Happy Christmas

17-Dec-2017   Echo Ireland — Wild Atlantic Way — EI5ØAOM Remembers the Tuskar Rock Air Tragedy — Additional Croatian QSO’s to look forward to — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Wexford Wireless Club — DX News

10-Dec-2017   Silent Key — Echo Ireland — Wild Atlantic Way — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Wexford Wireless Club EI2WWC — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News

03-Dec-2017   Echo Ireland — Wild Atlantic Way — South Dublin Radio Club — Wexford Wireless Club EI2WWC — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News

26-Nov-2017   Contest Results — Echo Ireland — Wild Atlantic Way — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Wexford Wireless Club EI2WWC — Cork Radio Club — DX News

19-Nov-2017   Echo Ireland — Wild Atlantic Way — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Wexford Wireless Club EI2WWC — Cork Radio Club — EIDX — DX News

12-Nov-2017   Echo Ireland — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Wild Atlantic Way — Wexford Wireless Club EI2WWC — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — EIDX — DX News

05-Nov-2017   Evening Counties Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Wild Atlantic Way — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — EIDX — DX News

29-Oct-2017   Silent Key: EI2AF — Contest Results — Amateur Station Licence Examination — ISS Contact — CQ WW DX SSB Contest — Good news for 60 meters in Spain — Scout Jamboree on the Air — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — EIDX — DX News

22-Oct-2017   Silent Key: EI8BC — International Space Station Contact — Scout Jamboree on the Air — CQ WW DX SSB Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — EIDX — DX News

15-Oct-2017   Notice from ComReg — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Counties Contest — IOTA Contest Results — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — EIDX — Scout Jamboree on the Air — DX News

08-Oct-2017   IRTS Contest today — Notice from ComReg — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Scout Jamboree on the Air — DX News

01-Oct-2017   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Counties Contest — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Scout Jamboree on the Air — DX News

24-Sep-2017   Silent Key — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Contest Results — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

17-Sep-2017   South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — DX News

10-Sep-2017   Echo Ireland — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — DX News

03-Sep-2017   Counties Contest — Planning Permission — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — DX Féile — EI QRP and Homebrew Group — DX News

27-Aug-2017   IRTS Contests — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX Féile — DX News

20-Aug-2017   Passing of Hugh EI6CPB — International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend — Counties Contest — Mayo Radio Experimenters Club — North Cork Radio Group — Theory classes in Athlone — DX News

13-Aug-2017   Theory classes in Athlone — International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

06-Aug-2017   Publications Library — Islands On The Air — Limerick Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters club — North Cork Radio Group — DX News

30-Jul-2017   Publications Library — Summits On The Air — South Dublin Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

23-Jul-2017   Contest Results — December Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Special Event Radio Station from Royal Mint — DX News

16-Jul-2017   IRTS Contest News — South Dublin Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Special Event Radio Station from Royal Mint

09-Jul-2017   Planning Permission : Antenna Installations — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Special Event Radio Station from Royal Mint — 60m for Belize and Cyprus & The Philippines — Don EI6IL in USA — DX News

02-Jul-2017   Planning Permission : Antenna Installations — South Dublin Radio Club — Don EI6IL in USA — Special Event Radio Station from Royal Mint — 5.7GHz Survey — DX News

25-Jun-2017   Silent Key : Tony EI4DIB — Contest News — Planning Permission : Antenna Installations — 5.7GHz Survey — Brandmeister : DMR Radio — DX News

18-Jun-2017   VHF/UHF Contest — 5.7GHz Survey — 5Mhz For Jamaica — Renewal of your Amateur Station Licence — DX News — Jamaican Amateur Radio Association

11-Jun-2017   5.7GHz Survey — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Echo Ireland Summer Edition — Additions to the Publications Library — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — DX News — Amateur Radio in Jamaica — Radio Amateurs of Canada

04-Jun-2017   Silent Key : Anatolij EI4JF — 5.7GHz Survey — Echo Ireland Summer Edition — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Cork Radio Club — DX News — Irish Pirate Radio Museum — Elettra Back on Air

28-May-2017   Additions to the Publications Library — Contest News — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Irish Pirate Radio Museum — Elettra Back on Air — DX News

21-May-2017   Silent Key : Mike VE3AO/EI7DH — 40 Metres Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Mexico now on 60m — Causeway Coast & Glens ARC Rally

14-May-2017   40 Metres Contest — South Dublin Radio Club News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The 5MHz Newsletter — Causeway Coast & Glens ARC Rally — Amateur Station Licence Examination — DX News — IRTS Technical Panel

07-May-2017   Contest Results — Cork Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — EI0SIX now QRV — South Dublin Radio Club News — Limerick Radio Club — United Arab Emirates on 60m — Caribbean Netherlands gain 60m WRC-15 Allocation — Lough Erne Rally Next Sunday 14th May 2017 — Causeway Coast & Glens ARC Rally — Amateur Station Licence Examination

30-Apr-2017   IRTS Contests — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Lough Erne Rally Sunday 14th May 2017 — Wexford Wireless Club — Malta latest to arrive on 5 MHz — DX News — IRTS Technical Panel

23-Apr-2017   IRTS Technical Panel — Wild Atlantic Way — Lough Erne Rally Sunday 14th May 2017 — Wexford Wireless Club — ISS and French School — DX News — Course Guide for the Amateur Radio Station Licence Examination

16-Apr-2017   Counties Contests — Echo Ireland : HF Happenings Feature Article — International Marconi Day — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club AGM — Wexford Wireless Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Panama now on 60m — DX News — Radio DARC Broadcasts

09-Apr-2017   Counties Contests — Summits on the Air — Avondhu Radio Club — Cork Radio Club AGM — DX News — Lough Erne Rally Sunday 14th May 2017 — Using Morse on your Smart Phone

02-Apr-2017   Silent Key : Donnacha EI6HQ — IRTS Annual General Meeting 2017 — Publications Library — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Lough Erne Rally Sunday 14th May 2017 — Limerick Radio Club — Causeway Coast and Glens ARC Rally — DX News — Course Guide for the Amateur Radio Station Licence Examination

26-Mar-2017   Silent Key : Paddy EI8GY — IRTS Annual General Meeting 2017 — New Membership Offer : hurry! — Publications Library — Lough Erne Rally Sunday 14th May 2017 — AREN news. — Wexford Wireless Club — The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News

19-Mar-2017   Annual General Meeting 2017 — Publications Library — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — New Call Signs — Lough Erne Rally Sunday 14th May 2017 — Wexford Wireless Club — DX News — Shannon Basin Radio Club

12-Mar-2017   Annual General Meeting 2017 — Contest Results — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — News on 5MHz — St. Patrick’s Day Parade from the LIARS Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — April 2017 Edition of Practical Wireless

05-Mar-2017   Echo Ireland — Contest Logs — Annual General Meeting 2017, diary date — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — WRTC2018 — Limerick Radio Club Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

26-Feb-2017   Annual General Meeting 2017, diary date — IRTS Awards Nominations — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Mills on the Air — DX News

19-Feb-2017   Counties Contest — Annual General Meeting 2017, diary date — IRTS Awards Nominations — Avondhu Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — RSGB Region 8 Quiz Challenge — EI DX Group

12-Feb-2017   March Edition Echo Ireland — Annual General Meeting 2017, diary date — IRTS Awards Nominations — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — EI DX Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The CWops Award for Advancing the Art of CW — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : Shacks Photography Competition.

05-Feb-2017   Annual General Meeting 2017, diary date — Cups and Trophies — IRTS Awards Nominations — Limerick Radio Club. — EI2WAW — South Dublin Radio Club — EI DX Group — Phoenix Rally — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : Shacks Photography Competition.

29-Jan-2017   Cups and Trophies — IRTS Awards Nominations — Annual General Meeting, diary date — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI DX Group — LRC 70 cms Repeater. — UKEICC — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Rally — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : Shacks Photography Competition.

22-Jan-2017   Cups and Trophies — IRTS Awards Nominations — Annual General Meeting, diary date — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : Shacks Photography Competition. — Limerick Radio Club : Radio Rally — Phoenix Rally — DX News

15-Jan-2017   Summits On The Air — Cups and Trophies — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Rally — Annual General Meeting, diary date — Radio Shacks of Ireland, Photo Competition — DX News

08-Jan-2017   Wild Atlantic Way — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Rally — Counties Contest — Annual General Meeting, diary date — Radio Shacks of Ireland, Photo Competition — Cups and Trophies — DX News

01-Jan-2017   Wild Atlantic Way — Worked All GI Award — 5 MHz Activity — Counties Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — IRTS New Membership Offer — DX News

25-Dec-2016   Latest News from ComReg on 5 MHz — Publications Library — Counties Contest — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Excitement is building for New Year’s Day, 1st January 2017. — Fermanagh Repeater now Operational — Germany Get 5Mhz — DX News — Phoenix Rally February 19th 2017

18-Dec-2016   Promoting Amateur Radio on the Wild Atlantic Way — South Dublin Radio Club — Finnish 5 MHz — Phoenix Rally February 19th 2017 — IRTS VHF Squares Table 2016 — New 70cm Repeater EI7HXR — DX News

11-Dec-2016   Echo Ireland — Phoenix Rally February 19th 2017 — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club –Radio Rally — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — IRTS VHF Squares Table 2016 — DX News

04-Dec-2016   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM. — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — Galway VHF Group 2m Gateway — Phoenix Rally February 19th 2017 — IRTS VHF Squares Table 2016 — Swedish 5 MHz Changes

27-Nov-2016   Silent Key : Gerald EI2CF — Contest Results — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The 5MHz Newsletter — Phoenix Rally February 19th 2017 — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — DX News

20-Nov-2016   Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Have you a new personal EI callsign? — Phoenix Rally February 19th 2017 — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Worked All States on 144 MHz — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

13-Nov-2016   Silent Key : Bernie EI6AX — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Talk in Dublin on Space, Amateur Radio & NASA — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — DX News

06-Nov-2016   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Counties Contest — DXCC Honor Roll — VE7SAR and EI7DAR are Twinned — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Talk in Dublin on Space, Amateur Radio & NASA — Soldering Workshop — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — DX News

30-Oct-2016   Contest Results — Contest Calendar and Rules — Amateur Station Licence Examination — AREN News — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club Rally MN0GKL

23-Oct-2016   Amateur Station Licence Examination — AREN News — Luxembourg Goes Live on 5 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club Rally MN0GKL — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

16-Oct-2016   Counties Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Morse Tests — 2016 Mayo Radio Experimenter Network AGM — M.R.E.N IRTS 40M counties contest participation. — DX News

09-Oct-2016   IRTS Contest Today — Amateur Station Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Olivier ON4EI back in Ireland — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Morse Tests — Limerick Radio Club — North East Digital Repeater Group — News from AREN — IPARC — DX News — JOTA

02-Oct-2016   Licence Exam — Licence Examination Report — Counties Contest — IOTA Contest Results — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Morse Tests — DX News — JOTA

25-Sep-2016   Silent Key : Terry Barnes GI3USS / EI8BH — Contest News — Licence Examination Report — South Dublin Radio Club — Award for Dave Deane EI9FBB — International Space Station — JOTA — DX News — Cavan EI2LLX Crossband Repeater

18-Sep-2016   Silent Key : John A.C. Breen EI7BV — Contest Results — Echo Ireland — South Dublin Radio Club — JOTA — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Digicon 2016

11-Sep-2016   IRTS Technical Panel — Counties Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio — DX News — Enigma Reloaded 2016 — Cavan EI2LLX Crossband Repeater

04-Sep-2016   Silent Key : Vincent EI5IO — Counties Contest — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio — DX News — IOTA 3rd to 6th September 2016

28-Aug-2016   IRTS Contests — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IOTA 3rd to 6th September 2016 — Limerick Radio Club IL&LW — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News — North Cork Radio Group : Rally Today Sunday 28th August — 60m and 630m : New Bands for Latvia

21-Aug-2016   Two Metres Contest — MREN Activation of Blacksod Lighthouse 2016. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Endurance Week : 100th Anniversary of Shackleton's Endurance Rescue 24th to 31st August — DiGIcon16 — DX News — North Cork Radio Group : Rally Next Sunday 28th August

14-Aug-2016   IRTS New Membership Offer — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Forthcoming September Edition of Echo Ireland — Dayton Hamvention has new Venue — DiGIcon16

07-Aug-2016   IOTA Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club and ILLW — SDR on Summer Break — New Belarus 5 MHz Allocation allowed 50W — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Forthcoming September Edition of Echo Ireland — North Cork Radio Group

31-Jul-2016   The Kerry Amateur Radio Group now active on DMR — Southern Ireland Repeater Group — Transatlantic Link-up — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Next Edition of Echo Ireland : September 2016 — North Cork Radio Group

24-Jul-2016   Silent Key : Jim VE3EIA/EI9BD — IOTA Contest — Contest Results — North Cork Radio Group — Transatlantic Link-up — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR

17-Jul-2016   Silent Key : Raymond MI0VFO — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — CQ Magazine now available to read online — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EI/MI Amateur Repeater and Gateway Interactive Map — DX News

10-Jul-2016   Summit Activation on 23 cms — EI/MI Amateur Repeater and Gateway Interactive Map — ANDORRA RETURNS TO 60m, GAINS NEW 4m BAND, MORE POWER ON 6m — DX News — Avondhu Radio Club — Radio News Service — TM160NT: Nikola Tesla 160th birthday

03-Jul-2016   Contest Results — IRTS New Membership Offer — South Dublin Radio Club News — DX News — Olivier ON4EI/EI8GQB back in Ireland — Radio News Service

26-Jun-2016   Contest Next Weekend — IRTS New Membership Offer — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — India launches ham radio satellites — DX News — Radio News Service

19-Jun-2016   IRTS : New Membership Offer — VHF/UHF Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Radio News Service — IRTS QSL Service

12-Jun-2016   Echo Ireland June Edition — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club IRLP — Shannon Basin Radio Club — IRTS Technical Panel — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Radio News Service

05-Jun-2016   Silent Key : GI4MFM/EI9DQ — Echo Ireland June Issue — DXCC Honor Roll — IRTS Committee Meeting — Limerick Radio Club IRLP — IARU Contest 2016

29-May-2016   Contests — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Shannon Basin Radio Club — GK4LOH received over 3467 km on 144 MHz — Dx News — Radio News Service

22-May-2016   Silent Key : Rona(Ro) Doyle EI7CXB — IRTS AGM 2016 : Awards — Cork Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — IRTS QSL Service — DX News — IRTS Technical Panel — IRTS Members Records

15-May-2016   Contest News — Amateur Station Licence Examination — 60 years of 4metres — IRTS AGM 2016 : Awards — Cork Radio Club Annual General Meeting — DX News

08-May-2016   June Edition of Echo Ireland — IRTS AGM 2016 : Awards — EI DXCC List — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — 5MHz Newsletter — DX News

01-May-2016   Silent Key : Matt W2MAT/EI4ID — June Edition of Echo Ireland — Counties Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS AGM 2016 : Awards — Romania on 5MHz — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR

24-Apr-2016   Silent Key Tom EI2AJ — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS AGM 2016 : Awards — IRTS AGM 2017 — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — DX News — The Russian Digital Radio Club — Earthquake in Ecquador

17-Apr-2016   Contest Results — IRTS AGM 2016 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Avondhu Rado Club : AGM 2015 — DX News — International Marconi Day

10-Apr-2016   IRTS AGM 2016 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — 2 Metres Counties Contest — Cork Radio Club — DX News — International Marconi Day

03-Apr-2016   IRTS AGM 2016 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Counties Contest — DXCC Update — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News — To the Moon and back…

27-Mar-2016   Silent Key William EI5IJ — IRTS President Visits Clubs — Counties Contest — IRTS AGM 2016 — To the Moon and back… — South Dublin Radio Club — Radio During the Easter Rising 1916 — DX News — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : 2m Handheld Raffle.

20-Mar-2016   Counties Contest — IRTS AGM 2016 — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — DX News

13-Mar-2016   IRTS AGM 2016 — South Dublin Radio Club — Galway VHF Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Belgium gets WRC15 5 MHz allocation and 4m extension — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : 2m Handheld Raffle. — DX News

06-Mar-2016   IRTS AGM 2016 — Limerick Radio Club Engineers Ireland Week — News from Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — City on Belfast Radio Amateur Society — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : 2m Handheld Raffle.

28-Feb-2016   Silent Key : Manus EI7EQ — IRTS AGM 2016 — Echo Ireland: March 2016 — Contest Results — Cork Radio Club Monthly Meeting — The Hurdy Gurdy Museum — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : 2m Handheld Raffle. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Olivier ON4EI/EI8GQB — DX News

21-Feb-2016   Silent Key : Noel EI4HXB — IRTS AGM 2016 — 80 Metres Evening Contest — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : 2m Handheld Raffle. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — KARG Annual General Meeting 2016 — DX News — IARU Region 1 Interim Meetings — Return of Cups and Trophies

14-Feb-2016   IRTS AGM 2016 — 80 Metres Evening Contest — Return of Cups and Trophies — KARG Annual General Meeting 2016 — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — IRTS News now on EI2CCR — DAR Bring and Buy Sale — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — World First for Amateur Radio — DX News — IARU Region 1 Interim Meetings

07-Feb-2016   New 80 Metres Evening Contest — IARU Region 1 Interim Meetings — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — ARISS contact planned for school in the UK on Thursday 11th of February at 6.10pm — South Dublin ATV Repeater — Return of Cups and Trophies — Coolmine Rally February 2016 — Limerick Radio Club — DX News — IRTS AGM 9/10 April 2016

31-Jan-2016   March Edition : Echo Ireland — New 80 Metres Evening Contest — Return of Cups and Trophies — Coolmine Rally February 2016 — Fingal Radio Club EI2FRC — IRTS AGM 9/10 April 2016 — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

24-Jan-2016   Contest Results — Return of Cups and Trophies — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Coolmine Rally February 2016 — The Next IRTS Committee Meeting Saturday 20th February — Fingal Radio Club EI2FRC — Kells Radio Club EI7KRC — DX News

17-Jan-2016   Return of Cups and Trophies — Contest Rules — IRTS Committee Meeting 9th January 2016 — The Next IRTS Committee Meeting Saturday 20th February — St. Patrick’s Day on the Air — Fingal Radio Club EI2FRC — UKEICC DX CW Contest — DX News — Coolmine Rally February 2016 —

10-Jan-2016   Counties Contest — Coolmine Rally February 2016 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — Limerick Radio Club — The 5 MHz Newsletter — DX NEWS —

03-Jan-2016   Coolmine Rally February 2016 — Limerick Radio Club — SDR Net — DX News — The 5 MHz Newsletter — 2m Nets — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

27-Dec-2015   New Year's Day Contest — EI DXers — ARISS Postpones Anniversary SSTV Event — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

20-Dec-2015   Counties Contest — UK/EI DX Contest — IRTS AGM 2016 & 2017 — ARISS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick 2m Repeater — DX News — Draft Radio Spectrum Strategy 2016 to 2018 — IRTS Publications

13-Dec-2015   IRTS AGM 2016 & 2017 — Echo Ireland — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — ITU World Radiocommunication Conference Finds Amateur Bands Unsuitable for Non-Amateur Satellites — Limerick 2m Repeater — DX News — SDR Net

06-Dec-2015   Silent Key : Bernard EI6CF — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — SDR Net — IRTS 80m Counties Contest — DX News

29-Nov-2015   YOTA — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News — Coolmine Rally February 2016 — Tipperary Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Hurdy Gurdy Vintage Radio

22-Nov-2015   New 5 MHz Allocation — UK & Ireland Contest Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — DX News — 2m Nets

15-Nov-2015   Submissions for Publication in December Echo Ireland — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — UKEI DX Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — World Radiocommunications Conference — DX News — 28th Homebrew & OldTime QRP Contest Community — IRTS Radio News on 2m in Louth Area

08-Nov-2015   IRTS Member Records — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — 2m Nets

01-Nov-2015   Cork Radio Club Monthly Meeting — UKEICC — UK Amateur Radio Licences — DX News — IRTS News Services — Afghanistan Earthquake

25-Oct-2015   Incoming QSL Bureau — Scout Jamboree — Clubs Holding Radio Theory Classes — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DX News — IRTS News Services

18-Oct-2015   IRTS News Services — IRTS Web Site — Contest Calendar and Rules — IOTA Contest Results — CEPT Conference Preparatory Group Proposals for WRC-15 — Clubs Holding Radio Theory Classes — New IOTA Foundation — Seefin Mountain Repeater — DX News — 2m Nets — John EI5HI/A65HL

11-Oct-2015   Amateur Station Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Scouts Jamboree on the Air JOTA — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network. — North Cork Radio Group — The 5MHz Newsletter — DX News — The Irish Hour

04-Oct-2015   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Clubs Holding Radio Theory Classes — Scouts Jamboree on the Air JOTA — Radio Officers Association New Publication — Limerick Radio Club — Oliver EI8GQB — DX News

27-Sep-2015   IRTS Contest Results — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Cork Radio Club — 40th International Police Association Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Russian Digital Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Region 4 Radio Theory Classes — DX News — 2m Nets — IRTS News Services

20-Sep-2015   Silent Key : Pat EI8H — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS News Services — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — South Dublin Radio Club — 2m Nets

13-Sep-2015   Echo Ireland — Amateur Station Licence Examination — North Cork Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Hungarian CW Beacon — South Eastern Amateur Group — DX News — Chess Player Using Morse Code — Don NK6A Visiting Ireland

06-Sep-2015   Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS News Services — North Cork Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Group — 2m Nets — DX News — EI90IARU

30-Aug-2015   IRTS Two Metres Counties Contest — North Cork Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — UKEICC Contest — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Hungary Issues Temporary Permits for 5350 to 5450kHz — Cavan Repeater Group

23-Aug-2015   IRTS Contests — North Cork Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — ATV Repeaters — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

16-Aug-2015   Silent Key : Sean EI9GU — IRTS Contests — September Edition of IRTS Echo Ireland — North Cork Radio Group — MREN Activation of Blacksod Lighthouse 2015. — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

09-Aug-2015   September Edition of IRTS Echo Ireland — Shannon Basin Radio Club — The “Enigma” Event -12th to 25th September 2015 — Joe Dempsey VK2EIR — SDR closed for 2 weeks. — Calling all SWL's — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

02-Aug-2015   IRTS AGM 2016 — September Edition of Echo Ireland — South Dublin Radio at Dublin Maker Event — SDR closed for 2 weeks. — Calling all SWL's — Limerick Radio Club — Avondhu Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Special Callsign EI80OPC — DX News — 2m Nets

26-Jul-2015   Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) 2015 — Avondhu Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Special Callsign EI80OPC — DX News — 2m Nets

19-Jul-2015   Special Callsign EI80OPC — South Dublin Radio Club EI2SDR — Youngsters On The Air (YOTA) 2015 — UK Schools contact European Space Station — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI Amateur Radio Wedding — 2m Nets

12-Jul-2015   Contest Results — CQWW World Record — 2m Nets — VHF/UHF Squares Table — DX News — North Cork Radio Group — 70MHz (4M) Awards

05-Jul-2015   Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Southern Ireland Repeater Network: — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — DX News — Cavan Repeaters — AREN News — The Square Kilometre Array — North Cork Radio Group

28-Jun-2015   IRTS Contest Rules Updates — VHF/UHF Field Day Contest — Olivier ON4EI back in Ireland — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — North Cork Radio Group — Bangor and District ARS Summer Rally

21-Jun-2015   Contest News — North Cork Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — News of Easter Rising 1916 — DX News — 2m Nets — Bangor and District ARS Summer Rally — EI150ITU

14-Jun-2015   Contest News — Echo Ireland — 2m Nets — VHF/UHF Squares Table — County Louth Agricultural Show — IRTS Committee and Officers — EI90IARU — DX News — TV Signals as an Alternative to Radar

07-Jun-2015   Echo Ireland : June 2015 — Contest Results — South Dublin Radio Club — 2m Nets — DX News — IRTS Technical Panel — Join IRTS

31-May-2015   Silent Key : John (Jeff) Walsh EI6CW — IRTS CW Field Day — Cork Radio Club — IRTS Committee and Officers — IRTS AGM 2015 Awards, Trophies & Cups — 2m Nets — DX News — South Africa New 8m Band — “Electra” Back on Air

24-May-2015   Silent Key Bill EI3DM — Contest News — IRTS Committee and Officers — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS AGM 2015 Awards, Trophies & Cups — DX News — 2m Nets — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

17-May-2015   Amateur Station Licence Examination — North Cork Radio Group — AREN News — Counties Contest — IRTS AGM 2015 Awards, Trophies & Cups — EI90IARU — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

10-May-2015   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Counties Contest — Nepal Earthquake Disaster — Next Edition of Echo Ireland — ISS Ham TV now Transmitting on 2395MHz — FUNcube-1 Transmitting Again — IRTS AGM 2015 Awards, Trophies & Cups — EI150ITU — DX News

03-May-2015   IRTS AGM 2015 — IRTS AGM 2015 Awards, Trophies & Cups — Contest Rules — Cork Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Next Edition of Echo Ireland — Lough Erne Radio Rally — AREN News — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — The 5MHz Newsletter — DX News

26-Apr-2015   Silent Key : Finbarr EI1CS — IRTS AGM & Radio Rally — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Counties Contests — Lough Erne Radio Rally — Cork Radio Club — Amateur Station Licence Examination — 2m Nets — DX News

19-Apr-2015   Silent Key : Frank EI2GS — Silent Key : Sean (John) EI5FJ — 83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Two Metres Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Lough Erne Radio Rally — Cork Radio Club Annual General Meeting — 2m Nets — Martello Tower — DX News — EuCW QRS Activity Week

12-Apr-2015   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Two Metres Contest — 83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Cork Radio Club — Lough Erne Radio Rally — 2m Nets — DX News — EI90IARU — South Africa on 40MHz

05-Apr-2015   Silent Key : Kevin EI9JD — Return of Trophies — 2 Metres Counties Contest — 2m Nets — EI150ITU — 83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Lough Erne Radio Rally — CQMM DX Contest : 30th Anniversary — DX News

29-Mar-2015   Limerick Radio Club Rally Cancelled — 2 metres Counties Contest — EI90IARU — 83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Nominations for IRTS Awards — Southern Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mahé, Seychelles, IOTA AF-024, July 7th to 18th, 2015

22-Mar-2015   83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Nominations for IRTS Awards — IRTS 2m Counties Contest — Southern Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News — EI90IARU — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Limerick Radio Club Rally

15-Mar-2015   83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Nominations for IRTS Awards — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Echo Ireland — EI90IARU — Limerick Radio Club Rally — DX News — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — World Amateur Radio Day 18th April 2015

08-Mar-2015   Nominations for IRTS Awards — 83rd IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — 2m Nets — EI DXCC List — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

01-Mar-2015   IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Forthcoming radio rallies — IRTS 2m Counties Contest — SDR Net : On the Move — 2m Nets — WRTC 2014 Documentary Released — DX News

22-Feb-2015   IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — Fingal Radio Club — IRTS Region4 Radio Theory Classes — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — SDR Net : On the Move — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Olivier ON4EI in Ireland — Malta on 4m

15-Feb-2015   IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — IRTS Committee — IRTS Region4 Radio Theory Classes — The International Amateur Radio Club (IARC) of ITU — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — DX News — ARRL Oral Histories First Entry

08-Feb-2015   IRTS AGM Dinner and Rally : 25th/26thApril- — EI150ITU — 80 Metres Counties Contest — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Forthcoming radio rallies — IRTS Region4 Radio Theory Classes — Fingal Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

01-Feb-2015   Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Forthcoming radio rallies — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Sota activation (Arderin) Ard Eireann Sota ref — IRTS Region4 Radio Theory Classes — UKEICC 80metre Activity — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Fingal Radio Club — DX News

25-Jan-2015   Silent Key : Cedric Rourke CT3FT / GI3IVJ / EI6AZ — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Lusitania Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Forthcoming radio rallies — DX News — Fingal Radio Club EI2FRC

18-Jan-2015   Contest Results — IRTS AGM & Annual Rally — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club Rally : Date Change 29th March 2014 — More 5MHz channels for Czech Amateurs — ARRL Library Goes Live — 5th Annual Youngsters On the Air (YOTA) — DX News

11-Jan-2015   Silent Key : Dolores EI6EPB — Bríd Donelan RIP — IRTS AGM & Annual Rally — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club — IRTS 80metres Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Fingal Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club. — Limerick Radio Club Rally : Date Change 29th March 2014 — DX News — Logbook of the World — Shannon Basin Radio Club — New Wireless Charging Organisation

04-Jan-2015   IRTS AGM & Annual Rally — IRTS 80metres Contest — Final VHF Squares — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Fingal Radio Club — DX News

28-Dec-2014   Silent Key : Tom EI6K — IRTS 80metres Counties Contest — Final VHF Squares — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — Irishman in Antarctic Activation — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club — IRTS : Join Us — NEWS....NEWS....NEWS……

21-Dec-2014   Silent Key : EI8KB — Echo Ireland — Radio Rallies in 2015 — IRTS 80 Metres Counties Contest — DX News — NEWS....NEWS....NEWS……

14-Dec-2014   Echo Ireland — Two Metre Revival — New IRTS Awards — Radio Rallies in 2015 — IRTS 80 Metres Counties Contest — Youngsters On The Air — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News

07-Dec-2014   IRTS AGM & Annual Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Recommendation: New CEPT Exam Recommendation for — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally — IRTS 80m Counties Contest 2015 — December is YOTA Month! — DX News — NEWS....NEWS....NEWS……

30-Nov-2014   IRTS AGM & Annual Rally — IRTS 80m Counties Contest 2015 — Limerick Radio Club Annual Rally — Voice Repeaters Ireland — UKEICC 80m CW Contest — December is YOTA Month! — Irish Amateur Television Club — IRTS Technical Panel — Cavan Repeaters EI2LLX — DX News

23-Nov-2014   December is YOTA Month! — The Radio Officers’ Association — UKEICC 80m CW Contest — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Ham Radio launches to Deep Space — Worked All Ireland Award Programme

16-Nov-2014   Cork Repeater Group — December is YOTA Month! — An Introduction to Worked All Ireland — The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Slow & Fast Morse Transmissions

09-Nov-2014   Galway VHF Group Projects — VP8RAF/100 Falkland Islands — SOTA — Limerick Radio Club — C5, The Gambia : update — Weekend Solar Flares Guaranteed — Amateur Station Licence Examination

02-Nov-2014   Echo Ireland — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS Submissions — IRTS AGM & Dinner SEARG Rally 2015 — Limerick Radio Club CW Classes — Limerick Radio Club Annual Radio, Hobbies & — EI5HDB Sota Activation — DX News

26-Oct-2014   Good News on 70 MHz — UKEICC 80m SSB Contest — Limerick Radio Club — DX News — Amateur Station Licence Examination

19-Oct-2014   EI News Calling — UKEICC 80m SSB Contest — Hurdy Gurdy Museum and Science Week — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Dominica on 5MHz — DX News — ATV Activity

12-Oct-2014   IOTA Contest Results — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Olivier ON4EI — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — MREN Annual Rally

05-Oct-2014   Amateur Station Licence Examination — IARU Region 1 Conference — ATV Activity: — Information on the recent SARL 5 MHz Beacon — MREN Annual Rally — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

28-Sep-2014   Silent Key : Pete GI4VIV — Amateur Station Licence Examination — MREN Annual Rally — Lusitania Radio Club — IOTA Programme Review — The 5MHz Newsletter — 80m CW UKEICC Contest — IPARC Contest 2014 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — West Tyrone ARC Annual Conference —

21-Sep-2014   Amateur Station Licence Examination — 80m Contest on Wednesday. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — DX News — The 5MHz Newsletter

14-Sep-2014   Silent Key : Dan EI3AE — An Apology — The 5MHz Newsletter — Transmitter Noise — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — KARG participate in IRTS HF Field Day — Southern Ireland Repeater Network — IRTS Member Websites — UK Ofcom Consultation : licence changes from April 2015 — DX News

07-Sep-2014   IRTS SSB Field Day Contest — Echo Ireland — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — North Cork Radio Group — DX News — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Newly Formed UK Island Group — Study for the Amateur Radio Licence

31-Aug-2014   IRTS SSB Field Day Contest — North Cork Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Newly Formed UK Island Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — ComReg 5 Year Amateur Radio Licence Notification — IRTS Course Guide : Amateur Station Licence — DX News

24-Aug-2014   IRTS 2m Contest 2014 — IRTS SSB Field Day Contest — EI9E/P is the top of the list in the RSGB's VHF — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Practical Wireless September 2014 Edition — Athlone Calling — Remote Control Stations — DX News

17-Aug-2014   Silent Key John (JJ) EI6AH — IRTS 2m Contest 2014 — IRTS SSB Field Day Contest — IRTS ECHO Ireland — Contest Logging Software — VHF/UHF Squares Table — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

10-Aug-2014   Silent Key Roderic, EI2P — IRTS 2m Contest 2014 — EJ5BPL Lighthouse Activation on Sherkin Island, Co. — Ham radio users light up the airwaves at Loop Head — Consultation on Spectrum Policy Priorities — North Cork Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — DX News — IRTS ECHO Ireland

03-Aug-2014   IRTS ECHO Ireland — IRTS 2m Contest 2014 — North Cork Radio Group — Islands On The Air — EJ5BPL Lighthouse Activation on Sherkin Island, Co. — South Dublin Radio Club — Grey Point Fort Amateur Radio — EI9E/P Depedition — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

27-Jul-2014   IRTS 2m Contest 2014 — Limerick Radio Club — The Shannon Basin Radio Club — The Shannon Basin & The Galway Radio Club — Declan EI9HQ Out and About — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — SatMagazine — IRTS Membership Renewal

20-Jul-2014   The IRTS Website — Amateur Radio Licence Examination — ARRL Centennial — First Signals Heard from UKube-1 — Hurdy Gurdy Museum on the BBC — The Shannon Basin & The Galway Radio Club — ComReg 5 Year Amateur Radio Licence Notification — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS 2m Contest 2014

13-Jul-2014   Silent Key : Kevin Dillon EI2HM — Call Book Address Withheld? — IARU General Conference — The Brendan Awards — Avondhu Radio Club : CW Field Day 2014 : EI1E/P — The Shannon Basin & The Galway Radio Club — DX News — Appeal for HF Newsreaders

06-Jul-2014   HF News Broadcast — ARISS Schools Contact heard in EI — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Islands On The Air (IOTA) — City of Belfast Radio Amateur Society — The Brendan Awards — Radio Propagation — DX News

29-Jun-2014   IRTS UHF/VHF Field Day — IRTS Technical Panel — The North Cork Radio Group — NCRG Annual Radio & Electronics Rally — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

22-Jun-2014   Course Guide Update : Amateur Station Licence — Revitalised VHF Squares Table on IRTS Website — ComReg 5 Year Amateur Radio Licence Notification — United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club (UKEICC) — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — Voice Repeaters in Ireland — Orchard County DX Club — DX News

15-Jun-2014   CW Field Day — IRTS Contests — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group EI7TRG — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — NOAA-16 Decommissioned — WRTC2014 Chase — Brendan Trophy Challenge

08-Jun-2014   Silent Key — Silent Key — Echo Ireland, June 2014 — IRTS Contests — International Museums Weekend 2014 — Sligo Amateur Radio Club — DX News — The International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

01-Jun-2014   Echo Ireland, June 2014 — ComReg 5 Year Amateur Radio Licence Notification — Calling all Radio Clubs — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Course Guide Update : Amateur Station Licence — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group EI7TRG — DX News

25-May-2014   ComReg 5 Year Amateur Radio Licence Notification — 40 Metres Counties Contest — Shannon Basin Radio Club — IRTS CW Field Day — IRTS Publications — International Museums Weekend IMW — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

18-May-2014   40m Counties Contest — Shannon Basin Radio Club — UKEICC — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The 5MHz Newsletter — DX News

11-May-2014   40m Counties Contest — Limerick Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Marconi Radio Group Balycastle — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — The 5Mhz Newsletter — UKEICC — DX News

04-May-2014   Course Guide Update : Amateur Station Licence — Revitalised VHF Squares Table on IRTS Website — CQ CQ All Amateur Radio Clubs — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Cavan Repeater EI2LLX — The West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — Shanes Castle Special Event Station — DX News

27-Apr-2014   Counties Contest — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Hurdy Gurdy Museum Howth

20-Apr-2014   IRTS 2m Counties Contest — IRTS Publications — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — New Counties Contest — Four Meter Addition To Mt. Leinster Repeater

13-Apr-2014   IRTS Publications — IRTS AGM Awards 2014 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — North Cork Radio Group — EI5IMD on Brow Head for Marconi Day on 26 April — IMD Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — DX News

06-Apr-2014   Silent Key : Con, EI7ID — Silent Key : Anthony, AA2TX — United Kingdom and Ireland Contest Club (UKEICC) — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Declan EI9HQ WAI Run — WAI Yahoo Group — Limerick Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Summits On The Air — DX News

30-Mar-2014   IRTS AGM 2014 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Cork Radio Club — Geo Stationary Satellite Transponders — Southern Ireland Repeater Network — DECLAN EI9HQ/EI45WAB — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Bletchley Park Code Breakers

23-Mar-2014   82nd IRTS AGM 2014 — New Counties Contest — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — South Dublin Radio Club — Amateur Station Licence Examination — ADRAD Kayldall DMR Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Attempt for 2m Transatlantic QSO

16-Mar-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — New Counties Contest — St. Patricks Day on Air — Live Television from the International Space Station — Declan EI9HQ — DX News

09-Mar-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Licence Exam Course Guide — Four Meter Addition To Mt. Leinster Repeater — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — St. Patricks Day on Air — DX News — Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest

02-Mar-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — Limerick Radio Club Rally 2014 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Return of IRTS Awards and Trophies — IRTS News now on EI2MOG — ECHO Ireland — South Dublin Radio Club — Declan EI9HQ/EI45WAB Out and About — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

23-Feb-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — IRTS Awards — Limerick Radio Club Rally 2014 — Echo Ireland — Cork Radio Club — Tesla Memorial HF Contest — Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally — St. Patricks Day on Air — World Community Grid — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

16-Feb-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS Awards — EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — IRTS News now on EI2MOG — The Winter 2013-4 Edition : 09 : of The 5 MHz — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club AGM — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

09-Feb-2014   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Radio Rallies — Summits On The Air — IRTS Awards — EI DXCC List — DX News

02-Feb-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Nominations for IRTS Awards 2014 — Limerick Radio Club Rally 2014 — DX News — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Limerick Radio Club Special Event Callsign EI4LCC — 80 Years of Brazilian Amateur Radio League

26-Jan-2014   IRTS 82nd AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd, 23rd 2014 — Changes to Non-Contest IRTS Awards Criteria — Nominations for IRTS Awards 2014 — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — Canada on 5MHz — DX News — COMREG : 5 Year Amateur Station Licence Reminder

19-Jan-2014   COMREG : 5 year Amateur Station Licence Reminder — IRTS AGM Dinner & Rally March 22nd & 23rd 2014 — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Nominations for IRTS Awards 2014 — EI13CLAN Report — North Dublin Radio Club : Radio Theory Classes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Cork Radio Club — ARRL Celebrates 100 years in 2014 — DX News

12-Jan-2014   The 2014 IRTS AGM hosted By The GALWAY VHF GROUP — Time to Return IRTS Trophies and Cups — Nominations for IRTS Awards 2014 — Cork Radio Club — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club (WTARC) — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — DX News — Declan EI9HQ

05-Jan-2014   The 2014 IRTS AGM hosted By The GALWAY VHF GROUP — IRTS 80 metres Counties Contest — 2 Metres Counties Contest 2014 — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — Limerick Radio Club Special Event Callsign EI4LCC — International Museum weekends 2014 — Special Callsign Justin EI30T — Declan EI9HQ WAI Runs — DX News

29-Dec-2013   The 2014 IRTS AGM hosted By The GALWAY VHF GROUP — IRTS 80m Counties Contest — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — Spain Gets Experimental Permission for 5MHz — NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Hears Hams Say “Hi”

22-Dec-2013   Silent Key : Peadar EI4W — The 2014 IRTS AGM hosted By The GALWAY VHF GROUP — IRTS 80metres Counties Contest — IRTS Christmas Greetings — 2013 World Telecom — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — DX News

15-Dec-2013   The 2014 IRTS AGM hosted By The GALWAY VHF GROUP — ZS9MADIBA : Nelson Mandela : Special Call Sign — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — DX News — Radio Spectrum Policy Group

08-Dec-2013   Silent Key : Tom EI6GB — SDR Net : First Anniversary — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group : AGM — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — EI DXCC List — Limerick Radio Club. — Network Southern Area Radio Experimenter Club — DX News

01-Dec-2013   2014 IRTS AGM — IRTS : Christmas Gift — IRTS Technical Panel — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Summits On The Air — AMsat UK : FunCube Satellite — DX News

24-Nov-2013   IRTS : Christmas Gift — AMsat UK : FunCube Satellite — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — IRTS Region 4 Radio Theory Classes — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — Amateur Radio Satellites — The 5MHz Newsletter (No.8 Autumn 2013) — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — DX News

17-Nov-2013   IRTS : EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society : EI7DAR — Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — The 5MHz Newsletter (No.8 Autumn 2013) — Philippines Typhoon Disaster — New Amateur Radio Satellites in November — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — DX News

10-Nov-2013   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Annual Rally — Phoenix Amateur Radio Annual Rally — Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum — Limerick : Radio Theory Classes — Limerick Radio Club — UK Licence Changes 2014 — DX News

03-Nov-2013   IRTS AGM 2014 : March 22nd & 23rd — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Annual Rally — Ex-Commercial Marconi & Naval Radio Equipment — Radio Examination Success — International Museums Weekend Special Event 2014 — DX News — Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum

27-Oct-2013   IRTS Website — Irish Amateur Television Club — North Cork Radio Group — EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — Foyle & District ARC Rally — IPA Radio Club Contest — DX News — LVARS Annual Rally 2014

20-Oct-2013   IRTS Echo Ireland — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Foyle & District ARC Rally — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Annual Rally — IOTA Contest Results — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

13-Oct-2013   IRTS — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally — Cork Radio Club — Foyle & District ARC Rally — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Annual Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

06-Oct-2013   EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — Limerick Radio Club — Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally — Cork Radio Club — Irish Amateur Television Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

29-Sep-2013   EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — West Tyrone ARC — Carrickfergus Amateur Radio Group Rally — EI9E/P VHF Contest Group Success — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IPA Radio Club Contest — DX News

22-Sep-2013   Silent Key — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS Technical Panel — West Tyrone ARC — DX News — IRTS

15-Sep-2013   Silent Key — Echo Ireland — The Launch of EI6IJ Fund in support of Affiliated Clubs — Amateur Station Licence Examination — The 5Mhz Newsletter — DX News

08-Sep-2013   Counties Contest Results — Amateur Station Licence Examination — The North Cork Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — LVARS Annual Rally 2014 — NASA’s Juno Mission — Network Southern Area Radio Experimenters' Club — DX News

01-Sep-2013   Amateur Station Licence Examination — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — The North Cork Radio Group — The Kerry Amateur Radio Group — The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — Amateur Radio in the Camper Van

25-Aug-2013   Silent Key — Amateur Station Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Hurdy Gurdy Museum Culture Night — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Counties Contest — DX News During the coming weeks Rick AI5P will be on

18-Aug-2013   Amateur Station Licence Examination — EI13CLAN Challenge. — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Counties Contest — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — DX News

11-Aug-2013   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — The Shannon Basin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DX News — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Galway Amateur Radio Club — The Sun's Magnetic Field

04-Aug-2013   South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club. — Youngsters On The Air 2013. — DXCC Awards — North Cork Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — DX News

28-Jul-2013   Become a Member of the IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group & Radio Electronics Fair — Limerick Radio Club — DX News

21-Jul-2013   Silent Key — IOTA Contest — Limerick Radio Club — Olivier ON4EI 7th to 31st July 2013 — North Cork Radio Group & Radio Electronics Fair — ILLW is only a month away — DX News

14-Jul-2013   IOTA Contest — Kingstown Regatta — SD by EI5DI is now Free — Fingal Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

07-Jul-2013   IRTS Technical Panel — North Cork Radio Group — Fingal Radio Club — Winner of Cleartone 4m rig — DX News — North Cork Radio Group & Radio Electronics Fair

30-Jun-2013   Silent Key — Become a Member of the IRTS — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Fingal Radio Club — Olivier ON4EI 7th to 31st July 2013 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Bangor Rally — North Cork Radio Group & Radio Electronics Fair — DX News

23-Jun-2013   News in Irish — EI115MAR — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — Last Telegram — Ham Radio Emergency Communications in Poland

16-Jun-2013   IRTS AGM Awards — Duhallow Repeater Group.. — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — GB3WGI 144Mhz Beacon — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — A FREE Cleartone CM-7200 4m AM/FM Radio Giveaway. — Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Bangor & District Amateur Radio Society GI3XRQ — Summits On The Air — DX News

09-Jun-2013   Amateur Station Licence Examination — News in Irish — IRTS AGM Awards — CW Field Day — North Cork Radio Group — A FREE Cleartone CM-7200 4m AM/FM Radio Giveaway. — Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

02-Jun-2013   News in Irish — New Call Sign for News Transmissions — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

26-May-2013   News in Irish — IRTS CW Field Day — IRTS AGM Awards — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Italian Amateur Radio Association — Israel on 5Mhz — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Invitation to the IARU Region 1 50MHz Contest — European Space Expo — DX News

19-May-2013   Join the IRTS — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS AGM Awards — EI13CLAN Challenge — IRTS CW Field Day — Youngsters On The Air Estonia 2013 — Radio Society of Great Britain — DX News

12-May-2013   Amateur Station Licence Examination — 5Mhz Newsletter — New 24 GHz EME World Record — Hook Head Lighthouse Activation — South Dublin Radio Club — CASHOTA — DX News

05-May-2013   Amateur Station Licence Examination — EI News — IRTS AGM Awards — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — DX News

28-Apr-2013   81st IRTS AGM — Amateur Station Licence Examination — IRTS Technical Panel — The North Cork Radio Group — The Latest Edition of Echo Ireland — Youngsters On The Air — Fingal Radio Club — DX News

21-Apr-2013   Silent Key — IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Amateur Station Licence Examination — EI13CLAN — AREN — JT65 and JT9 Presentation — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Marconi Day Saturday 20th April 2013 — DX News

14-Apr-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — 2 Metres Counties Contest — IRTS Technical Panel — IRTS Committee and Officer Nominations — First for EI5EV — Cork Radio Club on Brow Head for Marconi Day 2013 — North Cork Radio Group — Cork Repeater Group — RSGB Centenary AGM — DX News

07-Apr-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Echo Ireland : March — 2 Metres Counties Contest — Youngsters on the Air — Limerick Radio Club — International Marconi Day Saturday 20th April 2013 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Bangor & District ARS Rally — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — DX News

31-Mar-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies — Youngsters On The Air — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — CQ WW SSB DX Contest 2012 Results — Cork Radio Club — Bangor & District ARS Rally — First of Its Kind in Ireland — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Lough Erne Rally Thanks — DX News

24-Mar-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — EI13CLAN — Youngsters On The Air — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI8GQB/EI1A Activation — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Nicholas Joseph Callan

17-Mar-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies — Renewal of Amateur Station Licences — Youngsters On The Air — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — North Cork Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

10-Mar-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Summits On The Air — Series 9 Incoming QSL Manager — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Limerick Radio Club — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally — A Tale of two Forts — DX News — IARU Region 1 — New Social Networking Site for Radio Hams

03-Mar-2013   Pat Hawker G3VA Silent Key — IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — North Cork Radio Group — Cork Radio Club AGM — South Dublin Radio Club AGM 26th of March — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

24-Feb-2013   Renewal of Amateur Station Licences — IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Cork Radio Club — Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies — IRTS Awards Nominations — VHF / UHF Squares Table — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — DX News

17-Feb-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Limerick Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club Radio Rally — Renewal of Amateur Station Licences — IRTS Awards Nominations — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally — Cork Radio Club — DX News

10-Feb-2013   Silent Key — Syllabus for Amateur Radio Licence — IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Limerick Radio Club AGM — Limerick Radio Club Radio Rally — IRTS Awards Nominations. — Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Restoration of Grey Point Fort — DX News — EI13CLAN operation from Galway.

03-Feb-2013   Silent Key. — IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies — IRTS Awards Nominations. — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Limerick Radio Club Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — EI13CLAN

27-Jan-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Return of IRTS Awards & Trophies — IRTS Awards Nominations. — Coolmine Radio Rally — Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally — EI13CLAN — DX News — Lough Erne Rally

20-Jan-2013   IRTS AGM, Dinner and Radio Rally — Return of IRTS Award Trophies — Greenland Gets Full 5 MHz Allocation — Coolmine Radio Rally — Lagan Valley Amateur Radio Rally — Lough Erne Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI13CLAN — DX News

13-Jan-2013   Revised Amateur Station Licence Guidelines — New 5 MHz Channels — Coolmine Radio Rally — Limerick Radio Club — New RSGB Manager for GI Region 8 — Using Facebook — DX News — EI13CLAN

06-Jan-2013   Counties Contest — EI13CLAN — New MF Allocation — Coolmine Radio Rally — DX News — Morse Code as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

30-Dec-2012   Silent Key — New MF Allocation — EI13CLAN — IRTS 80m Counties Contest 2013. — Coolmine Radio Rally — DX News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

23-Dec-2012   Christmas & Seasons Greetings — Echo Ireland — IRTS 80m Counties Contest 2013. — Unusual Special Event Station — EI13CLAN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Expansion of UK 5Mhz Frequency — The Lagan Valley ARS Annual Rally — DX News

16-Dec-2012   Silent Key — Echo Ireland — IRTS 80m Counties Contest 2013. — Small Beacon — Coolmine Radio Rally — Opportunity for Young Ham Radio Operators — Hurdy Gurdy Museum of Vintage Radio — DX News

09-Dec-2012   IRTS 80m Counties Contest 2013. — Coolmine Radio Rally — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party 2011 — DX News

02-Dec-2012   IRTS Technical Panel — Contest News — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party 2011 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Opportunity for Young Ham Radio Operators — DX News

25-Nov-2012   IRTS Technical Panel — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Get Together — Opportunity for Young Ham Radio Operators — DX News

18-Nov-2012   Great Sadness — Mayo Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group AGM — 5 MHz ‘Sunset’ Net Changes Frequency — Galway Radio Experimenters — DX News

11-Nov-2012   Silent Key : GI3GGY — Mayo Rally — New EI DXCC award holder — Summits On The Air — Standard for Power Line Telecommunications — Validate Your UK Licence — Limerick Radio Club — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — DX News

04-Nov-2012   CQ WW DX Contest — Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club's Annual Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Opportunity for Young Ham Radio Operators — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society

28-Oct-2012   Echo Ireland — EI1DRC — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — New Zealand hope to get 50-51Mhz

21-Oct-2012   Silent Key — IOTA Contest Results — IRTS Technical Panel — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — DX News

14-Oct-2012   CQ WW DX SSB Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Talk on DXpedition to St. Kilda — Sweden Loses 2.3GHz — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — DX News

07-Oct-2012   Condolences — DXCC List — Marconi Clifden 2012 Event — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — DX News

30-Sep-2012   Z60K Activation in Kosovo — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — DX News

23-Sep-2012   South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club : Saorview — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — DX News — IRTS Shop update

16-Sep-2012   Licence Examination — North Cork Radio Group — Achill Henge CASHOTA Activation — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — DX News — Fists CW Club

09-Sep-2012   Licence Examination — SSB Field Day — Achill Henge CASHOTA Activation — North Cork Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — Oleg EI7KD World Champion

02-Sep-2012   Licence Examination — 2 Metres Counties Contest — IRTS Shop update — North Cork Radio Group — This year Dublin Bus celebrates its 25th Birthday. — DX News

26-Aug-2012   Licence Examination — IRTS Shop update — Echo Ireland — Counties Contest — Information Evening — Limerick Radio Club — The Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

19-Aug-2012   Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — Cashota Ireland and Cashota — South Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Vintage Radio Museum Howth — Radio pollution caused by Powerline Technology (PLT) — DX News

12-Aug-2012   Licence Examination — IRTS Young Operators/SWL’s — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Cashota Ireland and Cashota — DX News

05-Aug-2012   Licence Examination — IOTA Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group. — South Dublin Radio Club — The 5MHz Newsletter — EI DXCC List — DX News

29-Jul-2012   Licence Examination — North Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Germany 9th Amateur Radio Fair AREB — This year Dublin Bus celebrates its 25th Birthday. — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — DX News

22-Jul-2012   ARISS Contact from Dublin — ARISS on Dundalk ARS Echolink Nodes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IOTA Contest — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — DX News

15-Jul-2012   Terry Stevens G8DKS : SK — This year Dublin Bus celebrates its 25th Birthday. — Volvo Ocean Race (EI12VOR) — Joyce Country Challenge — Inishbofin — North Cork Radio Club — Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club — DX News

08-Jul-2012   Volvo Ocean Race Festival — South Dublin Radio Club — Solar and Wind Power operation — Order of Malta Amateur Radio Station — Bushvalley Amateur Radio Club — Amateur Station Licence Examination — EI DXCC List — Contest News — DX News

01-Jul-2012   HF News Readers Needed — Short Wave Listeners — 2012 IARU HF World Championship — Death of Dick Baldwin W1RU — North Cork Radio Group — DX News

24-Jun-2012   Short Wave Listeners — HF News Readers Needed — Change in 40 Metre News Frequency — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 2012 IARU HF World Championship — EI0IRTS — North Cork Radio Group — DX News — Olympic 2012 Operating Restrictions — 2012 Leap Second

17-Jun-2012   Silent Key — Silent Key — Counties Contest — Change in 40 Metre News Frequency — EI0IRTS — DX News — German radio hams gain access to 472-479 kHz — BBC is developing 3D radio

10-Jun-2012   Silent Key — Licence Examination Final Reminder — Change in 40 Metre News Frequency — Gene Zimmerman W3ZZ SK — CW Field Day — Radio-Frequency Identification — HAM CON — OK1WC Memorial activity — DX News — Fatima Shrine Activation

03-Jun-2012   Echo Ireland — Change in 40 Metre News Frequency — Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — 23cm band covered by GNSS — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend

27-May-2012   Licence Examination — Change in 40 Metre News Frequency — Field Day Contests — Official Launch of the Craggy Island DXpedition Group — Louth Erne Amateur Radio Club — DX News — North Cork Radio Group

20-May-2012   Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — CASHOTA Activity Weekend — DX News

13-May-2012   Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — European Football Championship 2012 on the AIR — North Cork Radio Group — Logbook of the World — Cork Radio Club — CASHOTA Activity Weekend — Barryscourt Castle Activation 20th May 2012 — Limerick Radio Club — Skerries Radio Club — DX News

06-May-2012   Licence Examination — HAMCON — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — GB0BON — GB3LV repeater back on the air — DX News — Special UK callsigns for Queen's Diamond Jubilee

29-Apr-2012   IRTS AGM Weekend — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Licence Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Vinny EI5GLB — HAMCON — Dave, WJ2O, — DX News — Eurovision Song Contest special callsigns

22-Apr-2012   IRTS AGM & Rally 2012 — Licence Examination — HAMCON — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — ARACE — North Cork Radio Group — DX News

15-Apr-2012   IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — Counties Contest — Licence Examination — Mayo Radio Experimenters : Titanic Special Event — North Cork Radio Group — Old Timers due at IRTS 80th Anniversary Rally — Cork Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

08-Apr-2012   IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — Counties Contest — North Cork Radio Group — Gi2012MGY — Worked All Ireland Squares Afloat — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — V51VHF — Lighthouse Weekend — Comoros DXpedition

01-Apr-2012   IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — North Cork Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — The 5Mhz Newsletter — World Amateur Radio Day — Japan to launch Amateur Radio satellites — Titanic : GB100MGY will be on 502 kHz — Lough Erne Rally Today April 1st — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Luxembourg to Celebrate 75 years of Amateur Radio — ZD8, Ascension Island

25-Mar-2012   Silent Key — IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — Revised DXCC Fee Structure — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Lough Erne Rally next Sunday 1st April — North Cork Radio Group — Special Event Stations for the Olympic Games

18-Mar-2012   Call Book and Echo Ireland — IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — Cashota — San Francisco Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Medway Amateur Receiving & Transmitting Society — Shannon Basin Radio Club — EI8GQB activity : March 18th-26th — DX News

11-Mar-2012   CQIR Contest — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — EI8GQB activity : March 18th-26th — IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — VHF / UHF Squares Table — DXCC Entities — DX News

04-Mar-2012   IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — Limerick Radio Club — CQIR, St. Patrick’s Day — Cork Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Galway Radio Experimenters — Cashota — South East Amateur Radio Group — Summits On The Air — DX News

26-Feb-2012   EI80IRTS Special Callsign — IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — IRTS Request for Return of Trophies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — North Cork Radio Club — Craggy Island DXpedition Group — Talk on Amateur Television — DX News

19-Feb-2012   Echo Ireland — IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — Success at WRC-12 — IRTS Request for Return of Trophies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Region 4 — Limerick Radio Club. — GI HF Conference and DiGIcon in 2012 — DX News — Summits On The Air — Talk on Amateur Television

12-Feb-2012   IRTS 80th Anniversary AGM & Rally — IRTS Request for Return of Trophies — Phoenix Amateur Radio Rally — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Galway VHF Group — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — DX News

05-Feb-2012   Echo Ireland — IRTS AGM & Rally 2012 — IRTS Request for Return of Trophies — IRTS 80th Anniversary — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Practical Wireless — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

29-Jan-2012   IRTS AGM & Rally 2012 — EI80IRTS Certificate — IOTA Contest Results — 85th Armenian Anniversary — Declan EI9HQ — RAOTA — WRC-12 Gets Underway — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club Talks — DX News

22-Jan-2012   Death Notice — IRTS Region 4 — EI80IRTS Certificate — IRTS Request for Return of Trophies — IRTS 80th Anniversary — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club Talks — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — DX News

15-Jan-2012   IRTS AGM & Rally 2012 — IRTS Request for Return of Trophies — Nominations For Awards for IRTS Trophies. — IRTS 80th Anniversary — New VHF : UHF Band Plan — The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group (SEARG) — South Dublin Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Fermanagh Amateur Radio Lunch — DX News

08-Jan-2012   IRTS AGM & Rally 2012 — Counties Contest — Happy New Year — IRTS 80th Anniversary — The South Eastern Amateur Radio Group (SEARG) — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — RSGB Commonwealth Century Club Jubilee Award 2012 — DX News

18-Dec-2011   Seasons Greetings & Happy Christmas 2011 — IRTS 80th Anniversary — IRTS News Radio News Service — Revised HAREC Examination Format — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Teenager Wins IRTS Contest Award — Global Data Traffic — DX News — IC Chip Inventors Birthday

11-Dec-2011   IRTS 80th Anniversary — Echo Ireland — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party 2011 — Limerick Radio Club — Louth Erne Amateur Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — DX News — 70cm to help paralyzed patients — Experimental D-Star Repeater

04-Dec-2011   IRTS 80th Anniversary — IRTS Committee Meeting — New Zealand's radio hams get 1 KW — New kids on the block — Johnny Cash Special Event Station — Satellite AO-51 — South Dublin Radio Club talk on GPS — Marconi Auction — DX News

27-Nov-2011   IRTS Committee Meeting — ECHO Ireland — Mayo Rally — Ham Radio on the Increase — RTE — Space Plasma Experiment — DX News — New TV Repeater

20-Nov-2011   IRTS Committee Meeting — ECHO Ireland — RMS Titanic — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party 2011 — Lough Erne Radio Rally 2012 — Longer Lasting Lithium-ion Batteries — DX News — Italian and Turkish HF emergency operations complete

13-Nov-2011   IRTS Committee Meeting — South Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DXCC Awards — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Extra Long Electrical Arcs — Thailand Amateur Radio — Old QSL Collection — EI4GXB Radio Theory Notes

06-Nov-2011   IRTS Committee Meeting — Echo Ireland — Good News on 500 kHz — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Rally — Limerick Radio Club — Closed QSL Bureaux — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News

30-Oct-2011   IRTS Committee Meeting — Turkey Earth Quake — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Rally — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — CASHOTA — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, EI7DAR — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News

23-Oct-2011   Silent Key — MORE LICENSE COURSES AT LOUGH ERNE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB — Cashota — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — AubieSat-1 video — AMSAT to celebrate 50 years in space at symposium — Radio Club Argentino : 90th anniversary

16-Oct-2011   IRTS AGM and Rally 2012 — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Rally — Limerick Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — EI8GNB /at/ CQ WW DX SSB Contest — EI8GQB aka ON4EI — DX News — East Kiribati (T32) DXpedition — CEPT proposes frequency allocation for amateur radio — 30th anniversary of UoSAT-1 (OSCAR-9)

09-Oct-2011   With Deepest Sympathy — Echo Ireland — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Exhibition Station at Cork Institute of Technology — South Dublin Radio Club — East Kiribati (T32) DXpedition — Limerick Radio Club — DX News — World’s youngest nation joins ITU — Centenary VK100ARV goes on air — High Solar Flux

02-Oct-2011   IRTS Youth Co-ordinator — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — EI4GXB Radio Theory Notes — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DX News — Armenia: amateur radio special event — 150th Birth Anniversary

25-Sep-2011   Silent Key — Amateur Station Licence Exam — IRTS Youth Co-ordinator — EI4GXB Radio Theory Notes — Limerick Radio Club — RSGB Convention — SEARG — New Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Committee — Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club — DX News — 4M from Slieve Bloom — Tiree Expedition (MS0WRC)

18-Sep-2011   Licence Examination — North Cork Radio Group Rally — North Cork Radio Group : Marconi Day 2012 — Limerick Radio Club — IPARC Contest — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — DX News — Jelly Batteries — 5 MHz Newsletter now online

11-Sep-2011   HF Band Plan — IRTS AGM 2012 — Licence Examination — Limerick Radio Club — CASHOTA UK — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DX News — Radio hams tune in to space airwaves — Louis Varney G5RV Cup

04-Sep-2011   2 Metres Counties Contest — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Licence Examination — Cashota — AREN Activities — North Cork Radio Group — DX News — Vanuatu DXpedition — Special Event Stations mark tenth anniversary of 9/11

28-Aug-2011   Two Metres Counties Contest — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — NASA Moon Mission in Final Preparations for

21-Aug-2011   Two Metres Counties Contest — Increased Power for Contests — IARU 2011 Regional Conference — ARISSat-1 Presentation — Cork Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club

14-Aug-2011   IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest — South Sudan DXpedition — CASHOTA — Limerick Radio Club — GI HF Conference — North Cork Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News — ARISSat-1 and EI — Unlicensed broadcasting now illegal in New York State

07-Aug-2011   Islands On The Air — The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Amateur Radio satellite ARISSat-1 deployed — Thailand enters the ILLW — DX News

31-Jul-2011   IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest — HF Newsreaders — South Sudan DXpedition — Introduction to Amateur Radio — Limerick 2M Repeater QRV again. — South Dublin Radio Club — Database — Water Reservoir — Asteroid Sharing Earth's Orbit

24-Jul-2011   EI DXCC List — IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest — HF Newsreaders. — South Dublin Radio Club — The North Cork Radio Group — Limerick 2M Repeater QRV again. — The Joyce Country Challenge 2011, — The Dalkey Island Contest Group — DX News — Japan to Remove Morse Requirement

17-Jul-2011   IRTS 2 Metres Counties Contest — IRTS SSB Field Day — GI HF Conference — London 2012’s critical communications ready for service — RSGB Amateur Radio survey released — IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club — The North Cork Radio Group — DX News

10-Jul-2011   Contests in July — South Dublin Radio club. — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — GI HF Conference — NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center — Launch of Astra 1N satellite postponed until late July — DX News

03-Jul-2011   CQ CQ CQ All Radio Amateurs & SWL’s — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — IRTS Committee Meeting — The North Cork Radio Club — Introduction to Amateur Radio — Amateur Radio at the Tall Ships — DX News

26-Jun-2011   Echo Ireland — 80 metres EI/GI Counties Contest — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — IRTS Committee Meeting — Introduction to Amateur Radio — The Northern Ireland HF Conference — Amateur Radio at the Tall Ships — British Library makes Google search deal — Icann increases web domain suffixes — DX News — IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club 23 — BBC1 slips behind ITV1 in international coverage — Danmarks Radio replaces medium wave with long wave

19-Jun-2011   Licence Examination — World Castle Weekend — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Summits On The Air — Amateur Portable Group — Sun Spot Activity — DX News — The US National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters — Power Line Transmission Technology (PLT) — Emerging Technology: — BBC News APP for Android

12-Jun-2011   Silent Key — Licence Examination — World Castles Weekend — Introduction to Amateur Radio — Space Weather Prediction Service — Howth Martello Radio Group — DX News — Commando Solo

05-Jun-2011   HF Newsreaders Sought — Licence Examination — Blarney Castle Activation — Oxburgh Hall Activation — North Cork Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Introduction to Amateur Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

29-May-2011   HF Newsreaders Sought — Echo Ireland — Licence Examination — Geopark and CASHOTA weekend. — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club

22-May-2011   Echo Ireland — IRTS Contests — Mills on the air weekend — INTERNATIONAL GEOPARK WEEKEND 28 & 29 MAY — CASHOTA Ireland and UK Weekend — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — West Tyrone ARC — Helen Sharman GB1MIR

15-May-2011   Echo Ireland — Up-Coming IRTS Contests — ComReg Spectrum Strategy — CASHOTA Ireland and UK Activity Weekend — New US Four Metre Beacon — Cork Radio Club — Mills on the air weekend — Ben EI4IN — DX News — Incursions into the 28mhz Band — Solar Flux Index — New Sample Foundation Exam Paper — Dambusters Raid Memorial

08-May-2011   Up-Coming IRTS Contests — ComReg Spectrum Strategy — Theory Examination — Introduction to Amateur Radio the practical way — CASHOTA Ireland and UK Activity Weekend — Shannon Basin Radio Club — 2011 : Year of the outer space in Kazakhstan — Russia Sign Up to CEPT Licence — The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — DX News — CQ WPX Contest — Incursions into the 28mhz Band — Limerick Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society

01-May-2011   Echo Ireland — 2 Metres Counties Contest — Up-Coming IRTS Contests — Theory Examination — Introduction to Amateur Radio the practical way — South Dublin Radio Club — The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — International Castle Weekend — Shannon Basin Radio Club — DX News

24-Apr-2011   Up-Coming IRTS Contests — Theory Examination — Echo Ireland : new issue — Digital Modes Presentation — Introduction to Amateur Radio the practical way — Duhallo Voice Repeater — Louth Erne Rally Thanks — Old Time Amateur Radio — International Marconi Day — Ballymena ARC — DX News — UN : Special Event stations — Solar Activity Heats Up

17-Apr-2011   Theory Examination — Up-Coming IRTS Contests — International Marconi Day — South Dublin Radio Club — Lough Erne Club in Top Three for RSGB Award — Ballymena ARC — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — Cork Radio Club — DX News

10-Apr-2011   IRTS Awards Presented at IRTS AGM 2011 — Up-Coming IRTS Contests — North Cork Radio Club — International Marconi Day — South East Amateur Radio Group — Louth Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally — Lough Erne Rally Raffle Prize — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — DX News

03-Apr-2011   IRTS AGM Weekend — IRTS Awards Presented at IRTS AGM 2011 — AREN at IRTS AGM Limerick 2011 — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — UK Coast Guard Frequency Changes — THANK YOU : PAT CONWAY TROPHY — Japan Earthquake and Tsunami — DX News — 9 year-old radio ham operator on YouTube

27-Mar-2011   IRTS News Feeds — Russia to Adopt CEPT Licence — Luxembourg 5 MHz Beacon — North Cork Radio Group — International Marconi Day — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Louth Erne Amateur Radio Club — CQ CQ CQ Club News

20-Mar-2011   Japanese Earthquake & Tsunami — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS News Feeds — South Dublin Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Northern Ireland Amateur Radio Club of the Year — The Amateur Portable Group — Yaesu Temporarily Suspends Production After Earthquake

13-Mar-2011   IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS Stand at Friedrichshafen Rally — IRTS AGM Dinner Tickets. — South Dublin Radio Club — North Cork Radio Group — Foyle and District ARC — Special Event Station GB2SPD — Special Event for St Patrick’ Day — The Shannon Basin Radio Club — DXCC List — Amateur Radio for All at the Erne Rally — DX News — Kells Radio Club — Practical Wireless : FUNcube Dongle Article

06-Mar-2011   Silent Key — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS Stand at Friedrichshafen Rally — IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS AGM Dinner Tickets. — South Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Club — North Cork Radio Group — North Cork Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — New 2m Repeater (EI2CCR) at Dundalk Amateur Radio — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR– Lecture Series — DX News — World Radiocommunication Conference Amateur Radio has — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club Annual Rally

27-Feb-2011   New Zealand Earthquake — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS Stand at Friedrichshafen Rally — IRTS Committee Meeting — Echo Ireland — Hamvention 2011 Dayton, Ohio, USA. — Limerick Radio Club — International Amateur Radio Union — Radio Hams Keep Civil Defence in Touch — Louth Earn Rally Yarns — DX News — YL International 2012 Adelaide — Kells Radio Club — Across the Atlantic on 502kHz — The new Long Wavelength Array

20-Feb-2011   Request for Return of IRTS Trophies and Cups — IRTS Awards Nominations. — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — International Marconi Day — South East Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — FERMANAGH in COUNTIES CONTEST — PEARL ANNIVERSARY RALLY : Sunday 17 April. — DX News — The North Cork Radio Group — Sun Spot Activity

13-Feb-2011   Request for Return of IRTS Trophies and Cups — IRTS Awards Nominations. — IRTS News E-mail Address — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS Stand at Friedrichshafen Rally — Engineers Week — IRTS Committee Meeting — Limerick Radio Club — Your Club Listing on IRTS Website — First Radio Rally of 2011, Phoenix A.R.C. — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society, Radio Theory Classes — False Call MN0LEC appearing on — Blackrock Castle Observatory Cork — DX News — Solar Radio Astronomy — Nicholas Callan, Priest Scientist at Maynooth

06-Feb-2011   Request for Return of IRTS Trophies and Cups — IRTS Awards Nominations. — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — Engineers Week — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Blackrock Castle Observatory Cork — Fingal Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — DJ9KR PUBLISHES 40 METER BROADCAST INTRUDER LIST — GLOBAL TUNES REACHES 55 RECEIVERS WORLD WIDE — Radio Rallies

30-Jan-2011   IRTS Web Site Changes — Amateur Station Licence Examination — Your Club Listing on IRTS Website — IRTS NEWS on Community Radio — IRTS Weekly News Podcast — Springtime Amateur Radio Courses — International Marconi Day — Cork Social Evening — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — PHOENIX A.R.C. Annual Rally — Lagan Valley ARS Annual Rally — Did you know?

23-Jan-2011   Counties Contest — Request for Return of IRTS Trophies and Cups — IRTS Awards Nominations. — IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS Committee Meeting — ECHO IRELAND — Engineers Week — Your Club Listing on IRTS Website — Region 4 Theory Classes — Cork City Radio Museum — Blackrock Castle Observatory Cork — Theory Classes at DAR — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club GN4OMA — Shannon Basin Amateur Radio Club — DX News — Radio Rallies — Amateur Radio helps rescue co-ordination — Radio History

16-Jan-2011   IRTS AGM Annual Dinner and Rally 2011 — IRTS Committee Meeting — ECHO IRELAND — Engineers Week — Your Club Listing on IRTS Website — Counties Contest — Cork Social Evening — Region 4 Theory Classes — Theory Classes at DAR — Mt. Leinster EI7MLR Voice Repeater — International Marconi Day 2011 — DX News — Lough Erne ARC, Fermanagh — WAI Awards Scheme — Radio Rallies — Did you know.... — This Week in History

09-Jan-2011   Counties Contest — IRTS Radio News — News from LEARC — Cork Social Evening — Theory Classes at DAR — Region 4 Theory Classes — DX News — LY13 special event stations — Radio Rallies — This week in History

02-Jan-2011   IRTS 80M Counties Contest — IRTS Committee Meeting — WAI Square Checker — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Olivier ON4EI / EI8GQB — DX News — This week in History — Happy New Year

26-Dec-2010   IRTS 80M Counties Contest — 7P8CC — A9 QSL Bureau — Icelandic Allocations — HOPE-OSCAR 68 HO-68 celebrates first birthday — SO-67 FM Amateur Radio transponder suspended — DX News — This week in History — Happy Christmas

19-Dec-2010   IRTS 80M Counties Contest — Echo Ireland — EI7M Contest Team — Irish Amateur Television Club — RSGB Members Survey — Radio Amateurs in the Clonmel Area — DX News — ZL8X Log Update — This week in History — Happy Christmas

12-Dec-2010   IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS 80M Counties Contest — IRTS Outgoing QSL Service — Geminids Meteor Shower 2010 — ZL8X Dxpedition — ARISSat en-route to Moscow — DX News — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party 2010 — This week in History

05-Dec-2010   Silent Key — IRTS Outgoing QSL Service — ARRL 10 Metre Contest — DX News — This week in History

28-Nov-2010   CQ CQ calling news items — DX Activity — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rallies — This week in History

21-Nov-2010   It is with regret that we learned of the recent passing — IRTS Committee Meeting — Secondary School Transition Year Project — Stan’s on the move again — Donated EI Equipment to Pakistan — Memoirs of an Irish Radio Officer — DX NEWS — Rallies

14-Nov-2010   IRTS Stand at Foyle and District Rally — CQ CQ calling news items — DXCC Activity by EIs — North Cork Radio Group Arrival — Ham Square : for ham radio ops on the move — DX News — Understanding LF and HF Propagation : free ebook — Rallies — This week in History

07-Nov-2010   CQ CQ calling news items — GlobalSet 2010 : November 13 — Science Week 2010 — South Dublin Radio Club — Hill Walking Radio Network — Limerick Radio Club News. — Rallies

31-Oct-2010   Echo India Four Lima re-issued — EI8GQB aka ON4EI : Benneshill 25th-31st October — Science Week 2010 — Time running out for VK100WIA and WIA Centenary Award — DAR News — E2E : Special call issued to RAST in HS/E2 — News from Lough Erne ARC — Tipperary Radio Group — Rallies

24-Oct-2010   Echo Ireland — THEORY EXAMINATION — EI8GQB aka ON4EI : Benneshill 25th-31st October — Science Week 2010 — AREN Training Event — CY0, Sable Island update — Rallies — History this Week

17-Oct-2010   IRTS AGM — CQIR Contest. — IRTS Region 8 Rep — WAI Revival — IOTA Contest — Science Week 2010 — AREN Training Event — Irish Amateur Television Club. — Limerick Radio Club News — Rallies — History this Week

10-Oct-2010   Silent Key — AREN Net — CQ CQ calling news items — Missing Person — Amateur radio satellite resumes operation — Amateur radio DXpedition to Bonaire Oct 10-24 — Sable Island DXpedition — Rallies — History this Week

03-Oct-2010   IRTS Committee Meeting — Continued Church Broadcasts on 10m — WAI Activity on 80m — Irish Amateur Achieves 10 Band DXCC — DAR News — Amateur Radio Licence Study Group — Listener's Guide on the move — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Wicklow Radio Club — Rallies — History this Week

26-Sep-2010   WAI Activity Day — DAR Theory Classes & Live Morse Tuition — Amateur Radio Licence Study Group — North Cork Radio Group-Thank You — Good News on 500 kHz fro the USA — Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications — Netherlands Antillies — Rallies — History this Week

19-Sep-2010   WAI Activity Day — DAR Theory Classes & Live Morse Tuition — Amateur Radio Licence Study Group — SEARG — APRS email List — 30m Multi Mode Weekend — IOTA activation EU-123 — HH2JR receives Golden Antenna Award — Rallies Today Sunday 19th September is the North Cork — History this Week

12-Sep-2010   IRTS Morse testing at North Cork Radio Group Rally. — Closing Date for Theory Examination — Pakistan Donations — DAR Theory Classes — EI2RCR Repeater — APRS email List — Rallies — History this Week

05-Sep-2010   John Deegan — IRTS Morse testing at North Cork Radio Group Rally — Closing Date for Theory Examination — Two Metres Counties Contest — Change of 40M WAI Frequency — Theory Classes in Clane — Shannonbasin Radio Club — Rallies — History this Week

29-Aug-2010   Echo Ireland — IRTS Morse testing at North Cork Radio Group Rally. — Closing Date for Theory Examination — Dublin 2m News Interruption — Change of 40M WAI Frequency — Upcomming 2m Contest & IRTS Field Day — Theory Classes in Clane — MAR Visit — Shannonbasin Radio Club — Internet Discussion Forum — Appeal from Pakistan Amateur Radio Society — IARUMS news — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — LRC Special Event Station — Rallies — History this Week

22-Aug-2010   Acknowledgement — CQ CQ calling news items — Theory Examination — Dublin 2m News Interruption — Appeal from Pakistan Amateur Radio Society — IARUMS news — IOTA activation EU-123 — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — Special event station Sail 2010 — ISS cooling system affects ARISS contacts — Rallies — History this Week

15-Aug-2010   Theory Examination — Dublin 2m News Interruption — IARUMS news — Introductory to Amateur Radio Talk & Demo — 6m Oman — AMSAT –UK Videos — Limerick Radio Club News — Rallies — History this Week

08-Aug-2010   SILENT KEY — Theory Examination — WAI Squares Activation — Castle Kirk Activation EI-005 C — IARUMS news — Nationwide Interview with Ben EI4IN — Limerick Radio Club News — Donation to North Cork Radio Group Members Of the — Cork Astronomy Club — Rallies — History this Week

01-Aug-2010   Examination Results — Theory Examination — AREN Net — IOTA Contest — EI50UN Special Event — WAI Squares Activation — New Distance Record for an AO-7 HAMSAT QSO — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club News — Rallies — History this Week

25-Jul-2010   Silent Key — Region 4 IRTS News — IOTA Contest — UK Space Agency to launch CubeSat — AMSAT-UK — EI50UN Special Event — EI0MAR Visitors — WAI Squares Activation — Practical Wireless Author G4AVA Dies — Rallies — History this Week

18-Jul-2010   World Radiosport Team Championship — 70MHz band in Spain — Aren News — WAI Squares Activation — EJ1DD QRV from Clare Island for IOTA Contest — EJ3Z activate EU-121 Inishbofin 24th, 25th July — Saltee Islands EU-103 — CQ CQ calling news items — Rallies — History this Week

11-Jul-2010   DX Century Club (DXCC) — Aren News — Limerick Radio Club — Increased Power for Contests — Major Castles on the Air activation in Northern Ireland — WAI Squares Activation — EJ1DD QRV from Clare Island for IOTA Contest — SEARG Visit to EI0MAR Museum — Bush valley Amateur Radio Club special event — OSCAR News archive CD — FUNcube Frequencies Announced — CQ CQ calling news items — Rallies — History this Week

04-Jul-2010   80 Metre Counties Contest — This weekend IRTS UHF / VHF Field Day — Increased Power for Contests — HAM RADIO 2010 — OFCOM Ethernet devices report — WAI Squares Activation — CQ CQ calling news items — Rallies — History this Week

27-Jun-2010   Silent Key — 80 Metre Counties Contest — Increased Power for Contests — Oman on 50 MHz — North Cork Radio Group — Major Castles On The Air activation in Northern Ireland — Tipperary Amateur Radio Club — Rallies — History this Week

20-Jun-2010   Silent Key — Theory Examination : Closing Date — Increased Power for Contests — 80m Counties Contest : Today — CQ Help for Friedrichshafen — EJ1DD QRV from Clare Island for IOTA Contest — Theory Classes in Clane — Magazine Collection-Free to good Home — Recent Solarfest — Portable Satellite Operation — New Yahoo APRS Group — Major Castles On The Air activation in Northern Ireland — Wicklow Radio Club — History this Week

13-Jun-2010   Silent Key — Revised Syllabus for the Amateur Station Licence — Theory Examination — Class turns the tables on Instructors — CQ Help for Friedrichshafen — Theory Classes in Clane — CW Field Day — Portable Satellite Operation — New Yahoo APRS Group — South Dublin Radio Club news — Wicklow Radio Club — History this Week

06-Jun-2010   Funeral of Paddy EI3AV — Theory Examination — IRTS HF CW Field Day — War on the Line : GB8WOL — Discontinued Ham Mag free download. — CARA Field Day — DAR Committee Elections — CQ CQ calling news items — History this Week

30-May-2010   Theory Examination — CASHOTA activation in Co Louth. — AREN — Limerick Radio Club — Region 4 IRTS — Vintage Radio Museum — Assistance for Mini Marathon — DAR AGM — CARA Field Day — SEARG Meeting — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Geo Park Weekend — Rallies — History this Week

23-May-2010   Theory Examination — Award for Eamon EI9GQ — Pat Conway Cup — CQ CQ calling news items — CASHOTA activation in Co Louth. — DAR AGM — Amateur Radio & Hollywood — Extension of amateur radio 40-metre band in Kenya — Rallies — History this Week

16-May-2010   Theory Examination — AREN News — How did Amateurs get their bands? — CASHOTA activation in Co Louth. — Stolen Antenna, Drogheda — Alfa Romeo Special Event — Rallies — History this Week

09-May-2010   Theory Examination — International Summits on the Air Weekend — Mills on the Air Weekend — Harley Davidson special event station : Portugal — From Spark to Space — 4m Beacon — Anyone fancy a trip to Mozambique in October? — Rallies — EI's at Dayton — History this Week

02-May-2010   IRTS 78th AGM — AREN — Amateur Radio in the European Parliament — Lough Erne Radio Club — Cashoita NI — Howth Martello Radio Group — Special Event Station — Geopark Weekend — QRP Talk Now Online — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Rallies — IRTS Radio News Editor Charlie Carolan EI8JB, would

25-Apr-2010   IRTS 78th AGM — Theory Examination — Amsat : Arklow School selected. — Duhallow Voice Repeater back on air. — Cashoita NI — Wicklow Radio Club — Morse code practice via Echolink — IARU Region 1 EC Meeting 2010 — Radio Kuwait cleared from amateur radio band — Rallies — History this week

18-Apr-2010   IRTS 78th AGM — EI2RCR back on the air — Lough Erne Rally — KP4AO, Arecibo Observatory Amateur Radio Club on — AO-51 CTCSS experiment — International Marconi Day — IRTS Region 4 News — Dawn to Dusk : 24-Hour Scottish Islands Amateur — RAC requests Industry Canada for 60m Spot frequency — Rallies

11-Apr-2010   Silent Key EI6CP — Information Request Relating to the 2300-2400 MHz Band — IRTS Annual Dinner AV Presentations — IRTS 78th AGM — Theory Examination — Lough Erne Rally and QRP talk to be streamed live — Limerick Radio Club — North Dublin Radio Club — International Marconi Day — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — Wicklow Radio Club — Rallies — History this week

04-Apr-2010   IRTS Annual Dinner AV Presentations — IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS 78th AGM — IRTS 2m Counties Contest — EI4HF in Haiti — EI / G request for volunteers for 50MHz WSPR — EI2HOT/P special activation — Limerick Radio Club — AREN — Lough Erne Rally Webcast on Sunday 11 April — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society. — Wicklow Radio Club — Rallies — History this week

28-Mar-2010   IRTS 78th AGM — DXpedition to Mozambique — Ferry Special Event Station Enters Final Week — Bere Isl EU-121 Activation — GB10GKA Special Event Station — Worked All Ireland at Lough Erne Rally — EI / G request for volunteers for 50MHz WSPR — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — CARA Echolink Talk — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society. — Wicklow Radio Club — Rallies — History this week

21-Mar-2010   Free IRTS Membership for a Year! — Theory Examination — IRTS 78th AGM — Amateur Radio Society celebrates 50th anniversary in — Radio Sweden ends Medium and Short Wave — K4T DXpedition success — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Bere Isl EU-121 Activation — UK SSTV Net Night — Rallies — History this week

14-Mar-2010   Theory Examination — IRTS 78th AGM — Brendan Trophy Attempt 2010 — St. Patrick's Day Special Event Station. — Dromineer Castle Activation — Bere Isl EU-121 Activation — Holiday Dxpedition — Wicklow Radio Club — ECHOLINK AT LOUGH ERNE RALLY — Rallies — History this week

07-Mar-2010   Free IRTS Membership for a Year! — IRTS 78th AGM — Iceland's radio hams get access to 70 MHz and 500 KHz — NZ Amateurs Granted Access to 600 metre Band — St. Patrick's Day Special Event Station. — Dromineer Castle Activation — Bere Isl EU-121 Activation — Rallies — History this week

28-Feb-2010   IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS 78th AGM — Special Event Ferry Operations Enter Final Weeks — EI2AJ QRP — AREN Google Group — Limerick Radio Club The Annual General Meeting of — CARA — QRP Talk at SHARE Rally — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club The Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Rallies

21-Feb-2010   Silent Key — IRTS 78th AGM — Nomination of Awards for IRTS Trophies. — Request for Return of Trophies presented in 2009 — AREN Voice Net — EchoLink for iPhone — Move of GB3VHF beacon — Repeater Success GB3CP — Sardinia DXpedition — AS-127 St Martin's Island DXpedition postponed — The Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society e-Library — SEARG AGM Change of Venue — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Rallies — This week in History

14-Feb-2010   IRTS 78th AGM — Nomination of Awards for IRTS Trophies. — Request for Return of Trophies presented in 2009 — AREN Meeting — QRP at Lough Erne Rally — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Geopark Weekend — Grenada operation — LORAN-C shut down — Northern Ireland's first D-STAR 'hot spot' — CARA AGM — South East Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Rallies — This week in History

07-Feb-2010   IRTS is supporting Engineers Week 2010 — Echo Ireland — Nomination of Awards for IRTS Trophies. — Norman Fitch G3FPK Silent Key — Request for Return of Trophies presented in 2009 — REPEATER MEETING 10 FEBRUARY — GB10GKA Special Event Station — New Club Startup North Cork — CARA AGM — South East Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Rallies — This week in History

31-Jan-2010   IRTS Contribution to RCD — One Ham and His Dog — Amateur Radio Licence Examination — Nomination of Awards for IRTS Trophies. — Request for Return of Trophies presented in 2009 — AREN AGM. — REPEATER MEETING 10 FEBRUARY — GB10GKA Special Event Station — Rallies — This week in History

24-Jan-2010   IRTS Annual Dinner AV Presentations — Engineers Week Last year the Society hosted a — IRTS 80m Counties Contest — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Nomination of Awards for IRTS Trophies. — Request for Return of Trophies presented in 2009 — AREN Meeting — Calling All Radio Theory Experts — The Shannon Basin Radio Club — Space shuttles for sale — Galway VHF Group. The Galway VHF Group's APRS — SOUNDS OF SPACE WEBSITE — 1mw WSPR — Rallies — This week in History 1904 The first military

17-Jan-2010   IRTS Committee Meeting — Haitian Amateur Radio Frequencies — Engineers Week — North Sea Gas Platform Station — AREN AGM. — CQ CQ calling news items — Wicklow Radio Club — Rallies — This week in History

10-Jan-2010   Free IRTS Membership! — IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS Winter 80m Counties Contest — Region 4 Theory Classes — Wicklow Town Club first meeting — Special Event Goes Maritime Mobile — CQ CQ calling news items — CW Club — AREN AGM. — 2010 Olympic Winter Games : special Canadian prefixes — Amateur radio satellite has 'near miss' — EI4DIB Tony’s Canadian Visit — Limerick Radio Club — Rallies — This week in History

03-Jan-2010   Free IRTS Membership! — IMRA AGM. — AREN AGM. — 2008 issues of Scatterpoint now online — Great Circle Maps — Essex packet network closes — MARS gets new name, more responsibilities — Antarctic operation — Wicklow Town Club first meeting — Dates for your Diary — Rallies — This week in History — Happy New Year

27-Dec-2009   MI3FBW Silent Key — Kia Rio for sale — 80m Counties Contest — Wicklow Town Club first meeting — Rallies Phoenix A.R.C — Do you want your first CW QSO? — Two new sunspot groups for Christmas — Mexican Special Event Station — AMSAT China XW-1 designated Hope OSCAR 68 — 2009 DXCC Yearbook : — Antarctica tour — This week in History — Happy New Year

20-Dec-2009   Echo Ireland — 80m Counties Contest — AREN — Galway VHF Group Amateur Radio Course — C.A.R.A Visit to Hurdy Gurdy Radio Museum — Wicklow Town Club Formation — Chinese Satellite XW-1 — OSCAR-11 makes another appearance — DXpedition of the Year survey — Rallies — This week in History — Seasons Greetings

13-Dec-2009   Bereavement We wish to extend our sincerest sympathies —    IRTS Radio News via ATV  The IRTS radio news which — Christmas Island VK9XX Christmas Island VK9XX completed —    Wicklow Town Club Formation  Lain EI5GN has received — Dublin Radio Club  This year's South Dublin Radio Club — Club Christmas Dinner  The North Dublin Radio Club, — Industry News Scott Robbins, W4PA, of Knoxville, — Desecheo K5D DVD available The 'KP1-5 Project' have — 3W6C CW OP Required Experienced CW op needed for rare — Rallies Phoenix A.R.C The Rally will be held as usual — This Week in History

06-Dec-2009   Congratulations — IRTS Radio News via ATV — EI 185 RNLI — Kish Lighthouse Activation — Willis Island : back on the air — Wicklow Town Club Formation — DXpedition with a difference — IRCs : important information — Limerick Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM — South Dublin Radio Club — Joint Club Christmas Dinner

29-Nov-2009   IRTS Callbook 2010 — IRTS Radio News via ATV — Galway VHF Group 24 hour Radio Operation from RNLI — Mayo Radio Rally — Trans Atlantic re-mailer — Kish Lighthouse Activation — Lufthansa Amateur Radio Club on-the-air from Dubai — Great Tower of Breda : Special Event Station — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM — South Dublin Radio Club — Joint Club Christmas Dinner — This week in History

22-Nov-2009   AREN EMERGENCY NET — Galway VHF Group 24 hour Radio Operation from RNLI — Kish Lighthouse Activation — Cashota-Ireland (castles and stately homes on air) — Easter Island XR0Y — Happy 35th Birthday to AO-7 Amateur Satellite. — International Space Station & Space Shuttle Atlantis — Industry News — Yaesu Heritage Year 2010 : GS2MP — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM — South Dublin Radio Club — Rallies / Events

15-Nov-2009   Donation to the Society — IRTS Radio News via ATV — Galway VHF Group 24 hour Radio Operation from RNLI — CASHOTA Northern Ireland — New secondary allocations for Norwegian radio amateurs — Kells Radio Club Visit to CARA — Ghana operation — Rejection of C91VM QSL IOTA activities — Rallies / Events — This week in History

08-Nov-2009   GlobalSET 2009 — Galway VHF Group 24 hour Radio Operation from RNLI — Amateur Wins Nobel Prize — Updated PC-ALE now available — Students : Send you School Work to space!! — 4U1AIDS : Awareness about HIV/AIDS through Amateur — SOTA Day — Canadian experiments at 500 kHz authorized — Falkland Islands DXpedition — Limerick Radio Club Meeting — Special Event Station — Rallies / Events — This week in History

01-Nov-2009   GlobalSET 2009 — Galway APRS Digipeater — Galway VHF Group 24 hour Radio Operation from RNLI — Solar Cycle 24 — Marconi Nobel 100 Award — A 500khz First — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Easter Island activation — Canadian Special Event Stations — 15th World ARDF Championships — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Rallies / Events — This week in History

25-Oct-2009   DX contesters killed in plane crash — Train the Trainers — Affiliated Clubs — CQIR Contest — GlobalSET 2009 — Dxpedition and IOTA Talk by Declan Craig EI6FR — DXpedition to Midway Island — SWL Activity — RSGB General Manager to visit Northern Ireland — YI/KV4EB DXCC credits — Visitors to EI — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Rallies — This week in History

18-Oct-2009   Bereavement — IRTS Presidents visit to Crossakiel — Train the Trainers — Affiliated Clubs — IOTA 2009 Provisional Results — Dxpedition and IOTA Talk by Declan Craig EI6FR — Dayton 2010, Get with the Program — G5RV's 1932 Logbook sells — JOTA 2009 — Radio Sweden to stop issuing QSL cards — Glorioso Island team hit QSL target — CQ WW CC announce New Rules — DXCluster for mobile phones — Rallies — This week in History

11-Oct-2009   THEORY CLASSES IN REGION 4 — CQ CQ calling news items — 4U1UN ACTIVITY Operating Schedule — MIDWAY ISLAND K4M — QRZ.COM New features — AMSAT Supports JOTA with AO-51 Satellite — International Reply Coupon Deadlines — Radio Related Blog — Bangor & District ARS — Rallies — This week in History

04-Oct-2009   THEORY CLASSES IN REGION 4 — GLORIOSO ISLAND OPERATION CONTINUES — IARU national radio society to celebrate its centenary — UNITED NATIONS HQ, 4UxUN. UN Headquarters station — Alaska Day Special Event Station — MRE AGM — Limerick Radio Club — AREN Net — Rallies — Sunday 1st November 2009 Foyle and District ARC Rally — Sunday 22nd November 2009 Mayo Radio Rally Venue:

27-Sep-2009   Silent Key EI6DA — THEORY CLASSES IN REGION 4 — Estate agent signals Marconi sale — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Industry News — Ontario Provincial Police Force special event — Free Yagi antenna designs — K5D DVD almost ready! — Rallies — This week in History

20-Sep-2009   THEORY CLASSES IN REGION 4 — LIMERICK RADIO CLUB — AREN Net — Dublin Area Repeaters — Broadcasters HF Net — TAPR Digital Communications Conference — EI2MOG How To operate the Internet Gateway — EI2GBW Special event Station : Cork Swansea Ferry — MRE AGM — 4W6AL Logbook now available online — Alpha Radio Products forms new Company — Ray Oliver’s G3NDS : Sailing — Swaziland DXpedition : QSL status — Rallies — This week in History

13-Sep-2009   Theory Examination — Skerries Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — HF Propagation Predictions — Are Sunspots Disappearing! — Rallies — Cork Radio Rally — DiGIcon'09 — Mayo Rally — This week in History

06-Sep-2009   IRTS AGM 2010 — Theory Examination — Limerick Repeater — AREN News — IRTS SSB HF Field Day — MRG Experimenter Radio Group — EI9E/P & RSGB National Field Day — Stolen APRS Digi Equipment — Free Service: Amateur Radio Asset Management — Rallies — DiGIcon'09 — Foyle & District ARC Annual Rally — This week in History

30-Aug-2009   Next Theory Examination — IRTS 2m Counties Contest — 70cms Activity Hour — IRTS SSB HF Field Day — Limerick Radio Club — MRG Experimenter Radio Group — 4m Activity — Stolen APRS Digi Equipment — GB2STI Special Event Station — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Rallies — This week in History

23-Aug-2009   Next Theory Examination — IRTS 2m Counties Contest — 70cms Activity Hour — 3DA0SS Swaziland — ARRL Celebration — Dave Court EI3IO — MFJ ACQUIRES CUSHCRAFT AMATEUR ANTENNAS — 30 Meter Multi-Mode Weekend — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — This week in History

16-Aug-2009   IRTS Committee Meeting — Next Theory Examination — IRTS 2m Counties Contest — 70cms Activity Hour — Dave Court EI3IO — 30 Meter Multi-Mode Weekend August 22-23 — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — The Mayo Roscommon Galway Experimenter Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — AREN Net — DX News — Rallies — This week in History

09-Aug-2009   Next Theory Examination — Incoming-Watch your Heads!! — AMSAT-UK Space Colloquium Videos — Space Station SSTV Active — TAPR now on Twitter — Shack Cleanup — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — Limerick Radio Club — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2009 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — AREN Net — Rallies

02-Aug-2009   ComReg Consultation on the 2300 to 2400 MHz Band — Theory Examination — DXpedition to Clare Island — IOTA Contest — Will this be the year? — EI2MOG On Air — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — AREN Net — Rallies — This week in History

26-Jul-2009   Silent Key — ComReg Consultation on the 2300 to 2400 MHz Band — AO-51 Apollo 11 40th Anniversary Special Event — NASA test new 'space internet' protocols on ISS — Rallies — Dxpedition to Clare Island — IOTA Rathlin Isl — IOTA South Dublin Radio Club and the City of Belfast — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DXCluster now on Twitter — DX News — This week in History

12-Jul-2009   ComReg Consultation on the 2300 to 2400 MHz Band — Cork-Swansea Ferry Special Event Stations — New 2m Repeater — SUITSAT-2 LOOSES THE SUIT PART BUT WILL STILL FLY — DAYTON OR FRIEDRICHSHAFEN : WHICH IS BIGGER — AMSAT DAYTON FORUM VIDEOS NOW ON LINE — Rallies — Dxpedition to Clare Island — IOTA Rathlin Isl — DX News — This week in History

05-Jul-2009   ComReg Consultation on the 2300 to 2400 MHz Band — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — The 34th Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen — Ballooning and Amateur Radio Club — Dxpedition to Clare Island — Sligo 2m Repeater — FREE to a good Home — See the ISS in daylight! — DX News — History This Week

28-Jun-2009   Silent Key — Theory Examination — ComReg Consultation on the 2300 to 2400 MHz Band — 80m Counties Contest — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — Sligo 2m Repeater — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — AMSAT on Twitter!! — SOUTH AFRICA GIVES NEW PRIVELEGES ON 40 AND 20 — DX News — History This Week

21-Jun-2009   Theory Examination — ComReg Consultation on the 2300 to 2400 MHz Band — 80m Counties Contest — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — Mayo Radio Experimenters — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — History This Week

14-Jun-2009   Bereavement — Amateur Station Licence Regulations and the Theory — 80m Counties Contest — IRTS VHF/UHF Field Day — RSGB elects a new President — Mayo Radio Experimenters — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Rallies — History This Week

07-Jun-2009   Theory Examination — Amateur Station Licence Regulations and the Theory — Beacon Call Signs — Useful Exam Text — 500 kHz Permissions. — 80m Counties Contest — AREN NET — IRTS VHF Field day — Mayo Radio Experimenters — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — South Dublin Radio Club — Looking for CW operators for an expedition to — Rallies — History This Week

31-May-2009   Lifetime Licence Regulations — Theory Examination — Useful Exam Text — 80m Counties Contest — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters — South Dublin Radio Club — Volvo Ocean Yacht Race — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Stolen Radio — Rallies

24-May-2009   Lifetime Licences — Theory Examination — Useful Exam Text — South East Amateur Radio Group — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Stolen Radio — Rallies — History this week

17-May-2009   Lifetime licensing Notice from ComReg — Theory Examination — AREN — Poor Sunspot Activity — 70MHz for Slovak Stations — Recession hits again — South East Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Rallies — History This Week

10-May-2009   Silent Key — Theory Examination — 500 kHz Permissions — Lifetime Licences — SOTA Amateur Radio and Hill walking — IRTS AGM Photos — South East Amateur Radio Group — Radio News From Mayo — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club

03-May-2009   IRTS AGM Weekend — Theory Examination — SOTA Amateur Radio and Hill walking — Limerick Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EI0MAR / North Dublin Radio Group — Rallies — History this week

26-Apr-2009   IRTS AGM — '500 kHz Permissions — Theory Examination — SOTA Amateur Radio and Hillwalking — 6-metre Guyana Dxpedition — South Dublin Radio Club — North Dublin Radio Club — Rallies — History this week

19-Apr-2009   IRTS AGM — '500 kHz Permissions — Bus to IRTS AGM & Friedrichschafen — Latest from Echo Ireland — International Marconi Day 2009 — North Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenter Group — Rallies — History this week

05-Apr-2009   IRTS AGM — NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS IRTS AGM 2009 — Licence Renewals — HF Band Plan — '500 kHz Permissions — Bus to IRTS AGM & Friedrichschafen — AREN Net — International Marconi Day 2009 — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rallies — History this week

29-Mar-2009   IRTS AGM — NOMINATIONS FOR AWARDS IRTS AGM 2009 — HF Band Plan — '500 kHz Permissions — Look for better 5MHz propagation — European PSK Club Stations — Call for donation to keep beacons active — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rallies — Stolen Radio — History this week

22-Mar-2009   Licence Renewals — IRTS AGM — IRTS 40 Metre News Frequency — HF Band Plan — IRTS News on Mayo Repeater — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society. — South Dublin Radio Club — New Canadian Island and Lighthouse activation — Rallies — History this week — Reminder

15-Mar-2009   IRTS AGM — 5 MHz Renewals — Bus to IRTS AGM — IRTS Radio News — Theory Classes in Cork — Limerick Radio Club & Engineers Ireland..Week of Wonder — New Date for GlobalSET : April 18th — AREN Net-Mode Change — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society — RADIO , ELECTRONICS & HOBBIES EXHIBITION The — Rallies — Bangor and District Radio Club Rally — Special Event Stations — GB5SPD St. Patrick's Day — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Galway VHF Group

08-Mar-2009   IRTS AGM — New IRTS Appointments — 5 MHz Renewals — AREN Net — European PSK Club Stations — 30M Digital Group Awards — Theory Classes in Cork — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Club — Rallies — QSY of AMTOR Mailbox — Special Event Station — Certificate for operating VO-52 — History this week

01-Mar-2009   IRTS AGM — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — N2NOV returns for another visit. — Special Event Station — AREN Net — Dxpedition requires operators — WAAB Award available — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Rallies — DX News — History this week

22-Feb-2009   Silent Key — IRTS/COMREG MEETING — ENGINEERS IRELAND WEEK OF WONDER — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — Radio Rallies — DX News

15-Feb-2009   Silent Key — IRTS/COMREG Meeting — IRTS Dinner Tickets — Echo Ireland by electronic download — Trophy Returns. — Nomination for awards — Dave EI3IO Joins IARU Committee — Amateur Radio and Hillwalking — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Radio Rallies — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Rallies during March include the Radio Hobbies and

08-Feb-2009   February Echo Ireland — Trophy Returns. — Nomination for awards — Engineered...A week of Wonder. — Engineers Ireland & Limerick Radio Club — 2008 MRG SSB Challenge Results — Missing Saker Falcon — 50 MHz now available in Sweden — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Crossakiel Amateur Radio Association — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Radio Rallies — DX News — Antarctic Activity Week — This week in History

01-Feb-2009   Silent Key — 40 Years of the Radio News — IRTS Webmaster — Trophy Returns. — Nomination for awards — Theory Classes in Cork — ENGINEERED...A WEEK OF WONDER! — Engineers Ireland & Limerick Radio Club Limerick Radio — EI100cqd — AREN Net — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Listen for new Sats using web receiver — Radio Rallies

25-Jan-2009   ENGINEERED...A WEEK OF WONDER! — Counties Contest Logs — EI100cqd — DXFC EI/GI Activation — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — 3DA0 DXpedition : operators needed — This week in History — Radio Rallies — Falkland Islands YL operation

18-Jan-2009   Bereavement — Webmaster Wanted — ENGINEERED...A WEEK OF WONDER! — Revised Bandplans now on RSGB site — 4meters in Denmark — Bermuda Anniversary Callsigns — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Radio Rallies — Congratulations — DX News — Falkland Islands YL operation

11-Jan-2009   Webmaster Wanted — ENGINEERED...A WEEK OF WONDER! — Costa Rican Emergency Frequencies — AREN Net — South Dublin Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Rallies — DX News

04-Jan-2009   Paddy EI6CP Bereaved — 80 metres Counties Contest — Webmaster Wanted — ENGINEERED...A WEEK OF WONDER! — New VHF Packet and Winlink Node — AREN Net — Special Event Station — New Canadian Prefix’s — Escape2Adventure 9-14 January 2009 — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Rallies — Happy New Year

28-Dec-2008   Silent Key : Fr Padraic O’Kelly — Webmaster Wanted — EI DXCC Listing — 80 metres Counties Contest — Emergency broadcast — AREN Mobile Command Post — Amateur Tube — DX News — Rallies — This week in History — Season’s Greetings

21-Dec-2008   New issue of Echo Ireland — Webmaster Wanted — AREN net — Switzerland to allocate 6m — Canada’s official time broadcast, frequency change — 2009 International Space Station Calendar — L-BAND EXPERIMENT ON THE ISS — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Santa DX — DXCC End of year approaching — Rallies — This week in History — Season’s Greetings

14-Dec-2008   Webmaster Wanted — 80 metres Counties Contest — AREN nets — 2009 International Space Station Calendar — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Santa DX — This week in History — New Worked All States Award — DXCC End of year approaching

07-Dec-2008   Webmaster Wanted — Amateur Radio Blogs — ENGINEERED...A WEEK OF WONDER! — IOTA Contest Final Results — AREN nets — Limerick Radio Club — The Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DXCC End of year approaching — DXCC Desk approves three operations — Antarctic operation — DXpedition to Desecheo Island — Cancelled DXpedition

30-Nov-2008   Webmaster Wanted — The Brendan Awards — Radio Frequency Plan for Ireland — 30 metre modes — AREN nets — 500 kHz in Canada — Dublin European City of Science — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Sun Shows signs of Life

23-Nov-2008   New Issue of Echo Ireland — Webmaster Wanted — IARU Region 1 Conference — IRTS 2009 Contests — AREN nets — ENGINEERED...A Week of Wonder! — Astronomy Presentation — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Mayo Rally Change of Venue

16-Nov-2008   Webmaster Wanted — IARU Region 1 Conference — Morse Code tests at Mayo Rally — Global Simulated Emergency Test — AREN nets — Galway VHF Group — Satellite Expected to Go QRT by End of Year — Phoenix Mars Lander goes QRT — Astronomy Talk — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rallies

09-Nov-2008   Visit by VU2GMN — Theory Examination — Morse Code tests at Mayo Rally — Historic QSO — Shuttle Launch STS-126 — Cross band Repeater on board THE I.S.S. — Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite Update — South Dublin Radio Club's new QTH — Limerick Radio Club Meeting — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rallies — DX Bulletins — DXCC End of year approaching

02-Nov-2008   Willis Island Dxpedition — Morse Code tests at Mayo Rally — New Sunspot — Howth Martello Radio Group (EI0MAR) — AREN Net — Global Simulated Emergency Test November 2008 — South Dublin Radio Club News — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Rallies — DX Bulletins

26-Oct-2008   Exam Agreement — 5 MHz — Morse Code tests at Mayo Rally — Congratulations to Roderick EI2P — Global Simulated Emergency Test November 2008 — IOTA Contest Results — South Dublin Radio Club News — Rallies — DX Bulletins

19-Oct-2008   Exam Material — New IRTS Web Site Link — Global Simulated Emergency Test November 2008 — New Sunspot — RSGB Says 73 to 40m HF News Reader — SSTV from Space — China to Launch its first Hamsat — Recession hits Amateur Radio — Rallies — DX Bulletins — JOTA — Contest News

12-Oct-2008   Theory Examination — Radio Theory Examination Material — Lecture on Amateur Radio — European Common Allocations Table — Major Award goes to EI — Rallies — DX Bulletins — E-mail address Change

05-Oct-2008   Silent Key — Radio Theory Examination Material — Theory Examination — IRTS New Members — IRTS QSL Bureau Sub manager — IRTS Assistant News Editor — New Club Donegal — AREN News — Spotless Sun — Galway VHF Group — MRG VHF / UHF Challenge 2008 — Rallies — Limerick Radio Club — DX Bulletins — E-mail address Change

28-Sep-2008   Silent Key — Radio Theory Examination Material — Theory Examination — Wexford VHF Group — MRG VHF / UHF Challenge 2008 — 2 Metre Counties Contest Results — Contest News — AREN News — Rallies — Evening Course at UCD — Dundalk Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — DX Bulletins — Cycle 24 Sunspot — E-mail address Change

21-Sep-2008   Exam Agreement — Spectrum Policy — Theory Examination — Talk on amateur satellites — AREN News — MRG VHF / UHF Challenge 2008 — DX Bulletins — SPECIAL EVENT STATION — IARUMS Region 1 — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Cork Radio Club, 17th Annual Rally — New Radio News Editor — E-mail Address Change

14-Sep-2008   New Radio News Editor — SSB Field Day — DX Bulletins — New Book — Blasket Islands IOTA EU-007 — Exam Agreement — Theory Examination — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club, 17th Annual Rally

07-Sep-2008   IRTS Radio News — Ethics and Operating Procedures — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2008 — Blasket Islands IOTA EU-007 — Theory Examination — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club, 17th Annual Rally — Crossakiel Amatuer Radio Association

31-Aug-2008   European Common Allocations Table — IRTS Web Site Links — IRTS Radio News — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2008 — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Crossakiel Amatuer Radio Association — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — EI Counties Contest — SSB Field Day

24-Aug-2008   Death of Pat McNamara — IRTS Web Site Links — IRTS Radio News — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2008 — Crossakiel Amatuer Radio Association — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — SSB Field Day

17-Aug-2008   IRTS Radio News — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Countries with no QSL Bureau — SSB Field Day

10-Aug-2008   Extra Facilities for Experimenters — IRTS Radio News — Limerick Radio Club — Cork Radio Club

03-Aug-2008   Extra Facilities for Experimenters — IRTS Radio News — IOTA Contest — New IARUMS Co-Ordinator for EI — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club

27-Jul-2008   Extra Facilities for Experimenters — Theory Examination — New Website for Radio Amateurs — Radio Clubs, Please Update Your Information — Possible 432 MHz Tropo EI record — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club

20-Jul-2008   Theory Examination — Radio Clubs : Please Update Your Information — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group (Sunday News Only) — South Dublin Radio Club — Postage Costs — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change

13-Jul-2008   Radio Clubs : Please Update Your Information — ComReg Spectrum Strategy — European Common Allocations Table — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club Rally — Postage Costs

06-Jul-2008   Theory Examination — ComReg Spectrum Strategy — European Common Allocations Table — Countries with no QSL Bureau — Friedrichshafen Rally — Postage Costs — South Dublin Radio club

29-Jun-2008   AREN Exercise in Co. Wicklow — Postage Costs — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contests

22-Jun-2008   Webmaster's Choice — Theory Examination — Friedrichshafen Rally — 4 Metres in Denmark — New 4 metre Beacon in Portugal — South Dublin Radio club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contests

15-Jun-2008   South Dublin Radio club — Foyle & District Amateur Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Examination — Friedrichshafen Rally — Contests

08-Jun-2008   IRTS Committee — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Examination — Friedrichshafen Rally — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change — Upcoming Rallies

01-Jun-2008   Sean Hurley EI4DA Silent Key — IRTS Committee — CW Field Day — DXCC Card Checker — Theory Examination — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — 6 Metre Net — Tri-Bander Beam — DX Cluster — New Repeaters in Donegal — GB3WW Repeater — Friedrichshafen Rally — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change — Upcoming Rallies

25-May-2008   Theory Examination — AREN News — Tri-Bander Beam Available — DX Cluster — Womens Mini Marathon — New Repeaters in Donegal — GB3WW Repeater — Friedrichshafen Rally — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change — Upcoming Rallies — CW Field Day

18-May-2008   Theory Examination — Italy Gains New Frequencies — Emergency Communications — Friedrichshafen Rally — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change — Upcoming Rallies — CW Field Day — Geopark Week Special Event

11-May-2008   Friedrichshafen Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change — Upcoming Rallies — CW Field Day — Geopark Week Special Event — Dayton Live Broadcast

04-May-2008   Friedrichshafen Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club, Rally Venue Change — Upcoming Rallies — GB3GEO Special Event

27-Apr-2008   First "EI" RTTY DXCC — Friedrichshafen Rally — Visitors to Howth Vintage Radio Museum — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — AREN News — Cork Radio Club — Upcoming Rallies — GB3GEO Special Event — W4RNL Silent Key

20-Apr-2008   80 Metres Counties Contest Results 2008 — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Cork Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Friedrichshafen Rally — AREN News — Theory Examination — 70 MHz — IRTS AGM 2008 Galway — International Marconi Day 2008 — Visitors to Howth Vintage Radio Museum — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — GB3GEO Special Event

13-Apr-2008   Theory Examination — 70 MHz — AREN — IRTS AGM 2008 Galway — Repeater / Beacon Update — International Amateur Radio Day — International Marconi Day 2008 — Visitors to Howth Vintage Radio Museum — IRTS Awards — 2 metres Counties Contest — GB3GEO Special Event

06-Apr-2008   Repeater / Beacon Update — International Marconi Day 2008 — Visitors to Howth Vintage Radio Museum — IRTS Awards — 2 metres Counties Contest — IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — Limerick Radio Club — EI2WTR TV Repeater — AREN News — Upcoming Rallies — GB3GEO Special Event

30-Mar-2008   IRTS Awards — 2 metres Counties Contest — CQIR Contest Results — New Call Book — ComReg Document — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — AREN News — Upcoming Rallies

23-Mar-2008   CQIR Contest Results — 2 metres Counties Contest — ComReg Document — New Call Book — Solar Cycle 23 — IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — AREN News — Upcoming Rallies

16-Mar-2008   IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Limerick Radio Club — AREN News — Upcoming Rallies

09-Mar-2008   Exam Results — IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — AREN News — Theory Classes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Rallies — Ducie Island DXpedition

02-Mar-2008   Limerick Rally — IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — Trophy Returns — South Dublin Radio Club — Theory Classes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Rallies — DXCC Status of Kosovo — 70 MHz in the Czech Republic

24-Feb-2008   IRTS AGM 2008 : Galway — 70 MHz Initiative — Trophy Returns — 500 kHz Experiments — Limerick Radio Club : Annual General Meeting — Limerick Radio Club : Roundup of 2007 — North Dublin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Theory Classes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 6 Metre Repeater — Upcoming Rallies

17-Feb-2008   Theory — Trophy Returns — US Reciprocal Licenses — South Dublin Radio Club — Theory Classes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Rallies — The IRTS AGM Weekend — EME — 6 Metre Repeater

10-Feb-2008   Bereavement — Theory Examination — Trophy Returns — Irish Radio Experimenter Receives Ande De-orbit Award — Emergency Communications — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 70 MHz Initiative — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Upcoming Rallies — The IRTS AGM Weekend

03-Feb-2008   Theory Examination — Emergency Communications — Radio News Archives — 70 MHz Initiative — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Coolmine Rally — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Upcoming Rallies — The IRTS AGM Weekend — D-Star Yahoo Group — Pitcairn Island Dxpedition

27-Jan-2008   IOTA Contest 2007 — Theory Examination — 80 metres Counties Contest — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS 4 Metre & 6 Metre Shields — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Pitcairn Island Dxpedition

20-Jan-2008   Theory Examination — 80 metres Counties Contest — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Squares table 2007 — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — VHF/UHF/SHF News — IRTS 4 Metre & 6 Metre Shields — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club

13-Jan-2008   Revised IOTA Results — 80 metres Counties Contest — Theory Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Squares table 2007 — IRTS 4 Metre & 6 Metre Shields — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2007 — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group January QSO Party — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — 6 Metres in Germany — New DXCC Entity

06-Jan-2008   80 metres Counties Contest — IOTA Results — Contests Email address — WRC-07 and 5 MHz — Theory Examination — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group January QSO Party — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Solar News

30-Dec-2007   Happy New Year — 80 Metres Counties Contest — Contests Email address — Theory Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Codes and Ciphers Exhibition — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club

23-Dec-2007   Another Radio Anniversary — CQIR : Ireland Calling : Prize Draw Winners — 80 Metres Counties Contest — Contests Email address — Theory Examination — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — New DXCC Entity

16-Dec-2007   80 Metre Counties Contest — Theory Examination — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Coolmine Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — QRP Kilometer per Watt Challenge

09-Dec-2007   80 Metre Counties Contest — Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club

02-Dec-2007   80 Metre Counties Contest — Deadline Passed for Repeater Call Signs — Theory Examination — New Allocation in Spain — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

25-Nov-2007   Deadline Passed for Repeater Call Signs — Theory Examination — WRC-07 — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Dublin Radio Club

18-Nov-2007   Theory Examination — ComReg/IRTS Meeting Outcome — WRC-07 — Dundalk A.R.S — AREN News — NVIS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club

11-Nov-2007   ComReg/IRTS Meeting Outcome — Theory Examination — WRC-07 — AREN News — NVIS — Mayo Rally — Contest Results — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club

04-Nov-2007   ComReg / IRTS Meeting Outcome — WRC-07 — Cork Repeater Group — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Rally — New Callsigns — Emergency Frequencies

28-Oct-2007   WRC-'07 — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — CQIR — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Fingal Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Upcoming Rallies

21-Oct-2007   JOTA (Sunday Newsreaders Only) — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — CQIR — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — Fingal Radio Club — Upcoming Rallies

14-Oct-2007   Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — CQIR — Marconi Clifden Celebrations — Waterford Rally — Upcoming Rallies — South Dublin Radio Club

07-Oct-2007   Silent Key EI9HY — Important Anniversary — Space Anniversary — City of Belfast Radio Amateurs Society — CQIR — AREN supports Charity walk — Marconi Clifden Celebrations — Marconi Lectures — Waterford Rally — Upcoming Rallies — Talk on TETRA Digital Radio

30-Sep-2007   CQIR (Sundays news readers only) — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Dxpedition to St. Brandon — Winlink and APRS — Marconi Clifden Celebrations — 3-Watt CW QSO — Waterford Rally — Upcoming Rallies — Talk on TETRA Digital Radio — Marconi Lectures — Amateur Radio Mailing List

23-Sep-2007   CQIR — EI0MAR — Logs — Cork Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — DXpedition to St Brandon — Short Range Devices (SRDs) on 10 GHz — Winlink and APRS — Limerick Radio Club — Marconi Clifden Celebrations — Waterford Rally — Upcoming Rallies

16-Sep-2007   CQIR — Short Range Devices (SRDs) on 10 GHz — Logs — DXpedition to St Brandon — Galway Radio Experimenters Club — EI0MAR — Marconi Clifden Celebrations — Winlink Experiment — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Classes — Blarney Rally — Other Upcoming Rallies — DX News

09-Sep-2007   SSB Field Day — Counties Contest — CQIR — EI0MAR — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Classes — Upcoming Rallies

02-Sep-2007   Silent Key Billy Cantwell EI7GO — Counties Contest — CQIR — MRG Experimenter Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — EI0MAR — Upcoming Rallies

26-Aug-2007   Church Broadcasts — MRG Experimenter Group — Limerick Radio Club — EI0MAR — HF SSB Field Day — CQIR : Ireland Calling Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Rallies

19-Aug-2007   2 metre Counties Contest — HF SSB Field Day — CQIR : Ireland Calling Contest — Notice from ComReg — EI0MAR — Church Broadcasts — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Rallies

12-Aug-2007   Notice from ComReg — Church Broadcasts — A Note of Caution for Amateurs Purchasing — EI0MAR — CQIR — ILLW — South Dublin Radio Club — Field Days and Contests — Upcoming Rallies

05-Aug-2007   IOTA Contest — CQIR — EI75IRTS — South Dublin Radio Club — Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph in Ireland, — Field Days and Contests — Foyle and District ARC Rally — Church Broadcasts

29-Jul-2007   Theory Examination — Church Broadcasts — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Field Days and Contests — Foyle and District ARC Rally

22-Jul-2007   Field Days — WRC-07 CEPT Preparatory Group Meeting — Church Broadcasts — CQIR — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Theory Examination — Huntsville Hamfest

15-Jul-2007   Church Broadcasts — ComReg Meeting — WRC-07 — Theory Examination — Limerick Radio Club — Rallies

08-Jul-2007   Silent Key Seán Cooney EI5GH — Theory Examination — CQIR — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Road Racing Championships — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — Rallies

01-Jul-2007   Theory Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day Logs — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — Rallies — AFRI75

24-Jun-2007   Condolences — International Museums Weekend — AFRI75 — Hong Kong Special Prefix — 2 Metre News Bulletin — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Foyle and District Amateur Radio Club — Comeragh Cycle Race — Rallies

17-Jun-2007   2 Metre Spring Counties Contest Results — AFRI 75 DXpedition QSL Update — Hong Kong Special Prefix — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Comeragh Cycle Race — Rallies

10-Jun-2007   CW Field Day — Theory Examination — International Museums Weekend — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Comeragh Cycle Race — Rallies

03-Jun-2007   International Museums Weekend — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rallies — Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph in Ireland, — Contests — Ladies Mini Marathon — Theory Examination — EI75IRTS

27-May-2007   CW Field Day — International Museums Weekend — VHF News — Rallies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Prefixes for Montenegro and Serbia — Contests — Ladies Mini Marathon — Galtee Walking Festival — Theory Examination — Isle of Man, Special Event — EI75IRTS

20-May-2007   News from the IRTS — International Museums Weekend — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Foyle and District — Rallies — Contests — Ladies Mini Marathon — Galtee Walking Festival — Comeragh Cycle Race — Theory Examination

13-May-2007   News from the IRTS — International Museums Weekend — Rallies — Galtee Walking Festival — Ladies Mini Marathon — Comeragh Cycle Race — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Examination

06-May-2007   Michael Gallagher EI3CK: Silent Key — Date Announced for Mayo Rally 2007 — Emcomm party on the air — Galtee Walking Festival — Ladies Mini Marathon — Comeragh Cycle Race — 2 Metre Counties Contest — International Marconi Day — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club (GI3CFW) — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Theory Examination

29-Apr-2007   Jubilee Dinner and AGM — AREN News — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Booklet about Howth Martello Tower — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Second EmCom Party on the Air — Theory Examination

22-Apr-2007   Aidan Folan EI5W, Silent Key — International Marconi Day — Galway Radio Experimenters Group — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Second EmCom Party on the Air — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — Theory Examination

15-Apr-2007   IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Rallies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Marconi Day — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Second EmCom Party on the Air — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — Theory Examination — Isle of Man, Special Event

08-Apr-2007   IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Rallies — West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club — Theory Examination — International Marconi Day — Amateur Satellite Beginners article

01-Apr-2007   IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Rallies — EI APRS Users Mailing List — 80 Metre Counties Contest Results — Theory Examination — AFRI 75 — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Time Signals

25-Mar-2007   Silent Key EI1CY — AREN News — AFRI 75 — IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Rallies — Theory Examination — VHF Nets — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

18-Mar-2007   AFRI 75 — IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — YI Amateur Radio Activity QRT — Rallies — Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — George Stritch Memorial Shield

11-Mar-2007   IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Rallies — AFRI 75 — Theory Examination — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — George Stritch Memorial Shield — Solar Minimum

04-Mar-2007   IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Limerick Radio Club — LRC: Radio, Electronics and Hobbies Exhibition — Return of Trophies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rallies

25-Feb-2007   IRTS 75th Annual General Meeting — Swazi DXpedition team meeting 18th Feb 2007 — West Cork Rally Repeater Site Testing — Return of Trophies — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge. — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rallies

18-Feb-2007   AFRI 75 — AREN News — Return of Trophies — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge. — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rallies

11-Feb-2007   AFRI 75 — Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rallies — Cork Radio Club — VHF News

04-Feb-2007   AFRI 75 — Rallies — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Radio Frequency Time Signal Service — Morse Requirement dropped in US

28-Jan-2007   AFRI 75 — IRTS QSL Service — Phoenix Rally — Rallies — Cork Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Radio Frequency Time Signal Service — Space News

21-Jan-2007   EI6BKB, Donnachadh O Shea: Silent Key — Theory Examination — IRTS DXpedition — IRTS 75th Jubilee — IRTS QSL Service — AREN News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Phoenix Rally — Rallies — Cork Rally

14-Jan-2007   Limerick Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS 75th Jubilee — Region 5 Theory Classes — Theory Examination — IRTS 4 metre and 6 metre Shields — Squares table 2006 — EI0MAR Article in PW — Phoenix Rally — Rallies — AREN News — EI2P: 60th Wedding Anniversary

07-Jan-2007   Dick Craig EI9ET, Silent Key — 80 metre Counties Contest — Limerick Radio Club — MRG VHF/UHF Challenge — IRTS 75th Jubilee — Cork Radio Club — Region 5 Theory Classes — IRTS 4 metre and 6 metre Shields — Squares table 2006 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Theory Examination — Phoenix Rally — Rallies

31-Dec-2006   New Years Greetings — IRTS 75th Jubilee Logos — AFRI75 IRTS 75th Jubilee Dxpedition 2007 — Theory Examination — Theory Classes — New Examination Manual — 80 metre Counties Contest — Rallies — Phoenix Rally — VHF Nets — Emergency Centre of Activity Frequencies — Special Event Callsigns for Scouting Ireland

24-Dec-2006   Seasons Greetings — Theory Examination — New Examination Manual — Theory Classes — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — 80 metre Counties Contest — Rallies — Phoenix Rally — HNY Party 2007 — USA to drop Morse requirement — Special Event Callsigns for Scouting Ireland — Programme of interest on RTE Radio 1

17-Dec-2006   Silent Key: Brendan Kavanagh EI8IB — Theory Examination — Theory Classes — 80 metre Counties Contest — Rallies — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DRM Transmissions in Ireland

10-Dec-2006   80m Counties Contest — Theory Examination — New Radio Club seeks Donations — Theory Classes — Solar News

03-Dec-2006   EI5IA Silent Key — AREN — New Radio Club seeks Donations — IRTS Jubilee — 80m Counties Contest — Theory Examination — Theory Classes — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Radio Frequency Time Signal Service

26-Nov-2006   Richard Glynn EI5GC, Silent Key — IRTS Jubilee — Irish Hour — KARG Trip to Met Observatory and Costal Radio Station — Theory Examination — Theory Classes — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Changes to Amateur Rules in the United States

19-Nov-2006   IRTS delegation received by President McAleese — IOTA Results — AREN News — Mayo Rally — Theory Classes — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — CQ World Wide CW Contest

12-Nov-2006   Mayo Rally — Theory Examination — Theory Classes — DX and Special Events — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club : EI60LRC at Bunratty Castle

05-Nov-2006   Silent Key EI9V — Limerick Radio Club — Mayo Rally — Theory Examination — Theory Classes — DX and Special Events — IRTS 75th Jubilee

29-Oct-2006   Mayo Rally — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Examination — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Theory Classes — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Jamboree On The Air — Contest Results — IOTA Results — Special Event

22-Oct-2006   Jamboree On The Air — Patrick EI2FZ, Silent Key — AREN News — Theory Examination — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — Theory Classes — Waterford Rally

15-Oct-2006   Theory Examination — New CEPT Licence Structure — AREN News — IRTS Jubilee AGM — IRTS Contests — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — New Officers in Mayo — Jamboree On The Air — Theory Classes — DX and Special Events

08-Oct-2006   IRTS Jubilee AGM — IRTS Contests — AREN News — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition at ILAC Central — Theory Classes — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Rally — Jamboree On The Air

01-Oct-2006   IRTS Contests — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition at ILAC Central — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group AGM — Mayo Rally — Theory Classes — Mayo AGM — Waterford Rally — Jamboree On The Air

24-Sep-2006   MRG Experimenter Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group AGM — Mayo Rally — Theory Classes — Mayo AGM — 4 Metre Net — 6 Metre SSB Net — DX News

17-Sep-2006   Louis Fleming EI5EC, Silent Key — Mayo Rally — Mayo AGM — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Theory Classes — Theory and Mentors — 6 Metre IOTA Award — Jamboree On The Air

10-Sep-2006   Theory Classes and Mentors — SSB Field Day — Jamboree On The Air — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX and Special Events

03-Sep-2006   EI Counties Contest — Jamboree On The Air — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Road Racing in Waterford — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — VHF Nets — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2006 — Solar Cycle Number 24 — DX and Special Events — Dates for Your Diary

27-Aug-2006   Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — VHF Nets — AREN Winter training — Mayo Rally — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2006 — DX and Special Events — Dates for Your Diary

20-Aug-2006   South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — New 10 metre beacon in Malta — National Road Racing — Limerick Radio Club — Contests — Tropo Record — DX and Special Events — Solar Cycle Number 24 — Dates for Your Diary

13-Aug-2006   International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2006 — KARG Activates Cromwell Point Lighthouse — Limerick Radio Club — EI2WRB Beacon, Back on Air — National Road Racing — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2006 — Contests — Space News — Live Video from Huntsville Hamfest — DX and Special Events — Dates for Your Diary

06-Aug-2006   IOTA — AREN / Funding Success — Limerick Radio Group — HF Newcomers Net — MRG VHF/UHF SSB Challenge 2006 — Contest Rule Changes — Mayo Rally — XE1/EI7GK QRT — Limerick Radio Club — DX and Special Events — Dates for Your Diary

30-Jul-2006   Eamonn Gibson EI9DUB, Silent Key — Contests — Contest Rule Changes — Mayo Rally — GAREC 2006 AREN delegates report — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Newcomers Yahoo Group — Ham Mapper — VHF News — DX and Special Events — Dates for Your Diary

23-Jul-2006   Wireless Public Address System (WPAS) — Allocation in the Region of 500 kHz — Continuation of 5 MHz allocation in UK — AREN News — Slievenamon Trophy — South Dublin Radio Club — DX and Special Events — Dates for Your Diary

16-Jul-2006   Slievenamon Trophy — XE1/EI7GK — Great Blasket Island — VHF/UHF Information — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — World Cup Special Event Stations — DX News — Dates for Your Diary

09-Jul-2006   Sympathy — VHF/UHF Information — Licensing Scheme for Community Transmissions — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — AREN News: Global Amateur Radio Emergency Conference — Marconi Centenary — World Cup Special Event Stations — DX News — Solar News — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — Dates for Your Diary

02-Jul-2006   6 and 4 Metre Nets — AREN News: Global Amateur Radio Emergency Conference — Emergency Communications — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — XE1/EI7GK — Theory Examination — Licensing Scheme for Community Transmissions — Mass Amateur Satellite Launch — New DXCC Entity — Marconi Centenary — Dates for Your Diary

25-Jun-2006   South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — XE1/EI7GK — Limerick Radio Club — Bandplan Changes — Mass Amateur Satellite Launch — Dates for Your Diary

18-Jun-2006   Bandplan Changes — New DXCC Entity — South Dublin Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — World Cup Special Event Stations — Space News — Mass Amateur Satellite Launch — Dates for Your Diary

11-Jun-2006   CW Field Day — World Cup Special Event Stations — International Museums Weekend — Mass Amateur Satellite Launch — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio — Radio Theory Examination — Space News — Dates for Your Diary

04-Jun-2006   International Museums Weekend — 4 Metre Net — 6 Metre SSB Net — Mass Amateur Satellite Launch : 28th June — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio — Radio Theory Examination — Dates for Your Diary

28-May-2006   VHF News — CW Field Day — AREN News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio — Radio Theory Examination — Dates for Your Diary

21-May-2006   AREN News — Tory Island Activation — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Radio Theory Examination — SWL News

14-May-2006   Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge 2005 — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — VHF News — Radio Theory Examination — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Germany

07-May-2006   Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — VHF News — Radio Theory Examination — Course Guide — CQIR: Ireland Calling Announcement — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club

30-Apr-2006   EI8FE Silent Key — IRTS AGM — Course Guide Launched — IRTS 80 Metre Counties Contest 2006 — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Mini Marathon — 4 Meter activity evenings — Other VHF News — Southern Ireland Repeater Network — Upcoming Meetings

23-Apr-2006   EI Counties Contest — Mini Marathon — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Council of Europe 20th Anniversary Contest — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend-2006

16-Apr-2006   Silent Key — EI Counties Contest — IRTS AGM 2006 — New Course Guide — Mini Marathon — IRTS Shop — Limerick Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — Dayton Webcast — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend-2006 — International Marconi Day

09-Apr-2006   New Course Guide — IRTS Shop — IRTS AGM 2006 — Limerick Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club — QRP Discussion Group — HF Conditions — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend-2006 — International Marconi Day

02-Apr-2006   IRTS Web Site — New Course Guide — Awards — IRTS AGM 2006 — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — New Allocations in Hungary — HF Conditions

26-Mar-2006   Silent Key EI2BL — Silent Key EI5BYB — IRTS Web Site — Awards — IRTS AGM 2006 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club

19-Mar-2006   New IRTS Web Site — Awards — IRTS AGM 2006 — Cork Radio Club — AREN Training — South Dublin Radio Club — Northern Ireland Yahoo Group

12-Mar-2006   New IRTS Web Site — Awards — IRTS AGM 2006 — Cork Radio Club — SR4TEN Beacon — AREN Training — South Dublin Radio Club — Northern Ireland Yahoo Group — DXpedition 2007 — Club Details — Solar Minima — New Digital Reporting Format

05-Mar-2006   Awards — IRTS AGM 2006 — Cork Radio Club — AREN Training — South Dublin Radio Club — Northern Ireland Yahoo Group — DXpedition 2007 — Photos Wanted — Club Details — Limerick Radio Club — New Digital Reporting Format

26-Feb-2006   IRTS AGM 2006 — DXpedition 2007 — Trophy Returns — Photos Wanted — Club Details — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club

19-Feb-2006   Trophy Returns — IRTS AGM 2006 — Photos Wanted — Club Details — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Marconi Contest — AREN — Coolmine Rally — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — CQIR : Ireland Calling: Preliminary Announcement — SuitSat Status

12-Feb-2006   Trophy Returns — IRTS AGM 2006 — Coolmine Rally — Limerick Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — AREN — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — CQIR : Ireland Calling: Preliminary Announcement

05-Feb-2006   Trophy Returns — IRTS AGM 2006 — Theory Examination — Cork Radio Club — Coolmine Rally — Limerick Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Theory Classes in Mayo — AREN — EI DXpedition to Southern Africa 2007

29-Jan-2006   IRTS AGM 2006 — Coolmine Rally — Limerick Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Club — Theory Classes in Mayo — AREN Training — Theory Examination — 80m Counties Contest — EI DXpedition to Southern Africa 2007 — Morse Proficiency Assessments — SuitSat

22-Jan-2006   IRTS AGM 2006 — Coolmine Rally — Limerick Rally — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Theory Classes in Mayo — Theory Examination — 80m Counties Contest — EI DXpedition to Southern Africa 2007 — 2005 IOTA Contest Results — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Morse Proficiency Assessments — SuitSat

15-Jan-2006   IRTS AGM 2006 — Coolmine Rally — EI DXpedition to Southern Africa 2007 — 2005 IOTA Contest Results — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — ComReg — Morse Proficiency Assessments — UHF weekend Jan 14-15 on ISS — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club

08-Jan-2006   EI DXpedition to Southern Africa 2007. — 80 Metre Counties Contest — 2005 IOTA Contest Results — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Squares table 2005 — IRTS 4 and 6 metre Shields — ComReg — Morse Proficiency Assessments — Rally News — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club

01-Jan-2006   James Gaffney EI8W : Silent Key — ComReg Consultation Paper — Radio Theory Examination — Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EI9GQ article in RadCom — Cork Radio Club — Rally News — Best Wishes for 2006

25-Dec-2005   IRTS — ComReg Consultation Paper — Radio Theory Examination — Cork Radio Club — 80 metre Counties Contest — Happy New Year 2006 QSO Party

18-Dec-2005   ComReg Consultation Paper — IRTS — Radio Theory Examination — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 80 metre Counties Contest — SD Contest Logger — EI Call Listings — Long Distance ATV

11-Dec-2005   ComReg Consultation Paper — Radio Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio Club — 80 metre Counties Contest — SD Contest Logger — EI Call Listings — Morse Code — DX News — Space News — DX News

04-Dec-2005   South Dublin Radio Club — Radio Theory Examination — 80 metre Counties Contest — Nets — Morse Code — DX News — Space News

27-Nov-2005   80 metre Counties Contest — Radio Theory Examination — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Nets — Morse Code — SuitSat SSTV signal — DX News

20-Nov-2005   Morgan O’Regan (EI0REI) : Silent Key — 80 metre Counties Contest — Radio Theory Examination — EI8IC Maps — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Morse Code — DX News

13-Nov-2005   Mayo Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club AGM 2005 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Radio Theory Examination — Jamboree On The Air

06-Nov-2005   Radio Theory Examination — Mayo Rally — Jamboree On The Air — Limerick Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Space News

30-Oct-2005   Radio Theory Examination — Jamboree On The Air — Cork Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Fingal Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — Monthly Nets — Space News

23-Oct-2005   Dermot Cowley (EI2AK) : Silent Key — Radio Theory Examination — Jamboree On The Air — Limerick Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Mayo Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

16-Oct-2005   Jamboree On The Air 2005 — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Worked All Ireland — Mayo Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — Space News

09-Oct-2005   Jamboree On The Air 2005 — Worked All Ireland — Waterford Rally — Mayo Rally — Shannon Basin Radio Club Sprint Challenge — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Richard Ebbs EI2ID — SSETI Express

02-Oct-2005   Jamboree On The Air 2005 — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Nets — Rally News — SSETI Express

25-Sep-2005   EI Counties Contest — Jamboree On The Air 2005 — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Nets — 7 MHz extension in Malta — IARU Region 1 Conference — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — Rally News — Mid Ulster ARC Field Day — SSETI Express

18-Sep-2005   IARU Region 1 Conference — Cork Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — EI Counties Contest — EI8IC APRS Maps — Solar News — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — Blarney Rally — Upcoming Rallies — 7 MHz extension in Malta — SSB Field Day — SSETI Express Handbook

11-Sep-2005   SSB Field Day — EI Counties Contest — Cork Repeaters — Hurricane Katrina — Rally News — Upcoming Contests — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Space News

04-Sep-2005   Sympathy — Hurricane Katrina — EI Counties Contest — Monthly Nets — Cork Repeaters — Club News — Wrexham ARS are going back to the Isle of Man! — Nuacht as Gaeilge — Upcoming Contests

28-Aug-2005   EI Counties Contest — SSB Field Day — Upcoming Contests — New Callsigns in South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Nuacht as Gaeilge — N2NOV in Ireland — Rally News — Space News

21-Aug-2005   ComReg Consultation Paper — Nuacht as Gaeilge — Howth Martello Tower — New Callsigns in South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — SSB Field Day — Island Activation — Space News — EI Counties Contest — Rally News

07-Aug-2005   First 50 MHz Licences issued in Hungary — SSB Field Day — GAREC 2005 — ComReg — Rally News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dates for your Diary

31-Jul-2005   EI3FI Silent Key — Nets — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — OK/EI7GK/P — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — SSB Field Day — Rockall Island — Relaxing of Morse Requirements — Perseids — Worked HQ Stations Award — GAREC 2005 — ComReg — Rally News — Dates for your Diary

24-Jul-2005   Repeater News — Nets — ComReg — OK/EI7GK/P — GAREC 2005 — Worked HQ Stations Award — Rally News — Slievenamon Trophy — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — AMSAT — News Input

17-Jul-2005   Limerick Radio Club 70cm Repeater — Cork Repeater Group — Worked HQ Stations Award — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Rally News — Slievenamon Trophy — Solar Activity

10-Jul-2005   Limerick Radio Club 70cm Repeater — More Repeater News — Worked HQ Stations Award — 2 Metre Beacon in The Azores — Alcock & Brown Replica Flight — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Skeds on 80 metres DRM — Rally News — Howth Peninsula Festival

03-Jul-2005   Howth Peninsular Festival — Worked HQ Stations Award — Alcock & Brown Replica Flight — Worked HQ Stations Award — Repeater News — Rally News — Packet News — Nets — Digital Radio Mondiale

26-Jun-2005   EI9EY Silent Key — Theory Examinations — Howth Peninsular Festival — Squares Table 2005 — GAREC 2005 — Field Day — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Cork Repeater Group — Packet News — Nets — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

19-Jun-2005   Historic Events — CW Field Day — Packet News — VHF News — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Cork Repeater Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Squares Table 2005 — Solar News — Rockall Island

12-Jun-2005   Theory Examination — Sporadic E — Squares Table 2005 — Cork Repeater Group — APRS Experiments — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Museums Weekend — Space News — Rockall Island — Radio News Input

05-Jun-2005   John Ryan EI6DG : Silent Key — Theory Examination — Sporadic E — Ballyhoura Bears — Squares Table 2005 — Cork Repeater Group — APRS Experiments — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

29-May-2005   Theory Examination — 6 Metre Opening — 4 Metre Activity Evening — Squares Table 2005 — Worked All Ireland — Cork Repeater Group — 70cm Repeater in Limerick — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — APRS Experiments — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day

22-May-2005   EI8FJB Silent Key — Theory Examination — IRTS Committee Meeting — Worked All Ireland — 70cm Repeater in Limerick — Mid Ulster ARC Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day — Indian Amateur Radio Satellite Launched Successfully — Amateur Radio on Columbus

15-May-2005   Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio — Mid Ulster ARC Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 70cm Repeater in Limerick — Canada Special Prefixes — 2 meter Sporadic E opening — CNN International Features Ham Radio — CW Field Day — Mini Marathon — Rockall Island

08-May-2005   Theory Examination — 70cm Repeater in Limerick — Mills Weekend — Canada Special Prefixes — CW Field Day — Mini Marathon — CNN International Features Ham Radio — Rockall Island — Space and Solar News

01-May-2005   Theory Examination — 70 cm Repeater in Limerick — CW Field Day — Mills Weekend — Emergency Planning Exercise — Mini Marathon — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Net News — CNN International Features Ham Radio — Rockall Island

24-Apr-2005   Theory Examination — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mini Marathon — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day — Packet News — Net News — Mills Weekend — RAC Special Prefixes

17-Apr-2005   Enniskillen Rally — Mini Marathon — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Packet News — Dates for your Diary — International Marconi Day (23rd April 2005) — CW Field Day — World Amateur Radio Day 2005 — Monday QRS CW Net

10-Apr-2005   Marconi Lecture — Cork Radio Club — Enniskillen Rally — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Dates for your Diary — International Marconi Day (23rd April 2005) — Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — World Amateur Radio Day 2005

03-Apr-2005   EI Counties Contest — 4 metre Activity Night — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Theory Examination — Cork City Gaol and Radio Museum — Dates for your Diary — Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — World Amateur Radio Day 2005

27-Mar-2005   EI Counties Contest — Theory Examination — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS AGM and Awards — Cork City Gaol and Radio Museum — SOTA — Mills Weekend — VHF AM — Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — World Amateur Radio Day 2005

20-Mar-2005   IRTS AGM and Awards — Limerick Radio Club — EI Counties Contest — Vintage Radio Museum — Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRLP and Echolink — Mills Weekend — World Amateur Radio Day 2005

13-Mar-2005   Obituary — EI Activity Day — EI Counties Contest — Vintage Radio Museum — Packet and APRS News — Marconi Experimenter Group — Cork ATV Group — Cork 70 cms repeater at Farmers cross — Slow CW Net — Mills Weekend

06-Mar-2005   IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Cork ATV Group — Marconi Experimenter Group — Cork 70 cms repeater at Farmers cross — Madeira Island — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Slow CW Net — Mills Weekend

27-Feb-2005   4 Metre Activity — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Slow CW Net — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Kerry Amateur Radio Group Field Day — Trophies — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

20-Feb-2005   Recent Kerry Amateur Radio Group Field Day — South Dublin Radio Club — Slow CW Net — IRTS Committee Meeting — GEARS quiz — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Trophies

13-Feb-2005   IRTS Meeting — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Emergency Communications — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Trophies — EI7IQ National 6 & 4 Metre Shields — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

06-Feb-2005   IRTS Meeting — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — APRS — Emergency Communications — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Trophies — EI7IQ National 6 & 4 Metre Shields — GEARS quiz — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

30-Jan-2005   EI2FB, Silent Key — IRTS Meeting — 4 Metre Activity — Emergency Communications — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Trophies — EI7IQ National 6 & 4 Metre Shields — APRS — GEARS quiz — VUSAT — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DUBUS Magazine Distribution in Ireland

23-Jan-2005   Dxpedition Delayed — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Trophies — EI7IQ National 6 & 4 Metre Shields — APRS — First Class B DXCC — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DUBUS Magazine Distribution in Ireland

16-Jan-2005   Emergency Communications Frequencies in Asia — Trophies — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Solar News — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

09-Jan-2005   Condolences — Tsunami in Asia — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — Cork, European Capital of Culture 2005 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club

02-Jan-2005   Tsunami in Asia — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — IRTS — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — Cork, European Capital of Culture 2005 — South Dublin Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

26-Dec-2004   Seasons Greetings — ARISS News — IRTS — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — AS-140 to be Activated — South Dublin Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

19-Dec-2004   Seasons Greetings — ARISS News — More News On 7 MHz — DXCC — EI5HW to be published in QST — South Dublin Radio Club — AS-140 to be Activated — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — AREN — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — Club-TV — Kerry Amateur Radio Group

14-Dec-2004   ISS Contact to take place in Cork — AS-140 to be Activated — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Geminids Meteor Shower — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Phoenix Amateur Radio Group — VHF/UHF Openings — South Dublin Radio Club — ISSARO — Kerry Amateur Radio Group

05-Dec-2004   Albert EI6AS, Silent Key — SDR Photo Competition — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Contests — Kerry Amateur Radio Group "Portable Ops" Day — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

28-Nov-2004   Packet — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — EI3RCW — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contests — DX News

21-Nov-2004   EI9AR Silent Key — EI3RCW is Back — Leonids — Sky watchers in eastern Europe and Asia are in the best — Echolink Gateway — CQ WW CW — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Kerry Amateur Radio Group "Portable Ops" Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

14-Nov-2004   Silent Key — IOTA Contest Results — CQ WW CW — EU Sprint — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Kerry Amateur Radio Group "Portable Ops" Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — W7DXX

07-Nov-2004   ComReg — Kerry Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

31-Oct-2004   New Frequency Allocations — ComReg — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — APRS Experiment — Get well wishes to Albert EI6AS — Irish Hour — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

24-Oct-2004   Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) — Cork Annual Dinner — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — CQWW Contest Station — Fingal Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

17-Oct-2004   Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) — Cork Annual Dinner — Contests and DX — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

10-Oct-2004   47th Jamboree on the Air next weekend — International Space Station — Cork Annual Dinner — New RB5 70cm Repeater in Limerick — AREN — 7 MHz Band — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

03-Oct-2004   Packet News — Declan, EI9HQ on his Travels — Cork Annual Dinner — EI Counties Contest — International Space Station — EI4JM in Kenya — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

26-Sep-2004   EI8CTB, Silent Key — SSB Field Day — EI4JM in Kenya — Declan, EI9HQ on his Travels — International Space Station — EI Counties Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Annual Dinner — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — European Sprint

19-Sep-2004   Roger Barker G4IDE : Silent Key — International Space Station — Cork Radio Club — EI Counties Contest — Contests — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network

12-Sep-2004   SSB Field Day — Contests — First Jamboree on the Air for Scouting Ireland — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — EI5IF / EL2PM in Liberia — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

05-Sep-2004   Ernie Berkenheier EI4CY Silent Key — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — First Jamboree on the Air for Scouting Ireland — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — New Repeater, EI3DRG — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — New ARISS Operations Capability — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Sweedish Submarine On Air

29-Aug-2004   Limerick Radio Club — Spring 2 Metre Counties Contest Results — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — New Repeater, EI3DRG — AREN — SSB Field Day — ATV and CW QRP operation — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

22-Aug-2004   SSB Field Day — Shannon Basin Radio Club — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Olympic Games Special Callsigns — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — 4 Metres

15-Aug-2004   AREN — SSB Field Day — Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — EI4JM in Central Africa — DX News — Olympic Games Special Callsigns — Space News — Perseid Meteors — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

08-Aug-2004   Mayo Radio Experimenter Network — XE1/EI7GK — EI4JM in Central Africa — SSB Field Day — OH2B Beacon — DXCC — DX News — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — AREN — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

01-Aug-2004   Silent Keys — XE1/EI7GK — SSB Field Day — DXCC — South Dublin Radio Club — IOTA — Mayo Rally 2004 Confirmed — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — Solar News — AMSAT-Echo (AO-51)

25-Jul-2004   Silent Keys — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — DXCC — Theory Examinations — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 4 Metre Activity — Solar News

18-Jul-2004   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Theory Examinations — South Dublin Radio Club — Island Activity by WestNet — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend — EI First on 6 metres — IOTA Contest 2004 — 4 Metre Activity — Solar News

11-Jul-2004   EI8DV, Silent Key — Bayside Scouts Radio Group Special Event Station — Theory Examinations — South Dublin Radio Club — North American Sporadic E Opening on 88MHz — IRLP

04-Jul-2004   EI4CY Silent Key — Any CW operators out there? — AREN Exercise — EI0HQ, IRTS Headquarters Station — First IRLP node in EI — TARG — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Space News

27-Jun-2004   First IRLP node in EI — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — XE1/EI7GK — IOTA Contest — DX News — EI0HQ, IRTS Headquarters Station — Article in PW — VHF/UHF Field Day — Space News

20-Jun-2004   EURADIO — XE1/EI7GK — IOTA Contest — DX News — Packet Radio — VHF/UHF Field Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Island Activity by the WestNet DX Group — EI0HQ, IRTS Headquarters Station

13-Jun-2004   EURADIO — CW Field Day — IOTA Contest — Dublin Ladies Mini-Marathon — Packet Revival in Limerick — VHF/UHF Field Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

06-Jun-2004   EL/EI5IF Liberia — EURADIO — EI8IC Web Site — June Meeting of Mayo REN — East Cork Radio Group — Museum Ships Special Event — VHF/UHF Field Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

30-May-2004   CW Field Day — Shannon Basin Radio Club — EL/EI5IF Liberia — EI First Contact on 70 MHz — Museum Ships Special Event — VHF/UHF news — International Lighthouse/Lightship weekend — VHF/UHF Field Day — South Dublin Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

23-May-2004   Silent Key — International Lighthouse/Lightship weekend — IOTA Activation — EI7M / IOTA 2004 — Morse Camp — Museum Ships Special Event — VHF/UHF news — VHF/UHF Field Day — CW Field Day — Olympic Games Special Event — South Dublin Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Packet

18-May-2004   Great Blasket Island — EI7M / IOTA 2004 — QSL Bureau News — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Events — South Dublin Radio — 6 Metres — VHF/UHF Field Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day — New Morse Character — The Athens 2004 Olympic Games award

09-May-2004   EURADIO Special Event Stations — Women's Mini Marathon — Mayo REN — EI2CL in Russia — Outgoing QSL Bureau — South Dublin Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day

02-May-2004   EI Counties Contest — Slievenamon Perpetual Trophy — Women's Mini Marathon — South Dublin Radio Club — EuRadio — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Activation of Inishtrahull lighthouse — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Amateur Radio on Teletext

25-Apr-2004   Silent Key — EI Counties Contest — Slievenamon Perpetual Trophy — Limerick Radio Club — EuRadio — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — UBA EU Contest — Activation of Inishtrahull lighthouse — South Dublin Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EURadio at Letterkenny Institute of Technology — Upcoming Events — DX News

18-Apr-2004   EI5R : Frank Colbert : Silent Key — EI Counties Contest — UBA EU Contest — 40 metres — South Dublin Radio — EuRadio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Enniskillen Rally — International Marconi Day — Upcoming Events — DX News

11-Apr-2004   EI Counties Contest — South Dublin Radio — EuRadio — Enniskillen Rally — Upcoming Events — International Marconi Day — 4 metre beacon — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network

04-Apr-2004   IRTS Awards — Shannon Basin Challenge — The European Sprint Contests — EI Counties Contest — Rodriguez Island — EuRadio — Radio Experimenters Exam — Enniskillen Rally — Upcoming Events — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

28-Mar-2004   Les Moxon G6XN : Silent Key — VHF/UHF Field Day — Rodriguez Island — EuRadio — EI Counties Contest — IRTS Committee Meeting — Cork Radio Club AGM — Radio Experimenters Exam — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Enniskillen Rally — European Sprint Contest — Upcoming Events — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

21-Mar-2004   Silent Key — IRTS Awards — EuRadio — IRTS Committee Meeting — ComReg Theory Exam — Upcoming Events — 6 Metres — Enniskillen Rally

14-Mar-2004   Limerick Rally — EI Activity Day — 6 Metres — IRTS AGM — South Dublin Radio Club — Enniskillen Rally — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Radio News

07-Mar-2004   Tory Island — Enniskillen Rally — Parkes 64m Radio Telescope Listens for AO-40 — Contest News — DX News — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2004

29-Feb-2004   IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — Tory Island — AREN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Enniskillen Rally — Lighthouse Maps

22-Feb-2004   TDOTA — IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — East Cork Amateur Radio Group — Mills Weekend — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Lighthouse Maps

15-Feb-2004   IRTS AGM and Limerick Rally — East Cork Amateur Radio Group — Mills Weekend — South Dublin Radio Club — EURADIO : Twinned Special Event Stations — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2004 — Change of Address — Enniskillen Rally — 4 Metre Activity

08-Feb-2004   Limerick and IRTS AGM — Change of Address — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mills Weekend — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — New Regulations in Denmark — New Regulations in Croatia — South Dublin Radio Club — International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend 2004 — TARA Skirmish

01-Feb-2004   Limerick and IRTS AGM — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — The Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club

25-Jan-2004   Silent Key — Limerick Radio Club and IRTS AGM — IRTS 4 & 6 Metre Shield Awards — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Rally — Transatlantic Beacon in Bermuda — Irish Hour — South Dublin Radio Club — North Dublin Radio Club AGM 2004 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — ARRL to propose code-free access to HF

18-Jan-2004   Limerick Radio Club and IRTS AGM — Enniskillen Amateur Radio Show — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — South Dublin Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — North Dublin Radio Club AGM 2004 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

11-Jan-2004   Limerick Radio Club and IRTS AGM — Theory Exam — South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Irish Hour — Awards — Lighthouse Maps — North Dublin Radio Club AGM 2004 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

04-Jan-2004   Theory Exam — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Awards — North Dublin Radio Club AGM 2004 — Worked All Ireland — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS

28-Dec-2003   Theory Exam — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Worked All Ireland — Awards — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Morse Code — Lighthouse Maps — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS

21-Dec-2003   South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — UK 4 & 6 Metres — Lighthouse Maps — EJ9FHB on Eagle Island F63 Mayo — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Morse Code

14-Dec-2003   South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Morse Code — UK 4 & 6 Metres — AREN — Space News — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

07-Dec-2003   South Dublin Radio Club — 2 Metres Counties Contest — Space News — Microwave — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Radio News

30-Nov-2003   2 Metres Counties Contest — Cork Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Packet News — EI4LDF Special Event — 4 Meters activity period — 50 MHz — TS7N DXpedition to Kerkennah Island — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

23-Nov-2003   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Jamboree on the Air — Packet News — 50 MHz — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Oscar 14 : End of Mission — Radio News Service

16-Nov-2003   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Contesting on a Budget — Jamboree on the Air — 50 MHz — Special Event Station EI4LDF — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Radio News Service

09-Nov-2003   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Amateur Radio Lecture — Special Event Station EI4LDF — Jamboree on the Air — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Islands On The Air Contest — DXpedition — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network

02-Nov-2003   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Solar News — Fingal Radio Club — Jamboree on the Air — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Papua New Guinea Drops HF Morse Requirement — Local and National Nets

26-Oct-2003   Jamboree on the Air — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network Rally — Fingal Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club — Trans-Atlantic 2 Metre beacon on air — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — New Crew on International Space Station

19-Oct-2003   Jamboree on the Air — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Fingal Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Logbook of the World — Local and National Nets — Raynet 50th Anniversary Convention

12-Oct-2003   Last Jamboree on the Air for Scouting Ireland (CSI) — Fingal Radio Club — EI5HAM : Blind and Disabled Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — NETs — Limerick Radio Club — Raynet 50th Anniversary Convention

05-Oct-2003   Last Jamboree on the Air for Scouting Ireland (CSI) — Irish Amateur Television Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI5HAM : Blind and Disabled Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — New 2 Metre Trans-Atlantic Beacon — Limerick Radio Club — Theory Examination — DX News

21-Sep-2003   Removal of Morse Requirement — Theory Examination — Irish Amateur Television Club — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — SSB Field Day — Phoenix ARC Theory Classes — EI5EM Web Site — Blarney Rally — MREN Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

14-Sep-2003   Fingal Radio Club trip to Telford — Limerick Radio Club — Phoenix ARC Theory Classes — South Dublin Radio Club — EI5EM Web Site — Blarney Rally — MREN Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

07-Sep-2003   Worked All Ireland — EI5EM Web Site — Power Line Transmission (PLT) — Blarney Rally — MREN Rally — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

31-Aug-2003   Power Line Transmission (PLT) — IRTS HF SSB Field Day — Blarney Rally — MREN Rally — Australia — Fingal Radio Club Trip to Telford — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

24-Aug-2003   Worked All Ireland — New Repeater in EI — Transatlantic Model Plane attempt — Counties Contest — Fingal Radio Club Trip to Telford — Great Blasket Island — 70 MHz Activity Afternoon Update — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contest Rule Changes

17-Aug-2003   Brendan Trophy Press Release — New Repeater in EI — Transatlantic Model Plane attempt — Belgium to drop HF Morse requirement — SSB Field Day — South Dublin Radio Club — 4 Metre Activity — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Counties Contest — New 70cm Tropo Distance Record Claimed — DX News

10-Aug-2003   UHF Openings — SSB Field Day — Transatlantic Model Plane attempt — Morse Requirement dropped in the UK — 4 Metre Activity — Contest Rule Changes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Counties Contest — International Lighthouse and Lightship Weekend — DX News — AREN Net

03-Aug-2003   Silent Key — Morse Requirement dropped in the UK — SSB Field Day — VHF Openings — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — 4 Metre Activity — Contest Rule Changes — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Counties Contest — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — South Dublin Radio Club — IOTA Contest — AREN Net

27-Jul-2003   SSB Field Day — Contest Rule Changes — Outgoing QSL Bureau — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — 4 Metres in Denmark — 4 Metre Activity — 6 Metres — AREN Net

20-Jul-2003   Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — DX News — SSB Field Day — Dalkey Island Contest Group — EI9HQ — Contest Rule Changes — Outgoing QSL Bureau — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — AREN Net

13-Jul-2003   CW Field Day — Dalkey Island Contest Group — VHF/UHF Field Day — Shannon Basin Radio Club Challenge — Outgoing QSL Bureau — World Radio Conference — Silent Key Sale — DX News — AREN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Fingal Radio Club — Mayo HF Net

06-Jul-2003   World Radio Conference — Fingal Radio Club — DX News — Mayo HF Net — AREN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

29-Jun-2003   Fingal Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — AREN — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

22-Jun-2003   Silent Keys — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Irishwan — DX News — AREN

15-Jun-2003   Fingal Radio Club — Mayo REN — Limerick Radio Club — Mayo REN — Irishwan — Iceland — DX News

08-Jun-2003   Inaugural International DX Dinner — EI5HAM — Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society — Limerick Radio Club — Irishwan — Mayo REN — Iceland — AREN

01-Jun-2003   Iceland — AREN — IOTA — Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — CW Field Day — Shannon Basin Radio Club — WAI Run — Mayo REN

25-May-2003   TV Debut For Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — EMC — South Dublin Radio Club Spring Challenge — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society — CW Field Day — Radio News

18-May-2003   Silent Key — EMC — Challenge F8SH — Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 2 Metre counties Contest — CW Field Day — DX News

04-May-2003   IRTS AGM — Shannon Basin Radio Club — 2 Metre counties Contest — Antrim and District Amateur Radio Society — Dublin WAN Group — Cork Radio Club — CW Field Day — DX News

27-Apr-2003   South Dublin Radio Club — Terenure Rally — 2 Metre counties Contest — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EI4HX/P — Space News — Digital Radio Mondiale — DX News — Dalkey Island Group

20-Apr-2003   SOTA Update — Terenure Rally — IRTS AGM — Challenge F8SH — 2003 Squares Table — Dalkey Island Group — Cork Radio Club

13-Apr-2003   Dalkey Island Group — Cork Radio Club — DX Cluster News — Terenure Rally — Declan Lennon EI9HQ — IRTS AGM — VHF News — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — DX News

06-Apr-2003   Cork Radio Club — DX Cluster News — EI1AEW Special Event — IRTS AGM — Packet Radio — DX News

30-Mar-2003   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — North Dublin Radio Club — JOTA — IRTS AGM — Shannon Basin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Enniskillen Rally — EI8GT on battleship New Jersey — DX News

23-Mar-2003   Summits On The Air — IRTS AGM — 40 Metre Re-Alignment Plans — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Irish Radio Amateur on US TV Show — South Dublin Radio Club — DX News — Enniskillen Rally

16-Mar-2003   IRTS AGM — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Summits On The Air (SOTA) — DX News — Enniskillen Rally

09-Mar-2003   IRTS AGM — EI0TEN 28 MHz Beacon — Northern Ireland ARDF Championships — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Dublin WAN Group — DX News — Enniskillen Rally — EI Activity Day 2003 — Mayo REN

02-Mar-2003   Limerick Radio Club — Region 5 Dinner — Tipperary Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Dublin WAN Group — Packet Radio News — Enniskillen Rally — EI Activity Day 2003 — Contests in the coming weeks

23-Feb-2003   Summits On The Air — Region 5 Dinner — Tipperary Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Radio Group AGM — South Dublin Radio Club — EI Activity Day 2003 — Contests in the coming weeks

16-Feb-2003   Silent Keys — Region 5 Dinner — East Cork AGM — South Eastern Radio Group AGM — IRTS Annual General Meeting — South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick and Enniskillen Rallies — EI Activity Day 2003 — Contests in the coming weeks — Results of IOTA Contest 2002

09-Feb-2003   Phoenix Rally — Other Upcoming Rallies — IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS Awards Committee — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — East Cork Group — Contests in the coming weeks

02-Feb-2003   Upcoming Rallies — IRTS Annual General Meeting — IRTS Awards Committee — Theory Examination in Mayo — South Dublin Radio Club — Spring Challenge — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

26-Jan-2003   Contest & DX News — IRTS Awards Committee — Phoenix Amateur Radio Rally — Limerick Radio Club Rally — Theory Examination in Mayo

19-Jan-2003   IRTS Awards Committee — Limerick Radio CLub — Squares Table 2002 — Contest & DX News — 4 and 6 Metre Shields — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — ARRL Concludes Its 5 MHz Experiments

12-Jan-2003   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Quadrantids Meteor Shower — Contest & DX News — Radio Pioneer Grote Reber : Silent Key — QSLs for Russia and Ukraine — Marconi Wireless Centennial : KM1CC

05-Jan-2003   QSLs for Russia and Ukraine — Foundation Course — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Radio Communications Foundation — Contest & DX News — Radio News

29-Dec-2002   South Dublin Radio Club — ARRL 10 metre contest — Marconi Wireless Centennial — Contest & DX News — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS News

22-Dec-2002   WEIC & WAI — Contest & DX News — Marconi Wireless Centennial — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS News

15-Dec-2002   WEIC & WAI — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Contest & DX News — Rockabill Island — South Dublin Radio Club — Digital Radio — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

08-Dec-2002   Recent 50 MHz openings from EI — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contest & DX News — Space News — No success on 144 MHz Trans-Atlantic attempt — North Korean Amateur Closed Down — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

01-Dec-2002   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Proposed Amateur Band — Space News — Contest & DX news

24-Nov-2002   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Proposed Amateur Band — Digital Radio Mondiale — Contest & DX news

17-Nov-2002   Leonids Meteor Shower — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — VHF News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contest news

10-Nov-2002   Leonids Meteor Shower — EI Counties Contest (Autumn Leg) — Slievenamon Shield — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — VHF News — Contest news — Jamboree On The Air

03-Nov-2002   Morse Testing — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — EI Counties Contest (Autumn Leg) — Slievenamon Shield — VHF News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

27-Oct-2002   Morse Testing — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club

20-Oct-2002   Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Wireless Networking — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Club — Jamboree On The Air — South Dublin Radio Club

13-Oct-2002   Licensing News — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network AGM — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Jamboree On The Air — JOTA in Wicklow

06-Oct-2002   Limerick Radio Club — Passport to World Band Radio — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — JOTA — DX News

29-Sep-2002   EI5DGB Silent Key — Winner of QST Magazine Award — Quick off the Mark! — Mayo REN — IOTA Claimed Scores — 2 metre Counties Contest — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

22-Sep-2002   Morse Testing — 2 metre Counties Contest — "Summits On The Air" activation in County Down — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Scandinavian HamVention

15-Sep-2002   Newsflash : Regulation Changes — Fingal Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Scandinavian HamVention — Space News

08-Sep-2002   Fingal Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Squares table 2002 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Space News

01-Sep-2002   EI3EL Silent Key — International Space Station — Fingal Radio Club — Perseid Meteor Shower 2002 — Shannon Basin Radio Club — 6 metres news — Squares table 2002 — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

25-Aug-2002   International Space Station — Fingal Radio Club — Inishkea Island trip — 6 metres news — 70 cm news — Squares table 2002 — EI0HQ in IARU HF Championships 2002 — Cork Radio Club — Contests

18-Aug-2002   Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — South Dublin Radio Club — Space News — International Space Station — The 2 Metres Counties Contest — 6 metres news — 70 cm news — EI0HQ in IARU HF Championships 2002

11-Aug-2002   EI3K Silent Key — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — XE1/EI7GK QRT — South Dublin Radio Club — Upcoming Events — IRTS HF SSB Field Day — ARRL 10 metre contest results

04-Aug-2002   Silent Key — Scout Special Events — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — XE1/EI7GK — IRTS Contest News — VHF/UHF Field Day — IRTS HF SSB Field Day — DX News — Upcoming Events — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

28-Jul-2002   Silent key EI8IY — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — XE1/EI7GK — 5 MHz — IRTS Contest News — Upcoming Events

21-Jul-2002   On-Line Amateur Radio Maps — IOTA Contest — M40, County Clare — XE1/EI7GK — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Upcoming Events

14-Jul-2002   Limerick Radio Club — XE1/EI7GK — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Short Wave News — Upcoming Events

07-Jul-2002   Amateur Radio Station at Tower Hill, Howth — Blind and Disabled Group EI5HAM — XE1/EI7GK — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Slievenamon Perpetual 70cm Trophy 2002 — Space News — Upcoming Events

30-Jun-2002   Trip to Inishkea — Ring of Imaal walk — Blind and Disabled Group EI5HAM — XE1/EI7GK — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork City Gaol and Radio Museum — Slievenamon Perpetual 70cm Trophy 2002

23-Jun-2002   Trip to Inishkea — XE1/EI7GK — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Slievenamon Perpetual 70cm Trophy 2002 — VHF Field Day 2002 — Digital

16-Jun-2002   Trip to Inishkea — 4 Metre Activity Evening — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Slievenamon Perpetual 70cm Trophy 2002 — VHF Field Day 2002 — World Cup Special Event — Antartic

09-Jun-2002   New Contest Results Published — 6 Metre Shield 2002 — Slievenamon Perpetual 70cm Trophy 2002 — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — FCC Proposes New Bands for US Amateurs — 6 Metre Activation — VHF Field Day 2002 — World Cup Special Event

02-Jun-2002   4 Metre News — 4 & 6 Metre Shields 2002 — Slievenamon Perpetual 70cm Trophy 2002 — Limerick Radio Club — 6 Metre Activation — VHF Field Day 2002 — World Cup Special Event

26-May-2002   VHF News — Slievenamon Prepetual 70cm Trophy 2002 — Limerick Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — 6 Metre Activity — IRTS 2m Counties Contest Results

19-May-2002   Great Blasket Island — Limerick Radio Club — Inishkea Operation — Terenure Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Baltic Contest 2002

12-May-2002   IRTS — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Inishkea Operation — Terenure Rally — Licensing News — Space News — Nuacht na Gaeilge

05-May-2002   South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Rare WAI Squares — Terenure Rally — IRTS — Licensing News — Nuacht na Gaeilge

28-Apr-2002   Nuacht na Gaeilge — Counties Contest Final Reminder — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rare WAI Squares — Terenure Rally — IRTS — Space News

21-Apr-2002   Nuacht na Gaeilge — JOTA — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Rare WAI Squares — DX News

14-Apr-2002   Silent Key — Theory Examination — Nuacht na Gaeilge — JOTA — Enniskillen Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Marconi Day — Upcoming contests

07-Apr-2002   Theory Examination — 2 Metre Counties Contest — JOTA — Worked All Mayo — WEIC Awards — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

31-Mar-2002   EI Counties Contest — 4 Metre Activity — Limerick Radio Club — WEIC Awards — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Worked All Mayo Awards Update — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Pirate Convicted

17-Mar-2002   UK Foundation License : Clarification — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — First EI 6 Metre and VHF DXCC Award Issued — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dates for your Diary — DX News

10-Mar-2002   IRTS Annual Dinner Dance — IRTS Awards — Worked All Mayo Award Winners — More Contest Results — News from Mayo — Limerick Radio Club — Cork Dinner

03-Mar-2002   IRTS Dinner Dance — Cork Radio Club — Rallies — EI6AX on Radio na Gaeltachta — More Contest Results — Cork Dinner — Awards

24-Feb-2002   South Dublin Radio Club — IRTS Dinner Dance — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dayton Hamvention — Contest Results — Cork Dinner — Awards

17-Feb-2002   IRTS Dinner Dance — Bring & Buy At Mayo Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Dinner — Contests — Awards

10-Feb-2002   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network & IRTS AGM — Limerick Radio Club — Terenure Rally — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Band Threat on 70 cm in US — Awards

03-Feb-2002   IRTS AGM & Mayo Rally — Awards — Six Metre Shield — North Kildare Radio Club — East Cork Radio Group (EI7M) — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group

27-Jan-2002   North Kildare Radio Club — East Cork Radio Group (EI7M) — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Awards — DX News

20-Jan-2002   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — DXPedition from Temotu — Awards — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — IRTS Website — DX News — Solar News

13-Jan-2002   IRTS Committee Meeting — WAI Activity — Irish Hour — Cork Radio Club — Change of Website addresses — Atlantic 252 — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — IRTS Website

06-Jan-2002   IRTS Committee Meeting — Great WAI Activity — Change of Website addresses — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Website

23-Dec-2001   Change of Website addresses — IRTS Website — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Dublin Radio Club Celebrates 21st Birthday — Kohei Nishiyama returns to Japan — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Autumn Challenge Winners — DX News — Seasons Greetings from the IRTS

16-Dec-2001   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Space News — WAI Activity — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

09-Dec-2001   South Dublin Radio Club — GB Special Event — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Committee Meeting — UK News — WAI Activity

02-Dec-2001   South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Website — IRTS Committee Meeting — WAI Activity — Contest Dates Confusion — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

25-Nov-2001   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — WAI Activity — Contest Dates Confusion — IRTS Committee Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Russia sticks with the code — International Space Station — Historic Transmission Anniversary

18-Nov-2001   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Fingal Radio Club EI2FRC — WAI Counties Award — Cork Radio Club — New Belgium Award — The 100th Anniversary of Historic Transmission

11-Nov-2001   Fingal Radio Club — ARISS establishes European QSL service — Astronomy Ireland — Leonids Meteor Shower — BEACONet Project

04-Nov-2001   JOTA Report from Bayside Scouts Radio Group (EI4BST) — Radio Amateur in TV appearance — BEACONet Project — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Dublin Radio Club — EI Ham Buy And Sell It Forum

28-Oct-2001   WRC-2003 Dominates Discussion at IARU Council Meeting — Contest Dates Confusion — Irish Amateur Television Club — ODTR — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

14-Oct-2001   News from Fingal Radio Club — London Amateur Radio Show — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Jamboree On The Air — Marconi celebrations at Poldhu, Cornwall — CQ Worldwide SSB Contest

07-Oct-2001   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — DX News — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society — Limerick Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — AO-40 — Euro Changeover

23-Sep-2001   Silent Keys — A Reminder for UHF operators — New Phone Technology in Ireland — Awards — Rally News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — ARRL President praises actions of Radio Amateurs

16-Sep-2001   Attack on America — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — UK Licencing — Rally News — Power Line Internet Access

09-Sep-2001   GW3SDK Silent Key — ODTR holding firm on 12 wpm Morse Requirement — IRTS Committee Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Rally News — UK Licensing — DRM Goes Live

02-Sep-2001   South Dublin Radio Club — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Dalkey Island Contest Group — Rally News — Solar Flare — United Kingdom — First 24 GHz Moonbounce QSO

26-Aug-2001   Limerick Radio Club — Rally News — Moldova Activity Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — UK Licensing — Women's role in Amateur Radio — VK6PM in EI

19-Aug-2001   Rally News — VK6PM in EI — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Windmills on the Air — Space News — India — Expedition to IO55XC abandoned

12-Aug-2001   Theory Exam — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — DX News — Hurricane Watch Net

05-Aug-2001   New WAI Squares Activated — TA2BK, President of TRAC, Silent Key — South Dublin Radio Club — Planning Problems — Meteor Scatter — DX News

29-Jul-2001   Meteor Scatter — DX — South Dublin Radio Club — Planning Problems — Aeronautical Mobile — Theory Exams

22-Jul-2001   IARU HF Championship — Fingal Radio Club — Slievenamon Trophy — Worked EI Counties Award — Islands on the Air Contest — OE2/EI7GK/p — Planning Problems

08-Jul-2001   Results of Spring Counties Contest — Guitar Legend Chet Atkins, W4CGP Silent Key — 70 centimetres contest — QSL Bureau — VHF News — LF News — DX News — Drake Virtual Museum

01-Jul-2001   Little Comfort for Amateurs in ODTR Letter — Results of Spring Counties Contest — News from Galway — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — 70 centimetres contest — DX News — Slide Rule Exhibition — VHF news

24-Jun-2001   Silent Key — IRTS Press Release — Awards — News from Galway — Coast Wireless Station Special Event — 4 Metre Activity Evening — 2 Meter SSB Activity — Short Wave News

17-Jun-2001   Awards — IRTS Committee Meeting — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Radio Club — Ten Metre Beacon — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Radio Amateur Circumnavigating the Globe

10-Jun-2001   Awards — Irish Hour — DX News — CW Field Day — Space News

03-Jun-2001   IRTS AGM 2001 — Fingal Radio Club EI2FRC — DX News — Ten Metre Beacon — Finland — AO-40 News — Predicting Propagation — 5 WPM Morse in Canada

27-May-2001   Six Metre Awards — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — IATV and Microwave Convention — South Dublin Radio Club — Digital HF — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News

20-May-2001   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Six Metre Awards — Internet Repeater Linking Project — IATV and Microwave Convention — South Dublin Radio Club — Space News — AMSAT AO-40 Update — PW QRP Contest Cancelled

13-May-2001   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Six Metre Awards — Worked All Ireland Activity — IATV and Microwave Convention — South Dublin Radio Club — Space News — PW QRP Contest Cancelled

06-May-2001   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Six Metre Awards — IATV and Microwave Convention — CW Field Day — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — AO-40 Update — DX News

29-Apr-2001   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Six Metre Awards — IATV and Microwave Convention — CW Field Day — Dayton Hamvention On-Line — TVI legislation in the UK — Solar News

22-Apr-2001   Spring Counties Contest — Solar Alert — Space News — IMD Event at Ballybunnion Cancelled — DX News

15-Apr-2001   DX News — CQ DX Hall of Fame — 6 metre Repeater — IMD Event at Ballybunnion Cancelled — Worked All Ireland — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Space News

08-Apr-2001   Silent Key — Spring Counties Contest — Cork Radio Club — EI8IC Website — Fingal Radio Club — Upcoming Contests — International Space Station Special Event Day

01-Apr-2001   IRTS AGM Postponed — Spring Counties Contest — 2000 IOTA Contest Results — Slievenamon Shield — Upcoming Contests — Marconi Day

25-Mar-2001   IRTS AGM — Counties Contest — Dundalk Amateur Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — IRTS Awards — World Radio Day — Dayton Hamfest — Worked All Ireland — DX News

18-Mar-2001   IRTS Annual General Meeting — 2 metre SSB — Foot and Mouth Disease in the UK — EI Activity Weekend — DX News — Worked All Ireland — Space News

11-Mar-2001   Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — EI7GK on R na G — South Dublin Radio Club — Rally News — EI Activity Weekend — IRTS Awards — DX News — Worked All Ireland — Space News

04-Mar-2001   Tory Island — Rally News — EI Activity Weekend — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Trans Atlantic — DX News — IRTS Awards — Worked All Ireland

25-Feb-2001   Tory Island Activation — South Dublin Radio Club — Rally News — EI Activity Weekend — Trans Atlantic — DX News — Solar Update

18-Feb-2001   GI0GTJ Silent Key — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Committee Meeting — Rally News — EI Activity Weekend — DX News — Space News

11-Feb-2001   Kieran McCrossan EI4A Silent Key — Irish Amateur Television Club — IRTS Committee Meeting — Rally News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — EI Activity Weekend

04-Feb-2001   Bill Orr W6SAI, Silent Key — South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Tory Island — IRTS Awards — DX News — AMSAT Oscar 40 — World Amateur Radio Day

28-Jan-2001   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Limerick Radio Club — Phoenix Radio Rally — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Cork ATV Group — The Ian Morris Memorial Trophy — DX News — Transatlantic Beacon

14-Jan-2001   HF SSB Field Day Results — Ian Morris Memorial Trophy — Rally News — IRTS Committee Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Space News — 2 metre Transatlantic Beacon — DX News

07-Jan-2001   Worked All Ireland (WAI) — DX News — Rally News — 2 metre Counties Contest Results — Space News

31-Dec-2000   South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Space News

24-Dec-2000   Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Contest News — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — New Awards — Space News — From the President

17-Dec-2000   South Dublin Radio Club — Greetings from Denmark — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Space News

10-Dec-2000   Silent Keys — IRTS Committee Meeting — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contest News — DX News

03-Dec-2000   Joe Carr K4IPV : Silent Key — IRTS Meeting — South Dublin Radio Club Activities — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Space News

26-Nov-2000   Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Worked EI Counties Award — Marconi — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — VP5T DX Results — Phase 3D is now AO-40 — DX News

19-Nov-2000   South Dublin Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — ARRL Contest Results — DX News — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society EI7DAR — Netherlands Special Event — 28MHz SWL Contest

12-Nov-2000   Obituary : Tom Donnellan EI9BG — South Dublin Radio Club — Cork Repeater Group AGM — Space News — Islands on the Air Claimed Scores — Upcoming Contests — Practical Wireless QRP Contest Results — Contest News

05-Nov-2000   Silent Keys — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — IRTS Committee Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Bayside Scout Group — Space News

30-Oct-2000   Wicklow Wireless Society — Cork Repeater Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Packet Radio News — IRTS Committee Meeting — North Wales Rally — Mount Mellary Scout Station — Phase 3D New Launch Date Announced — DX News

29-Oct-2000   Wicklow Wireless Society — Cork Repeater Group — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Cork Radio Club — Packet Radio News — IRTS Committee Meeting — North Wales Rally — Mount Mellary Scout Station — Phase 3D New Launch Date Announced — DX News

22-Oct-2000   Cork Radio Club — Cork Repeater Group — Fingal Radio Club — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Monaghan Radio Club — Phase 3D Launch Delayed Again — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — DX News — Upcoming Contests — Irish Amateur Television Club

15-Oct-2000   Jamboree on the Air — IRTS Committee Meeting — IRTS Web Page — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Monaghan Rally — Upcoming Contests

08-Oct-2000   Monaghan Rally — South Dublin News — IRTS Web Page — Tir Chonaill Radio Society — IRTS Members Handbook — Upcoming Contests — Jamboree On The Air — DX News — New Radio News Editor

01-Oct-2000   Monaghan Rally — VP5T in the CQ WW SSB Contest — Some DX News — Jamboree On The Air — Upcoming Contests — Two Amateurs die in West Timor Violence — VK radio amateurs set to lose 420-430MHz

24-Sep-2000   Cork Rally — IRTS Committee Meeting — Presentation to EI3HH — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — International Space Station — Counties Contest — Tir Chonaill AGM

17-Sep-2000   Tir Chonaill AGM — Luxembourg Special Event Stations — Clive Trotman, GW4YKL, silent key — Phase 3D satellite launch imminent — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Upcoming Contests — Some DX News

10-Sep-2000   Cork Radio Club Rally — Celticon 2000 — Shannon River Run — SSB Field Day — ATV Activity — Inishmurrray Island Activated — Upcoming Contests — IARABD — Jamboree On The Air

03-Sep-2000   South Dublin Radio Club — CW Field Day Results — The Film ‘Frequency’ — Limerick Radio Club — Upcoming Contests — Dates for your diary

27-Aug-2000   SSB Field Day — Shannon Basin Radio Club — Lighthouse Weekend — Worked All Ireland Awards — Counties Contest — Spring Counties Contest Results — News from Mayo — Celticon 2000 — Radio Today to close — IRTS Committee Vacancies — Dates for your diary

20-Aug-2000   Activity from Cavan — Shannon River Run — Counties Contest — Southeast Amateur Radio Group — Intruders on 2 Metres — Dates for your diary

13-Aug-2000   International Lighthouse Weekend — SSB Field Day — Outgoing QSL Cards — Dates for your diary

06-Aug-2000   Islands On The Air — Committee Meeting — Cork Radio Club — South Eastern Group — South Dublin Radio Club — Dates for your diary

30-Jul-2000   IRTS Committee Meeting — South Dublin Radio Club — Phase 3D Amateur Satellite — Solar Flare — Sporadic E

23-Jul-2000   World Radio Sport Team Championship — Cork Radio Club — VK adopts 5 wpm Morse code standard — Galway Radio Club — IOTA Contest — Outgoing QSL Cards — Calls to Watch For — Congratulations

16-Jul-2000   IARU HF World Championship — Outgoing QSL Manager — Theory Exam Results — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Worked All Irish Counties — Dates for Your Diary

09-Jul-2000   Death of Louis Varney G5RV — VHF Field Day — Outgoing QSL Bureau — Slide Rule and Abacus Exhibition — CW Radio News — Fingal Radio Club's Trip to Telford Rally — Dates for Your Diary

02-Jul-2000   Fingal Radio Club — IARU HF Championships and WRTC 2000 — Shannon River Run — Fingal Trip to the Telford Rally — Dates for your Diary

25-Jun-2000   WAI Islands Weekend — Shannon Basin Radio Club — New callsigns — AREN Exercise — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Dates for your Diary

18-Jun-2000   News from Mayo — Cork Radio Club — IRTS Publications — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Contests — Dates for your Diary

11-Jun-2000   North Dublin Radio Club — Spurs sign UT5UDX for £11 million — CW Field Day — WAI Islands Activity next weekend — Blind and Disabled Group, EI5HAM — Dates for your Diary

04-Jun-2000   IRTS QSL Bureau — Practical Wireless QRP Contest — Limerick Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Con VK6PM visiting Dublin — East Cork Group — Dates for your Diary

28-May-2000   CW Field Day — Dublin QRP Club — IRTS Represented at Dayton — Terenure Radio Club Rally — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — WAI Islands Weekend — Dates for your Diary

21-May-2000   CW Field Day — IRTS Committee Meeting — Six Metre Contest — WAI Islands Weekend — North Dublin Radio Club — Dates for your Diary

14-May-2000   Silent Key — IRTS Committee Meeting — Six Metre Award — Contest Rules — Terenure Rally — North Dublin Radio Club — Dayton Hamvention — Dates for your Diary

07-May-2000   Fingal Radio Club Open Day — Terenure Rally — IRTS AGM in Monaghan : Trophy Winners — International Marconi Day — The IPA — Dates for your Diary

30-Apr-2000   IRTS Committee Meeting — Terenure Rally — IRTS AGM in Monaghan : Trophy Winners — WestNet Millennium Award — Limerick Radio Club — IARU 75th Birthday — Dates for your Diary

23-Apr-2000   Late D.C.(Pete)Morris GW2FVZ/EI9CT — Ireland Fund Presentations — International Marconi Day — 2 Metres Counties Contest and Mayo Activity Day — End of an Era : Portishead to close down — South Dublin Radio Club Spring Challenge Results — Enniskillen Rally

16-Apr-2000   IRTS AGM in Monaghan — New Regulations on 6 Metres — Mayo Activity Day — New DXCC Entity — Cork ATV Repeater — International Marconi Day — Dates for your Diary

09-Apr-2000   World Radio Team Championships — On the Air — Back home for a quick visit — CW News Bulletin — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — GM Activity Weekend — Dates for your Diary

26-Mar-2000   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Bayside Scouts — EI2MIL from the Limerick Inn — Limerick Radio Club AGM — Maghera — Dates for your Diary

19-Mar-2000   Cork Radio Club — New DXCC Entity — Fingal Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — South Eastern Radio Group — IRTS AGM — Dates for your Diary

12-Mar-2000   EI Activity Days — Worked All Ireland Awards — Fingal Radio Club — ARRL SSB DX Contest — Limerick Rally — Dates for your Diary

05-Mar-2000   EI Activity Days — Monaghan Radio Club — Year 2000 Club Prize — Fingal Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Dates for your Diary

27-Feb-2000   Worked All Ireland Awards — Limerick Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Millennium DX Marathon — Millennium DXCC Award — Contests — Dates for your Diary

20-Feb-2000   East Cork News — WRTC 2000 — Millennium DX Marathon — Dates for your Diary

06-Feb-2000   IRTS Field Days — Celticon 2000 : Advance Information — South Eastern Radio Group — Guides Thinking Day — South Dublin Radio Club — Dates for your Diary

30-Jan-2000   Autumn Counties Contest Results — Coolmine Rally — South Dublin Radio Club — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Millennium Callsigns — Dates for your Diary

23-Jan-2000   South Dublin Radio Club Spring Challenge — Coolmine Rally — Space News — Contests coming up — New DXCC Awards — Dates for your Diary

16-Jan-2000   Coolmine Rally — IOTA Claimed Scores — Millennium WAI Award — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Dates for your Diary

09-Jan-2000   Licensing Structure Proposals — Internet Access in the UK — IRTS AGM in Monaghan — EI6GS on TG4 — Contests coming up — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Dates for your Diary

02-Jan-2000   Call Sign Listings — North Dublin Radio Club — Millennium DX Marathon — Amateur Television — South Dublin Radio Club — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Dates for your Diary — Message from the news team

19-Dec-1999   Cork Radio Club Christmas Party — XE1/EI7GK — Millennium Club Prize — Silent Key — Repeater on the Internet — Christmas Greetings

12-Dec-1999   EI4DVR, 24cms ATV Transponder — Unidentified carrier on 14.001MHz — Limerick Radio Club — Dates for your Diary

05-Dec-1999   Millennium Club Prize — South Dublin Radio Club — Some DX News — Mayo Dinner & Christmas Party — Space News — Dates for your Diary

21-Nov-1999   South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Contests — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — The new club committee is as follows: — Mayo Dinner & Christmas Party — Dates for your Diary

14-Nov-1999   South Dublin Radio Club — IRTS Contest Entries — Leonids Meteor Shower — Cork Radio Club — EI4HF in Rwanda — Medium Wave DX — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Dates for your Diary

07-Nov-1999   Contests — IRTS Membership — Millennium Call Signs — KP2/EI2CA — Next IRTS Committee Meeting — Club News — Dates for your Diary

31-Oct-1999   Monaghan Rally — Changes To QSL Bureau — Worked All Ireland — Changes to Club prize — IRTS AGM 2000 — Millennium Award — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Dates for your Diary

24-Oct-1999   Bayside Scouts in JOTA — Phase 3-D to be launched aboard an Arianne 5 — North Dublin Radio Club — IARUMS Web Site — Worked All Ireland Activity — Contests — Dates for your Diary

17-Oct-1999   Monaghan Rally — IRTS Committee Meeting — Worked All Ireland — Cork Radio Club — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — QSL Routes for Special Event Stations — Wicklow Wireless Society — Contests — Dates for your Diary

10-Oct-1999   Silent Key — 42nd World Scout Jamboree On The Air (JOTA). — Tir Conaill Radio Club AGM — Cork Repeater AGM — Dates for your Diary

03-Oct-1999   News from Mayo — Limerick Radio Club — Sponsored Studentships — Cork Radio Club Rally — Dates for your Diary

26-Sep-1999   Region 1 Conference — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Special Event Station — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — North Dublin Radio Club — IOTA — Dates for your Diary

19-Sep-1999   Region 1 Conference — Fingal Radio Club — Contests — Rallies — Satellites — Dates for your diary

12-Sep-1999   Cork Radio Club Rally — SSB Field Day — Fingal Radio Club — No more activity from MIR — Dates for your diary

05-Sep-1999   2m Counties Contest — Limerick Radio Club — IRTS Committee meeting — Midland Radio Experimenters Club — Fingal Radio Club — South Dublin Radio Club — Dates for your diary

29-Aug-1999   Amateur Radio Emergency Network — CW Field Day — IRTS Committee meeting — Midland Radio Experimenters Club — SSB Field Day — Dates for your diary

22-Aug-1999   2 Metres Counties Contest — North Monaghan Hobby Radio and Computer Exhibition — Solar Eclipse Experiments — Dates for your diary

15-Aug-1999   West Coast Islands Activated — Good PR for the Hobby — 2 Metres Counties Contest — Lighthouse Weekend — Scottish DX Convention and Dinner — Dates for your diary

08-Aug-1999   Packet Radio — Ireland’s Eye — Tall Ships — DX News courtesy of the OPDX bulletin — Dates for your diary

01-Aug-1999   Islands On The Air Contest — Mayo Radio Experimenters Success At Theory Exam — Upcoming Worked All Ireland Island Activity — Dates for your diary

25-Jul-1999   Amateur Radio on the International Space Station — Silent Key — News input — New Licensing in the UK — Dates for your diary

18-Jul-1999   Radio News in the Irish Language — Millennium DX Marathon — Islands On the Air Contest — Worked All Ireland — AMSAT-UK Colloquium — Dates for your diary

11-Jul-1999   Museum Ship Special Event — VHF/UHF Field Day — Brendan Trophy Attempt — Space News — Dates for your diary

04-Jul-1999   Silent Keys — Donegal Rally — Celticon 2000 — Brendan Trophy Attempt — Lug Walk AREN Exercise — Dates for your diary

27-Jun-1999   Dundalk Amateur Radio Society — Limerick Radio Club — Worked All Ireland — VHF/UHF Field Day — Dates for your diary

20-Jun-1999   Donegal Rally — Limerick Radio Club — USA implement CEPT T/R 61-01 — Worked All Ireland — IRTS Committee Meeting — Dates for your diary

13-Jun-1999   North Dublin Radio Club AGM — CW Field Day — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society AGM — Cork Radio Club — Arranmore Island Operation — Worked All Ireland — Looking ahead

06-Jun-1999   Midlands Radio Club — IRTS Meeting — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society AGM — Cork Radio Club — GM Award — Looking ahead

30-May-1999   South Dublin Radio Club — Aranmore Island next weekend — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — The Brendan Trophies attempt — Looking ahead

23-May-1999   Aranmore Island activation — Mayo Radio Experimenters — Worked All Ireland Awards — The Brendan Trophies attempt — The Southeastern Amateur Radio Group — Looking ahead

16-May-1999   Wicklow Wireless Society — IRTS Committee Meeting — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group Celebrate Win — Islands on the Air awards presented — Galway Marconi Station — Looking ahead

09-May-1999   IRTS Annual General Meeting — Wicklow Wireless Society — Dundalk Amateur Radio Society AGM — Special Prefixes for Scotland and Wales — Worked All Ireland News — Looking ahead

02-May-1999   Silent Key — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Wicklow Wireless Society — Marconi Day Report — Tipperary AREN — Looking ahead

25-Apr-1999   IRTS Annual General Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Wicklow Wireless Society — Cork Radio Club — ZL9CI Cards — Brendan Trophies — Looking ahead

18-Apr-1999   IRTS Annual General Meeting — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Coast Stations Special Event — Limerick Radio Club — Brendan Trophies — Looking ahead

11-Apr-1999   Silent Key : Hugh Irvine GI3TLT — Counties Contest — Coast Stations Special Event — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Worked All Ireland — Looking ahead

04-Apr-1999   Counties Contest — Coast Stations Special Event — IRTS Annual General Meeting — John Alloy G3FKM — Worked All Ireland Web Site — Terenure College Radio Club

28-Mar-1999   Counties Contest — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Cork Radio Club AGM — South Eastern AGM — Tipperary Classes — Limerick Radio Club — Looking ahead

21-Mar-1999   Ballybunion Marconi Station 1999 — IRTS Mailshot — East Cork AGM — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group — Looking ahead

14-Mar-1999   Limerick Rally — EI Activity Day — Wexford Radio Group — SSB Field Day Results — WAI Activity — Looking ahead

07-Mar-1999   IRTS Committee Meeting — Islands on the Air results — South Dublin AGM — WAI Activity — VK6 Island activity — Looking ahead

28-Feb-1999   Wicklow Wireless Society — New Prefix VY0 — E44DX caused a major stir — DX'ers Investigated — DX News — Looking ahead

21-Feb-1999   Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Annual Sale — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group — Worked All Mayo/Worked All Ireland — Worked All Ireland on 40 metres — South Dublin Radio Club — End may be near for MIR — Looking ahead

14-Feb-1999   JY1 Silent Key — Worked All Mayo/Worked All Ireland — Tipperary Amateur Radio Group Theory Classes — Palestine — South Dublin Radio Club — Phoenix Amateur Radio Club Annual Sale — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — EI Activity Day

07-Feb-1999   Limerick Radio Club — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society — Satellite News — EI Coast Stations end Morse Transmissions — T37 Wicklow Activated — South Eastern Amateur Radio Group

31-Jan-1999   South Dublin Spring Challenge — IRTS AGM in Dundalk — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Campbell Island DXpedition — Contest News

24-Jan-1999   IRTS on the Net — Space News — Limerick Lecture — Campbell Island DXpedition — Contest News

03-Jan-1999   IRTS Committee Meeting — Millennium DX Marathon — EI : HL Day (13/12/98) — International Space Station — Campbell Island DXpedition — 30 YEAR OLD MOUSE

27-Dec-1998   Millennium DX Marathon — Campbell Island DXpedition — EI9HC Moves to County Meath — IRTS Committee Meeting — MIR ACTIVE ON SSTV — RS-18 HAS GONE SILENT

20-Dec-1998   ODTR responds to submissions — Another Radio Amateur Head of State — Kells Radio Club — Fingal Radio Club — Mount Leinster Repeater back in action — Christmas Greetings

13-Dec-1998   RSGB President's Installation — EI : HL Day — IARU Conference — Scheveningen Radio — New callbook — South Dublin Radio Club Christmas Party

06-Dec-1998   Silent Key — AREN Meeting in Athlone — Contests — Coast Stations Special Event — 75th Anniversary of first transatlantic QSO

29-Nov-1998   Faraday's Final Riddle — Leonids meteor shower — DX News — Upcoming Contests — International Space Station — IARU Conference

22-Nov-1998   AREN Meeting — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network AGM 1998 — New Sputnik in orbit — International Space Station — CQ World Wide CW Contest next weekend — Thanks

15-Nov-1998   Tipperary Radio Group AGM — Limerick Radio Club — Upcoming Contests — Club News

08-Nov-1998   Donegal Rally & Dance — London Rally — Islands On The Air — The Leonids' Meteor Shower — DX News — Radio News Input

01-Nov-1998   Jamboree on the Air — CQ WW SSB Contest — Get Well Wishes to EI3HH — CW News — Sydney Olympics to affect 70cm for local amateurs — HALO Aircraft

25-Oct-1998   Monaghan Rally — Jamboree on the Air — Mayo AGM — PW QRP Contest — Donegal Rally and Dance — IARABD

18-Oct-1998   EI4HF in Sudan — Tipperary AREN on the Galtees — Upcoming HF Contests — Rallies — EI1M cards ready for despatch — Help Wanted — Greetings from Wales

11-Oct-1998   South Dublin Classes — Jamboree On The Air — Millennium DX Marathon — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society AGM — Rallies — Cork Radio Club — Fingal Rally at Ballsbridge — IRTS Committee Meeting

04-Oct-1998   South Dublin Classes — Jamboree On The Air — LF Allocation licensed in Russia — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network AGM — Rallies — Upcoming HF Contests — News on the MIR Space Station — IRTS Committee Meeting

27-Sep-1998   City of Dublin Radio Club — Fingal Rally — Cork Rally last Sunday — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network AGM — Packet Cluster Changes — Upcoming HF Contests

20-Sep-1998   Marquesas Islands & Austral Islands Added to DXCC List — Limerick Repeater — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society — Jamboree On The Air — 2 Metre Counties Contest — Cork Repeater AGM — Rallies

13-Sep-1998   Cork Rally next Sunday — Tir Conaill Amateur Radio Society — World Amateur Radio Day — 2 Metre Counties Contest — EI3TSR Operation at Tall Ships' Race — Cork Repeater AGM — Tipperary AREN and GPS — Upcoming HF Contests — WAI Activity — Wicklow Wireless Society

06-Sep-1998   Silent Key — Worked All Ireland — Fixed Wireless Point to Multi-point access services — 2 Metres Counties Contest — Silent Key — IRTS Committee Meeting — Cork Repeater AGM — Cork Rally — Limerick AREN Exercise

30-Aug-1998   South Dublin Radio Club — Limerick Radio Club — Report of a stolen radio — Rallies — Limerick Repeater — EI4HF goes to Sudan — IRTS Contests — CW News Bulletin — Midland Radio Club

23-Aug-1998   VHF Openings — Worked All Ireland — New DXCC Country — Rallies — More Shipboard CW to be dropped — DX News

16-Aug-1998   Tall Ships in Dublin — VHF Openings — Worked All Ireland — South Dublin Radio Club

09-Aug-1998   Dun Laoghaire Special Event Station EI1M — Radio Amateur Prime Minister of Japan — South Dublin Radio Club — SSB Field Day — Wicklow Wireless Society — Fingal Rally Trip — Worked All Ireland Award News — DX News

02-Aug-1998   Tipperary News — Islands On The Air Contest — South Dublin Munros — Dundalk EI1OOM — Planning Court Case — Cork Repeater

28-Jun-1998   Limerick Radio Club — IRTS Committee Meeting — Four Metre First — Packet Developments — Canada Day Contest — VHF/UHF Field Day

21-Jun-1998   Donegal Radio Club — IRTS Committee Meeting — WestNet visit the Saltees — Andy Thomas says thanks from MIR — National Packet Meeting — HF Bands

14-Jun-1998   Tipperary A.R.E.N. — CW Field Day — Midland Radio Experimenters Group — Worked All Ireland Activity — Morse Testing — Missing RSGB 7MHz Contest Logs — Last US Flight to MIR

07-Jun-1998   WestNet visit the Saltees — Worked All Ireland Activity — Elphin Windmill on The Air — New IOTA Club Category — Worked All GI Award — Fly your QSL on Phase 3-D

31-May-1998   IRTS Committee Meeting — National Packet Meeting — Field Days — Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP Contest — MIR Space Station — QSL Bureau

24-May-1998   IOTA Listings — Galway Mamturk Walk — CW Field Day — CQWW WPX Contest — Marconi Centenary Celebrations

10-May-1998   Tipperary News — New Frequency Allocation Book — Fingal Rally in Ballsbridge — Repeater News — IRTS Contests — Marconi Day in Ballybunion

03-May-1998   Mayo Club — IRTS AGM Trophy Presentations — Midland Radio Experimenters — Fingal Rally in Ballsbridge — Repeater News — IRTS Committee Meeting — Carlow and District Amateur Radio Group

26-Apr-1998   IRTS Dinner and Rally — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Upcoming events

19-Apr-1998   IRTS AGM — Limerick Radio Club — 2 Metre Counties Contest on Easter Monday — International Marconi Day — Fingal Exhibition in Jurys — Phase 3-D Satellite

12-Apr-1998   IRTS AGM — East Cork AREN — 2 Metre Counties Contest on Easter Monday — Low Band Activity — Worked All Ireland Awards

05-Apr-1998   2 Metre Counties Contest on Easter Monday — IRTS AGM — Monaghan Radio Rally — Midland Radio Experimenters Club — Global Positioning System marks 20th anniversary — Fingal Exhibition in Jurys

29-Mar-1998   Cork Radio Club AGM — Limerick Radio Club — IRTS AGM — Mayo Radio Experimenters Network — Ballymena Golden Jubilee — Worked All Ireland

22-Mar-1998   International Marconi Day — Campbell Island ZL9 — IRTS AGM — Frank Lewis EI2VBV/W3JGM — EI Activity Day — Dayton Hamvention

15-Mar-1998   Communications Technology in the Community — Limerick Rally — IRTS AGM — Marconi Centenary Celebrations — EI Activity Days — South Dublin Radio Club

08-Mar-1998   EI Activity Day — Islands On The Air Contest — South Dublin Radio Club AGM — Club Annual General Meetings next week — Transatlantic Beacons — VHF Newsheet — Rallies

01-Mar-1998   Silent Key — IRTS AGM — Club Annual General Meetings — IRTS Web Page — Blind & Disabled Group — Worked all Ireland activity — Rallies

22-Feb-1998   IRTS AGM — Club Annual General Meetings — East Cork A.R.E.N. — Phoenix Rally — Marconi Lecture — Morse Testing — South Dublin Spring Challenge

15-Feb-1998   New LF Band Authorised in EI — EI6GS on Radio na Gaeltachta — South Dublin Radio Club — South East Amateur Radio Group — East Cork A.R.E.N. — Trinity College Amateur Radio Club — DXCC News

08-Feb-1998   City of Dublin A. R. C. : Sale of the late EI7CL shack contents — Coolmine Rally — South Dublin Radio Club — South East Amateur Radio Group — Dutch Contest — KD5CHF/VK5MIR Swaps places with KC5VPF aboard MIR — Spratly Island DXpedition

01-Feb-1998   South Dublin Radio Club Spring Challenge — Coolmine Rally — Worked All Ireland — Sale of the late EI7CL shack contents. — IRTS Annual General Meeting — Enniskillen Rally — Searching for Intelligent Signals from Space

File count: 1350   Item count: 11308
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